Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
December 22 1922/2022
Susquehanna – The Elkland block, a four-story brick structure at a Erie avenue and Main street, was badly damaged and the stock and furniture in the stores and apartments partially rained on by fire which broke out at 7:45 Monday and raged for an hour before the firemen succeeded in getting it under control. The fire that originated in a closet in the apartment of John Matthews, was discovered by a woman who rushed into Reddon’s drug store and summoned the Erie Hose Company and the Chemical Engine Company which made rapid runs to the scene. The block, formerly Hotel Oakland, is owned by John J. McGinty, of South Windsor.
Dimock – Mrs. A. T. Cope and son, Francis R. Cope, went to Philadelphia, December 7th, where Mrs. Cope will spend the winter. Mr. Cope will remain there until Christmas, when he will return with his wife and daughter [Theodora], who will spend the holidays here; then all will return to Germantown.
Gibson – Gibson Star Grange, 924, made arrangements with Bro. Amzie Lewis, to look after the fire escape when it comes and bring it from Kingsley.
Thompson – Mrs. M. E. Cash has for sale some very fine pieces of hand-painted china. She is now located on the first floor of W. S. Wright’s residence. Anyone desiring to purchase some hand-painted ware would do well to look over her assortment.
Montrose – At a recent meeting of the officers and directors of the Montrose Cemetery Association, a delegation from the Dr. Ellen Mitchell Tent, Daughters of Veterans, requested that a plot in the cemetery be set aside as a memorial to the veterans of all wars. On this plot it is proposed to erect a tablet suitably inscribed and possibly a flag pole. The subject was presented by Miss Nina Sines and Mrs. Rebecca Benedict, and the Association, through its officers, expressed its hearty approval of the project. The ladies said their real purpose is to co-operate with the Association in further beautifying the cemetery and that they hoped to plant hardy bulbs and shrubs at points in the cemetery and along its borders where it would add noticeably to the burial ground’s appearance. A committee was appointed to locate a suitable plot for their needs, in conjunction with members of the D. of V.
Uniondale – Mrs. Etta Payne, aged 70 years, of Uniondale, died at her home Sunday evening, the result of injuries received in a fall several weeks ago when she fractured her left hip. She was one of the prominent residents of this place, a member of the M. E. church. Surviving are her sons, Edward, of Orson; Earl L. Payne, of Uniondale, and Floyd Rounds, of Forest City. ALSO D. B. Gibson, one of Uniondale’s well-known horsemen, had a narrow escape at Deming’s Crossings, one of the worst death traps along the Jefferson branch, a few days ago, according to an item appearing in the Forest City News. He was driving his coupe an owing to the slippery condition of the roads, could not stop and it collided with a passing train. Fortunately, Mr. Gibson was not injured but the coupe was damaged considerably.
Lenoxville – Howard Stephens, the well-known and persuasive automobile man, was engaged in Montrose Saturday, being accompanied by other popular Lenox township men, E. M. Barnes and J. E. Severance, all of whom brightened our [Democrat] office by a pleasant call.
Auburn Corners – Pern Harris, of this place, regaled his friends with new stories. He told us that the sleighing was never better between Montrose and Auburn Corners, but as one approached Meshoppen the snow gradually became thinner, the ground becoming bare about two miles this side of Meshoppen. One would hardly look for such a difference in atmospheric conditions in such a short distance, less than twenty miles. It is little wonder that people down the valley, to be funny, ask in August how the sleighing is up in Montrose.
Forest Lake – The Boys’ Brotherhood Class of the Forest Lake Sunday school will hold a social and skating party at Forest Lake, Friday night, Dec. 29. Supper will be served at the hall and there will be games for those not caring to skate. Ladies, please bring cake, sandwiches or salad. Bring your skates.
South Ararat – Thomas Avery passed away at his home near Burnwood early Friday morning. He had been in poor health for several years. Another old soldier has answered the roll call. The funeral was held from the home on Sunday afternoon. Burial in Ararat cemetery.
Great Bend – Imagine your auto being stolen here in Susquehanna county and then a couple of nights later, while sitting in your living room, you heard a voice from way out in Pittsburgh announcing that a machine has been recovered by the police and describing your auto exactly. Sounds like Jules Verne, doesn’t it? Yet that is what happened this week. Saturday the Nash auto of H. J. Baker was stolen from his garage and on Monday, at the house of friends of Mr. Baker, at Windsor, the family was listening to a radio receiving set. Pittsburgh was “in contact” and his family heard a report being given by the Pittsburgh police of the recovery of the machine at West Pittsburgh with a description.
News Briefs: The treasury department in Washington is preparing to make a real old time bottled-in-bond whiskey available at all drug stores—on prescription, of course. Representations having been made to Secretary Mellon as to the unreliable quality of medicinal liquors, at present obtainable at many of the nation’s drug stores, it has practically been decided to unlock some of the huge supplies of “real stuff” now held in warehouses under government bonds. At the same time, the treasury, it is understood, will remove the restrictions hitherto imposed on the amount of liquor which drug stores may obtain and possess per quarter. This action is dictated, it is stated, by a desire to assure a continuity of supply of the proper “stuff” to invalids whose condition requires regular doses of whiskey. ALSO A cold wave had been in progress in various sections of the country for the past few days, reaching here Monday night, with a vengeance. C. H. Lake told us that the mercury got down to eight below zero in Springville. Merchant Joe West told us that four below was reported in his village. B. L. Bailey, of Lawsville Center found the mercury hovering around zero at six o’clock that morning, while C. E. Russell,, who lives within a mile of Mr. Bailey, reported it eight below at his home.
Compiled By: Betty Smith