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December 22 1905/2005

Oakland - Maude Haynes, the 12-year-old girl who disappeared Wednesday afternoon of last week, and for whom every effort has been made to locate, is believed to have been drowned in the Susquehanna river. At Wilkes-Barre, on Wednesday, the body of a young girl was seen floating down the river with the anchor ice, but the remains drifted rapidly out of sight before they could secure a boat and rescue them. The body was again seen at Nanticoke, but could not be caught owing to the floating ice. Every known theory has been advanced in this mysterious case, among which are abduction, kidnapping for ransom, murder, accidental drowning, etc. The river at Susquehanna has been dragged and detectives have worked ceaselessly following up the slightest clues without result. It is probably that the $200 reward offered will create still further efforts.

Montrose - Wm. Spence, an aged and respected colored resident of Montrose, is on a visit to Virginia, his early home, where he was a slave in early life. AND The best kind of Christmas present is one that lasts a year. Take a subscription in the Montrose Library, only $1.50 for a year, and you will have the reading of several hundred books--juveniles, travel, history, biography--and the best of fiction. Among new books, Burbank's Plant Life, Mem's Sydney Laurier, Sabina, The Debtor, The Social Secretary, The Man of the Hour, The Shuttle, The Wheel of Life, etc., etc.

Hallstead - It is reported that Roger Cole and Ed Summers, of New Milford and Summersville, have captured the $25 prize offered by the Hallstead bank for the largest load of people brought into that town on Wednesday. The load was drawn by three teams of horses and consisted of about 100 people.

Lanesboro - John Caul was found on Sunday on Main St., nearly frozen to death. His hands and feet were black and he was in a pitiable condition generally. He was removed to the City Hospital in this place where he received needed attention. It is uncertain, as yet, we understand, whether or not amputation will be necessary. AND James Buckley renewed his subscription to the Independent Republican and wrote: "I cannot claim the honor of being the oldest reader, but I began to read it just 50 years ago, when there wasn't a baker's dozen of Irish Republicans in Susquehanna county. Now the woods are full of them." We can put Mr. Buckley down as certainly being one of our oldest subscribers and a good staunch Republican.

Rhiney Creek, Liberty Twp. - Chas. Roe, while returning from Binghamton one day last week, heard cries of distress, upon investigation he found Mr. Shipman, of Conklin Forks, with a broken ankle. He assisted the injured man to his home, then went to the woods for the team where Mr. S. had gone for wood when the accident occurred.

Jackson - Mrs. C. T. Tracy died Nov. 13th at Ripon, Wisconsin, at the age of 85. She was born in Jackson and her two brothers, Evander and Emerson Tucker, are living there.

Glenwood - On the night of Dec. 12th or morning of the 13th, G. N. Bennett's store and postoffice was entered and robbed of considerable money besides other goods. There is trouble in store for some one.

Dimock - On Wednesday, December 6, the ladies of this place, instigated by Mrs. G. E. Chamberlain, in honor of Mrs. Harriet Baker's 88th birthday, made her a pleasant surprise by leaving at her home a bountiful donation in the line of provisions and wearing apparel; also three tons of coal, and $3.20 solicited by E. L Titman of the men. This aged lady is a dear mother of Israel, exemplifying great faith. Just the day previous, ignorant of what was being done in her behalf, she remarked to Mrs. Titman: "My wood is almost gone. Well, there will be some way provided." And surely her faith was rewarded in abundance. God bless such faith.

Uniondale - Another daring robbery was committed near Uniondale on Wednesday night of last week. The methods pursued were much the same as those in the Avery robbery at Ararat and leads to the belief that there is an organized gang of dangerous men in this vicinity. The latest victims are two old men, Simon and John Litcavitz, who about a year ago moved from Forest City to the Freeman Carpenter farm at Carpenter's crossing, near the upper end of Stillwater. The two old men, who are twins, work the farm and do their own housework. The night of the robbery they were awakened by a crash against their door which forced it open and instantly five masked men entered the room. At least two of them had revolvers. In loud tones they demanded the valuables of the old men and pointing their weapons gave them until five was counted to reveal the hiding place of their money. The old men became almost palsied with fear and turned over $27 which was all they had in the house. After a search in which two watches and a razor were taken the men departed.

New Milford - Frank Everett had the misfortune to have a valuable mare get her leg broken and she had to be killed. Also Nate Darrow, while on his way to town at the top of Mott Hill, one of his horses fell dead. Also, Mr. Keeney lost one of his span, it was sick only a few hours. AND The electric lights which have recently been placed in the Presbyterian church are giving excellent satisfaction.

Heart Lake - The skating is extra fine on the Lake.

Great Bend - Robert Shirlaw, who has been connected for some time with the Pennsylvania Tanning Company at Great Bend, died Monday evening. He was 30 years of age and is survived by a wife and two children.

Forest City - A big turkey will be given to the person making the highest score in our bowling alley, between Saturday, Dec. 23 and Saturday, Dec. 30 by Joseph Zaller, Muchitz Building, Forest City. We have a full line of candies, tobacco and cigars.

Brooklyn - One of the most solemn and impressive chapel services ever held in Allegheny college, Meadville, Pa., occurred in the exercises on Thursday morning, Dec. 14th, following the sudden and tragic death of Mrs. Louise Heim Breed, the beloved wife of Prof. R. S. Breed, Ph. D. [formerly of Brooklyn], who met her death in the street car accident the evening before. During the first two hours of recitation there seemed to be an unusual stillness throughout the college grounds. All this reached its greatest intensity in the chapel service. The previous evening's tragedy had made a deep and lasting impression on the minds of all. The honored and esteemed wife of one of the most honored and beloved professors had been suddenly snatched away by the hand of death. After the service the remains were brought to Brooklyn. Mrs. Breed was born in 1878 and married in 1900. Her husband and infant daughter survive her.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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