Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 21 1906/2006
Montrose - Willis Bishop Deans, who died Dec. 19th, was born in Montrose, Aug. 11, 1825, but his boyhood was spent on his father's farm in Bridgewater township, not far from South Montrose. He made good use of the best educational advantages available in his time, especially at Harford Academy. He came to Montrose to reside in 1848, and about a year afterward engaged in the Daguerreotype business, in which he continued until after the war of 1861. After that he kept a book and stationery store until his health failed in 1895. In 1855 he was united in marriage with Miss Anna Reynolds and two children survive, James Willis of Passaic, N.J. and Miss Lottie, of Montrose. AND Misses Annie and Mamie O'Neill have rented the Wm. M. Post residence on South Main Street, formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. James P. Taylor, and after April 1st, will conduct a first-class boarding house within its walls.
Great Bend - It is stated plans are being made for the enlargement of the industrial population here, which if carried out will make that village one of the largest manufacturing towns along the line of the Erie railroad. An impetus to the manufacturing spirit of the place has been given by the successful building up of the Pennsylvania Tanning Company's plant, which is the only one of its kind in the country making over 30 different grades of chamois leather. Vice President and general manager, Norman H. Parke of the tanning company, has announced that a large amount of new work is to be started soon, including the erection of a new dry house. Negotiations are now being carried on with the Lackawanna Railroad for the rebuilding of the old crossover from Hallstead across the Susquehanna to Great Bend and it is stated upon good authority that if this is done the Ballantine Brewery, of Scranton, will establish a branch brewery here.
Springville - Christmas eve there will be appropriate exercises, including a Christmas tree, at the M. E. Church.
Susquehanna - Saturday night about 11 o'clock, Church Hill was the scene of a shooting affair, but no one was injured. The cause of the disturbance was a woman who had a friend with her, and two other young men tried to get the girl away from the other party, who began to shoot. This female damsel has caused a great deal of talk since she has been here, and the officers should look after her in the future. AND The bowling contest at Edwards' parlors for the ten highest games, before Christmas, is creating a great deal of interest.
Jones Lake, Bridgewater Twp. - About 100 "sons of toil" predestinated to Jones' Lake Sunday afternoon, and limbered up their muscles by gliding over its glassy surface awhile. One fellow averred he could see no harm in taking an hour's exercise, as long as he had put in his ten hours a day, and "paid his tithes" on Sunday.
Hop Bottom - Mrs. Kate Turner lost two silk embroidered table doilies, on Main street, one day last week; they were wrapped in a newspaper and the finder will confer a great favor by returning them to the owner.
South Auburn - Punderson Benninger had the misfortune to lose a horse last week. AND At Pleasant Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Oakley, of Auburn Centre, visited A. L. Mericle and family, Saturday evening and Sunday and entertained them with some very fine music on their phonograph.
Uniondale - Farmers are still busy loading cars with apples and bailed hay, at the upper end of the switch, while at the lower end another set are being filled with mine props and lumber.
Silver Lake Twp. - A jolly party of young people thoroughly enjoyed the skating on Laurel Lake, Sunday.
New Milford - E. B. Stillwell, of Binghamton, was found dead in bed at the Thomas House, Thursday morning. Mr. Stillwell has been painting scenery for the Opera House, and has been here since last September. He has a wife in New York; also relatives in Scranton. His funeral was held at the Opera House yesterday. Interment in the New Milford Cemetery.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - The Batchelor's Club was royally entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lane, Friday evening, Dec. 14. Music and games were indulged in until about midnight when a bountiful repast was served, which was up to the Queen's taste in every respect; the only feature the writer did not like was when it came time to go home. AND Since the Middletown supervisors have gone to purchasing town supplies on a large scale, what would be the matter with buying some street lamps? They could be used to advantage on the road leading from Middletown Centre to Jackson Valley, by those who have to travel them after dark.
Franklin - This town is growing very fast; we have two barber shops, Thomas Scott is proprietor of one, and Geo. French, the other.
Harford - Sunday morning Rev. W. Usher will preach a Christmas Sermon at Cong. Church "How Christ has enriched the worlds'life" [with] special music. The Christmas exercises and tree on Monday evening.
News Briefs: The city of Binghamton will remove about 500 bodies from the old abandoned Eldridge cemetery on the North side and the same will be buried in some spot designated by the city. The grounds of the old cemetery will then be cut up into building lots and sold by the city. A possibly dangerous situation confronts the grave diggers, the question of contamination from smallpox having arisen. Several prominent physicians of the city have propounded the question of "What will be the result of opening the graves of those persons who died from smallpox?" Although years have passed since a number of persons who died from the dread disease were interred in the burial ground, there are physicians who maintain that there is still danger in digging up and transferring these bones. Other physicians contend that after a body has remained buried for a few years, every danger of contamination is removed by the chemical action of the earth and the germs destroyed. And there you are! AND The substitution of modern enameled ware for the old-fashioned copper and iron cooking vessels is believed by Prof. William H. Diffenbach, of New York, to be largely responsible for the increase in the number of cases of cancer of the stomach. He also says that the X-ray produces cancer.
Compiled By: Betty Smith