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December 19 1919/2019

Herrick Twp. – Gardner Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel G. Lee, near Tirzah, accidentally shot himself and passed away almost instantly. He had been out hunting and came to the school house at Dart’s corners, where he engaged in target practice for a short time. He started to place the gun down when he slipped and the gun was discharged, the shot entering his body just under the right arm pit. He exclaimed “Boys, I am shot,” fell to the ground and expired instantly. The body was removed at once to the home of his parents nearby. The funeral was held from the late home Monday afternoon and interment was made in the Sandy Bank cemetery, Greenfield. Deceased was born in Uniondale 20 years ago and was exceedingly popular among his associates.

Gelatt – No school today, Monday, on account of the funeral of Gardner Lee.

Franklin Hill – The teacher in this place has resigned her position, so there is no school till another teacher is found.

Thompson – Our annual visitor, Mrs. Snow, made her appearance Sunday morning, all out of breath with her feathers a flying. Her ardent admirer, Jack Frost, followed close behind. Only the junior members of society greeted them very cordially. Their prolonged stay must be endured, but it will be tedious. ALSO Miss Emily Walker is trying to make it cheerful for the “shut-ins” by taking her Victrola to their homes and entertaining them evenings. She has a fine lot of records.

New Milford – Wm. Gardner, of the township and Miss Alice Tiffany, of Kingsley, were married in Binghamton, one day this week.

Lake Montrose – Men Wanted, to work on ice on Lake Montrose. Apply at Borden’s Farm Products Co., Montrose, Pa.

Forest City – James Rodman and Timothy McCabe have the honor of having the first sleigh ride this season. On Sunday evening they appeared riding in a cutter that would suitably adorn Cattin’s old tobacco signs. But the bells added dignity to the outfit as the boys drove up and down Main street. ALSO Frank Kokel met death while at work in the Clifford mine of the Hillside Coal and Iron Co., Saturday morning. Death was due to a fall of rock. He was removed to Connolly’s undertaking rooms where the body was prepared for burial and later taken to his home on North Main street. The deceased was 45 years of age and a native of Austria. He is survived by his wife, a daughter and two sons.

Montrose – For Christmas, holly wreaths, ferns, blooming plants. Expect holly every hour. W. W. Nash, Florist. ALSO The shimmering and fleecy mantle of white which covered the ground Sunday morning, a fall of 6 to 8 inches, brought great joy to the youngsters, but the cold wave accompanying it was not so greatly appreciated by their elders. It was Montrose’s first cold wave, and while coal bins are, as a rule, depleted, we have heard of no real suffering. Tuesday morning the mercury in Montrose ranged from one to five degrees below zero, while yesterday morning the thermometer registered from four to seven degrees above zero. The coal dealers by their careful distribution of coal received, have been able to keep all “going.” A new element in the heating proposition is that house-wives are now able to to use varieties of coal that heretofore they believed they could not burn. They have become used to other sizes and seem to get along with them very well. ALSO  Pepper and Birchard are very much pleased with the Ford model T, one-ton truck, delivered the past week by the Voss garage.

Uniondale – There will be a community celebration of Christmas here this year. It will be held in the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening, the 23rd. A Christmas cantata, “The Bright and Morning Star,” will be given. The two Sunday Schools and the public schools will participate.

Franklin Forks – The Ladies’ Aid met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hill last Wednesday. They tied two quilts and helped with sewing. A large crowd and a fine dinner and a good time was had by all.

Fairdale – Mrs. Lydia Horton has returned to Geneseo, NY after spending some time with relatives here.

Fair Hill – Mr. Taylor, of Scranton, a member of the Anti-Saloon League, spoke at the church here Sunday in the interest of temperance and was taking pledges to help carry on the work.

Little Meadows – W. B. Minkler has secured, through McCausland Engineering Co., the agency for Overland line of automobiles and has secured one of the celebrated Overland 4’s to demonstrate this model, in the several townships comprising his territory.

Harford – Last Monday evening was the scene of a merry-making party at South Harford, when the Kings Daughters Class met at the home of Miss Hattie Alworth for their regular business meeting. About thirty were present and a most enjoyable time was spent; some were knitting and some were crocheting and one could be sure they all were enjoying themselves by their merry laughter and chatter. After the business meeting was held, dainty refreshments were served, consisting of sandwiches, coffee, fruit punch and cake. At an early hour the guests departed, all feeling sure that the home of Miss Alworth was a fine place to have a class meeting.

Great Bend – William Dobson, aged 69 years, died at the home of his son, Augustus Dobson. The funeral was held last Thursday from the home of his son, on Randolph St. Rev. W. E. Elwood officiating. Burial at Kirkwood.

Silver Lake – The Ladies’ Aid of Franklin Forks met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.N. Hill, Wednesday last. About 48 were present. The day was spent in sewing and tying quilts.

Jackson Twp. – Mr. Hollis A. Barrett was born in Jackson township July 1, 1837 and departed this life Friday, Dec. 12, 1919 at age 82. Mr. Barrett was a veteran of the Civil War [Battery E, 1st Pa. Artillery] and a member of the G.A.R. Post at Jackson. He taught school for four terms. He had been a member of the M. E. church for many years. He married Miss Juliett Tyler, of Jackson, 57 years ago this coming Christmas day. He is survived by Mrs. Barrett and one son, Fred, of Gibson, who succeeded his father in the mercantile business, and two daughters, Mrs. Bert Sweet, of Union, NY. and Mrs. E. C. West of Chenango Bridge, NY.

Choconut Valley – Searle Clark, the R. D. Carrier, has put away his car for winter and is driving horses on the route now. ALSO If there would only come another snow storm like the one of Saturday night, we would sure have sleighing for Christmas.

Clifford – Mert Robinson is having electric lights put in his home.

News Brief: In these days when thrift and frugality count as they never did before, encourage the children to make with their own hands Christmas gifts for their friends; the magazines are full of suggestions. Such gifts have a value that cannot be measured in dollars and cents.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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