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December 24 1896/1996

Herrick Centre – The Baptist people are building some sheds in the rear of the church. A long-felt want. AND F.A. Burdick has built a new shop just east of C.I. Baker’s hardware store.

Susquehanna – Beginning on Monday, a new railway postal service was established between Susquehanna and Scranton, with Mr. Conrad of Glenwood as route agent Palmer’s Erie train will carry the mail over the Jefferson branch to Carbondale from whence a Delaware and Hudson connecting train will carry it to Scranton. Jefferson branch towns will hereafter have the benefit of a morning mail from the west, and an evening mail from the south.

Rush – The Rush Cornet Band is composed mainly of young, hardworking farmers and mechanics, they of the “horny band” whose hours of practice are necessarily limited that they have attained such proficiency is a credit to their instructors, their own genius and industry that they have catered so generously to the public pleasure. But bands are expensive institutions. They can’t subsist on wind alone, money is as necessary as breath; so to obtain the necessary funds they have decided to give a New Year’s ball in Shaner’s Hall. The Hall has just had a new spring floor laid by that master mechanic. Oscar Bunnell, and they propose to have it waxed for this initial ball. A chicken pie supper will be served by the host of the Rush House in the usual first-class manner.

Montrose – The several churches will celebrate Christmas in appropriate fashion. On Christmas eve the Baptist school will have fitting exercises at 7 o’clock followed by the appearance of Santa Claus via the chimney route. On the same evening at the Methodist-Episcopal church, at 7:30, a pleasing program will be rendered by the little folks, followed by “picking” the Christmas tree. On Christmas night, the Presbyterian school has a “Santa Claus on time” and a Christmas tree. The school at St. Paul’s will, the same evening, give a special program, coupled with a Christmas tree. Also, for the same evening, the Zion church is preparing a fitting program and for a distribution of presents. [No program reported in the newspapers for Holy Name of Mary.]

Lanesboro – Misses Mabel Taylor, Mary Donovan and Ina Brownell, students of the Stroudsburg State Normal School, are at home for the holidays.

Springville – Something novel is being constructed at the milk station. It is an ice chute or slide from the pond to the ice house – a distance of 15 rods. This will do away with teams and wagons as heretofore used.

Friendsville – The spelling contest between the pupils of the Middletown and Friendsville schools, which took place in the Parochial Hall here the 11th inst. was witnessed by nearly 300 people. Although the Middletown pupils proved that they knew how to spell, the prize was won by Misses Mary Walsh and Annie Dugan, both of the Friendsville School.

South Auburn – While skating on Carlin pond Sunday afternoon, Dec. 20, Charles Jackson broke through the ice and before assistance reached him he was drowned. His lifeless body was recovered in about an hour and conveyed to his home where his grief stricken parents and sorrowing wife were almost crushed with this sudden blow. Many sympathizing friends and neighbors gathered to express their sympathy in any loving deed which they could render. The deceased was about 22 years of age and was married last spring to Mrs. Ida Hall. He also has six brothers and sisters which are living near.

Harford – Miss Grace Harding, of S. Harford, commenced her school in Gibson again last week. It has been closed three weeks on account of diphtheria’s destructive work among the scholars. Two of her pupils died with it.

Jackson – The school in this place, taught by Floyd Gingham, has been closed on account of diphtheria.

Thomson – We are informed that Stephen Hubbard has traded his grist mill for a farm belonging to Eli Bloxham.

Fair Hill – The new bell on the Fairdale church can be heard very plainly in this place.

Lathrop – Dennis Johnson recently purchased a one-horse threshing machine and fodder cutter.

Liberty – Dr. Butterfield, representing the State Veterinary Board, killed four cows affected with tuberculosis, at J.W. Wilbur’s in Liberty, last week. They were of the common mixed breeds. The Doctor says that the impression that the disease is found almost wholly among Jerseys, is not correct. All cattle are liable to it. The state usually pays for the cattle killed.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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