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December 20 1907/2007

Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - Quite a blizzard was felt in this place last Saturday and Sunday and plenty of snow fell, so we have fine sleighing.

Lindaville, Brooklyn Twp. - Mrs. W. L. Bunnell has received a fine Chicago Cottage organ as a Christmas gift. AND In Brooklyn, the Order of the American Boy gave an excellent entertainment in connection with an oyster supper in the village hall last Tuesday evening.

Susquehanna - The police of Binghamton, Susquehanna and Deposit and officials of the Erie railroad are investigating an alleged systematic robbery of immigrants enroute from Western points of New York while on board Erie trains. It is stated that a number of foreigners have been robbed of the savings they were taking back to the old country with them while they were passengers. When Erie trains No. 4 pulled into Susquehanna, Thursday, the first reports of the robberies were made to the Susquehanna police. According to accounts sneak thieves made a haul among the passengers on train #4, amounting to about $150. It is said that most of the money was obtained while the passengers were asleep. One man is reported to have lost $70 and another $30 and two or three others amounts ranging from $10 to $15. Whether the thieves alighted at Binghamton, Susquehanna or other points after making their hauls, or whether they were among the foreigners and continued with them to New York, is a question the Erie officials are trying to determine. AND "Kid" Broderick, said to be one of the Canavan Island gang, who was convicted of burglarizing the Roy Leonard jewelry store at Endicott, in 1906, and other crimes, attempted to escape from Auburn prison but was caught before he got out of the prison yard.

Fairdale - There is to be a sawmill established on George Brotzman's flat in the near future.

Lawton - The Odd Fellows Band of Montrose will sleighride here this evening and give the people an excellent program of music. Following the concert the light fantastic toe will be tripped.

Birchardville - Cards are issued announcing the marriage of Miss Edna M. Small to Mr. Earle C. Stone, the ceremony to occur at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Small, on December 25th, at 8 o'clock. The young people are very popular and highly respected and much interest centers in the approaching event by their friends.

Great Bend Twp. - It is reported that outside capitalists have purchased the properties known as the Hanford, Williams, and the Newton farms, at Red Rock, and that they also plan to acquire other properties adjoining. The object has not been made public. However, it is surmised that these parties propose to build a dam at the narrow point at "The Rocks" to secure power for some purpose. There is one thing certain, they are willing to pay a good price for farms that might be on the market for years without a buyer as the times are now. By damming the river at this point sufficient head could easily be acquired to generate power to operate large plants farther down the river.

East Dimock - Mary A. Struppler celebrated her 87th birthday on Monday, Dec. 16. Five of her children, Mary, Ellen, George, John and Peter, spent the day with her.

New Milford - J. C. McConnell died at his late home here on Dec. 12th. He was a highly respected citizen and has lived in and around New Milford all his life. Mr. McConnell was a druggist for many years and owned the drug store which was sold to M. A. Blair about three years ago. The deceased is survived by one son, George, of New York; a daughter, Mrs. Willoughby Tucker, of Newfield, N.Y.; one brother, Thomas D., of Conklin; three sisters, Sarah, of Albany, Mrs. Coe Stearns and Mrs. Wallace Gow, of Harford.

Montrose - H. D. Titman, proprietor of the Titman Wagon Repository, received a big shipment of cutters Wednesday which are being eagerly purchased by those anxious to take advantage of the fine sleighing. Thirty were received and he tells us the difficulty is to keep a supply on hand. AND One hundred and sixty acres overlooking Jones Lake has been purchased for the Montrose Bible School and work will begin on the large auditorium as soon as possible.

Springville - The throwing of coal ashes in the snow where teams are obliged to pull through them is very annoying to teamsters, besides being against the law, the penalty being a fine of $10. Other places can be found to dump ashes. AND Bruce Lake is doing business at the stand formerly occupied by J. C. Hungerford, having purchased the store and good will.

Franklin Forks - Archie Summers went to Binghamton Friday with a load of Christmas trees.

Uniondale - M. O. Dimmick was 90 years old the 16th of this month. He was born in Uniondale and has always lived in this place and has voted at every presidential ever since he became a voter. His politics is of the Republic faith. Mr. Dimmick's health is quite good but we are sorry to say that several years ago he fell and hurt himself so he has to use crutches now.

St. Joseph - Edward Crowley and Pattie Griffing are furnishing the kindling wood for the Kane school this year. AND The recent snowstorm has made the roads almost impassable in some parts of the country.

Jackson - Mrs. A. B. Harding entertained the "Old Maids" convention last Saturday. The names of the guests are not mentioned. AND P. K. Benson opened a stone quarry near C. L. Marsh's mill and is getting out some new flagstone.

News Brief: In past years many communications have been received by the Postoffice Department requesting delivery of so-called "Santa Claus letters" to philanthropic societies and others in various parts of the country, but the request has always been denied, the department taking the stand that letters of importance would be classed with the "Santa Claus letters" through error and that it would be exposing to public scrutiny private correspondence. Postmaster-General Meyer, this year, has adopted a more liberal attitude toward the children, however, as indicated in his action in issuing an order to postmasters all over the country to let the people know, through the newspapers, that mail addressed to Santa Claus will be delivered to any regularly organized charitable society that will undertake to act as Santa Claus agents in the matter.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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