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December 2 1892/1992

Harford - C.S Johnston, F.A. Osborn, F.E. Carpenter, and B.D. Sherwood are all thoroughly indisposed; well, just about really sick.

Rush - As the local editor failed to print the full report I sent of the runaway of the stage horses last week, and as I have had to bear the brunt of the omission, I will add a few words to finish the story. The horses ran from the post office to the barnyard of Squire Carter, a distance of half a mile, heavy down grade, especially from Mrs. McCain's bank to the iron bridge. They crossed two bridges, made four sharp turns, and passed through a gate, without any person or thing being hurt. There is not a person who has been over the route would take the same ride for a fortune. It is one of the most remarkable escapes on record.

Lynn - The boys serenaded the new married couple on the Hill, Monday evening, with horns, bells, tin pans, and guns, much to the annoyance of the neighbors.

Franklin Forks - Mr. George Rice has finished his travels with his butcher wagon for this season. He still butchers and keeps meats at his old stand. AND our people are preparing for winter, getting in their coal and wood. There seems to be a number of our citizens laying aside their wood and getting coal heaters.

Lawsville - Doctor Brundage, from Wayne County, is moving to Lawsville and will occupy the house vacated by Mrs. Crandall. It will be remembered that his father was for many years the leading physician of both Liberty and Franklin. Dr. Brundage will practice both medicine and dentistry.

Montrose - John Stout, a well known black resident of this place, departed this life early Friday morning after an illness of only two or three days. John's age is not exactly known, but it must have been in the neighborhood of eighty years. He was born a slave but, in company with three others, he ran away from his master and came to this place, where lie resided for many years

East Ararat - Mrs. May, with the aid of her son, 14 years old, has done her farming alone, doing her haying and all she pitching the hay one way.

Forest City - There is one public institution of which Forest City’s residents have reason to be proud and that is the opera house. In very few towns of its size is there a place of amusement so complete in detail and convenient both to patrons and troupes alike, as that which was erected last year by our enterprising businessman, W.J. Davis. Few companies have ever appeared here, which are not surprised and delighted with its coziness, and its stage and dress conveniences. Manager Collins is giving us a good class of plays this season too.

Glenwood - James A. Doran and a few other boys are attending the dancing school held at Nicholson every other Saturday night

Jackson - The Farmers Institute was excellent, and those that did not attend sustained a loss not soon to be made up. The closing session was of special interest. The song entitled "The Almighty Dollar," sung by Miss Laura Larrabee, was highly appreciated, and a rehearsal was demanded. The choir and band also furnished music. Indeed, it can well be said the Institute was a grand success. G.V. Larrabee read a paper on potato culture, which was pronounced both interesting and practical. The managers are entitled to a large share of credit for their efforts to entertain and instruct.

New Milford - C. Tucker and wife entertained C. Albert Tucker and wife " and Miss Mabel Tucker, Thanksgiving.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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