Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 21 1900/2000
Franklin Forks - Our Xmas tree was a grand success and was well loaded with presents both useful and ornamental. A grand feature of the evening was Santa Claus with his load of candy which he distributed among the little ones amid shouts of laughter at his funny antics and the jingling of bells.
Harford - The Christmas service, "Hail Emanuel," was very nicely rendered by the Sunday school and choir of the Congregational church, and we would make special mention of the little folks who did their part so nicely. Much credit is due to those who had charge.
Lanesboro - While a party of young people were skating on the Susquehanna river, four miles north of here, on Saturday night, the ice broke. Miss Ida McKune of State Line, and Arthur Munson, of Lanesboro, went into the water. Miss McKune disappeared, but Munson was pulled out by his companions. He hurried to the farm house to alarm the people, and after he had returned, he skated into an air hole and was drowned. A large rescue party set to work and worked all night and until the middle of Sunday morning, when the bodies were recovered. Miss McKune is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James McKune of State Line. She had charge of the telephone Central at State Line. Mr. Munson was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Munson of Lanesboro. for several months he had been employed in the Erie boiler shop. Both were graduates of the Lanesboro High School and both were highly respected.
Little Meadows - The Rev. W. H. Stang and wife were the glad recipients of several tokens of good will at Christmas time. A beautiful set of LaBelle china dishes, valued at $12.00, a half dozen fruit plates and four dollars in cash.
Susquehanna - It is reported that the Erie Railroad Company will purchase Canavan's Island, just west of this station, and take heroic measures to make it no longer a famous tramp rendezvous.
Rush - Lee Shadduck, who is attending school at Mansfield, is spending his vacation with his parents at Rushville. AND Lee Hickok, who is attending the Baltimore Medical College, is spending a fortnight with his parents.
Apolacon - Ray Barton has purchased the famous trotting horse of W. H. Minehan. Consideration $259. AND John McGrath, while hunting raccoons one day last week, came in contact with what seems to be a bear, and only for the immediate assistance of Hugh Regan, would have been killed perhaps.
Fairdale - The Christmas exercises passed off very pleasantly at the church; the Brown boys performing their part well. The presents on the tree were numerous and valuable. The church was well filled.
West Auburn - Harry Yonker and Miss Belle Sterling, both of this place, were united in marriage by Rev. J. S. Custard, Dec. 24.
Montrose - On Wednesday evening, at the home of H. W. Beach, a Republican representative had the pleasure of inspecting the most unique arrangement for the illumination of a Christmas tree that he had ever witnessed. Mr. Beach, who might well be called "The wizard of Lake Avenue", has an extreme fondness for electrical experiments, and this year he proposed to have a Christmas tree that should outshine any other ever seen in Montrose and how well he succeeded, a number of delighted visitors can testify. The tree was in itself a handsome one, being exceedingly well proportioned, but when it was made to shine forth a myriad of colored electric lights, it certainly was a thing of beauty if not a joy forever. After the tree had been set up, Mr. Beach had connected it with the electric current from the street, carefully wired it, and scattered some fifty-six three candle power electric lights, with colored globes, among the branches; and then not content to have it shine forth with steady brilliancy in all the glory of red, white and blue, he had placed a tiny dynamo in the cellar, which operated a wooden roll partially covered with copper plates, by which means the electric current was broken for a second and then connected again, causing the tree in the room above to flash forth in minute sparks the beautiful colors of "Old Glory", making it look like a number of great glow worms sporting themselves in the quiet of the summer air. Mr. Beach also showed the visitors his electrical "den" where in his spare moments he carries on his experiments. Here we found a handsome two horse power Shipman engine, three dynamos of different sizes and considerable other apparatus. The walls were lined with electric wires, and to the uninitiated it appeared as though this room might be rather an uncomfortable place when these same wires were all "alive". Mr. Beach, however, enjoys it, and we expect that his experiments will have many practical results in the future. [Henry Beach invented and patented the scroll saw].
Great Bend - Dr. Psalmuel Poeticus More, the erudite editor of the Great Bend Plaindealer, after learning from an exchange of the growing popularity of black skunks as domestic pets and that a Mr. Isdell is raising them in large quantities to sell for this purpose, makes the following announcement: "The publisher of this paper has a black skunk residing under his barn, which will be sold cheap to Mr. Isdell or his lady friends. This pet will be sold on time or in installments to suit the purchaser. All the neighbors will testify as to his excellent qualities."
Hopbottom - Can Stone of the Foster House was the recipient of a very fine Christmas present from a Binghamton friend. It was two mounted pheasants encased in a large glass case. AND The M.E. church had their tree Christmas night and all did their best. Mrs. Ira Conrad played the organ and her four children sang a piece which brought down the house; it was fine. We have in this vicinity some very bright and gifted children from 8 to 12 years old, that will commit to memory pieces which will take them 20 minutes to recite and not make a break.
Compiled By: Betty Smith