Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 19 1913/2013
Franklin Twp. - As Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams and Mr. and Mrs. James Williams and daughter were returning from Binghamton, Tuesday afternoon, in the former’s Ford auto, they had an experience which all will carry to their graves. They had just ascended the very steep hill this side of Franklin Forks when their automobile slid over the side of the road, going through a fence, and turned its nose straight down the steep hill. After going a few rods, the machine took a turn to the right, in the form of a circle and completed its wild orgies by turning two complete somersaults. None of the five occupants were hurt in the least, the top which was up, protecting them. The auto came out almost as well as its occupants, the glass in the wind shield not even being broken. ALSO: Henry W. Hill is one of the few survivors of the famous Silver Lake drum corps and speaks with much pride of the success attained by that organization in years past.
South Ararat - Will Gelatt, Ben Hine and Frank Belcher were fishing on Fiddle Lake Saturday. The ice was thin and it thawed so they didn’t fish long. They report poor luck.
Fairdale - Benjamin Monroe Fox was born in Hebron, CT, Oct 10, 1824 and died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jerome Smith, Dec. 9, 1913, aged 89 years. Mr. Fox is one of the pioneers of Susquehanna county and was one of the oldest settlers in Fairdale. He raised a large family and had a large number of grand children. Those who survive him to mourn his departure are one sister, Mary Ann Allen, and the following children: Mrs. John Webster, James Fox, Mrs. Jerome Smith, Myron L. Fox, Ella Winner, Mrs. R. W. Stone, Mrs. M. C. Mulvihill, Wm. Fox, Mrs. W. A. Spoor and Mrs. Wm. Sivers. Interment in the Forest Lake Cemetery.
Springville - Little Malvina Ainey has just recovered from an attack of measles. No one else has been exposed and no more cases reported around here, so there will probably be no spread of the disease. In Lynn automobiles are still running over the roads, a rare thing this time of year. ALSO in Lynn - Taylor & Owen, our popular young merchants, are making a grand display of holiday goods which are arriving daily. Their decorations are most beautiful and on Christmas Day a real live Santa Claus will appear at about 2:30 p.m., who will distribute candy to the little folks. So parents bring the children along and let them feast their eyes on some of the nice things to be seen.
West Auburn - Friday evening, while H. C. Clapper, of Silvara, was on his way to make the evening train, at Laceyville, in passing the steam shovel, being used on the State highway here, his horses became frightened, jumping off the bank, some 30 ft., landing in a brush pile, with three men and wagon on top of horses. “Wonder!!” But no one injured and but little damage.
Thompson - Anna Harper closed a very successful term of school at East Ararat, Dec. 5th. She will enter the school at Mansfield, Pa., Jan. 1st.
Brooklyn - At the M. E. parsonage on Wednesday of last week, Minnie Evans and Louis Hohn were united in marriage by their pastor, Rev. F. A. VanSciver. They are taking their wedding trip to Bradford Co., after which they will be at home to their many friends in Brooklyn, who wish them years of happiness.
Silver Lake - An entertainment will be given by the pupils of Snow Hollow School, in the School building, Saturday evening, Dec. 20, at 7:30 o’clock. Everybody invited. Admission 10 cents.
Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. - A number of men from this vicinity attended the telephone bee Monday and assisted in changing the telephone line at Brookdale, which was along the creek, and put it by the road. A decided improvement and hope for better service.
Hallstead - Sunday morning between 12 and 1 o’clock, two large automobiles came up the river from Binghamton and stopped near the R. R. station. Shortly afterwards several men were seen prowling around the poultry house of Henry Smith. An alarm was given and when men went to investigate, a shot was fired from in front of the station, warning the automobilists, who quickly rushed to their machines and speeded back toward the city. That chicken thieving is proving very profitable for the thieves is shown from the large number of poultry houses robbed in the last year or two.
Montrose/Tunkhannock - Freight traffic on the Montrose branch has increased enormously in the past few years. It is easy to remember when the little narrow gauge train used to handle all the freight along with the passengers in one train. Now a train of solid freight makes the round trip over the road daily and one of the big 60,000 pound cars will carry as much freight as the entire train once handled. The Montrose branch is a good feeder for the Lehigh Valley.
Montrose - Ten sawing machines are being constructed at the plant of the Beach Manufacturing Co., for the Ford Motor Co. at Detroit, Mich. This is only one of many orders that are coming in constantly from all parts of this country and from foreign countries, but coming from such a large establishment where only the best of equipment is used, it is a strong endorsement of the good qualities of the machines manufactured by the local company. The plant has never before experienced such a December rush of work, we are informed, and it may be necessary to work part of the force nights to care for the heavy orders.
Forest City - Tony Opecka and Frank Kraus left yesterday with the fixed purpose of enlisting in the United States army.
Uniondale - Julius Scheible and Walter Whitman are the champion fox hunters of this vicinity. They have captured several gray foxes for which they receive a bounty of $2 on each fox. ALSO: F. M. Davis’ store presents a handsome appearance, beautifully trimmed and decorated, and in neatness is not surpassed by stores in larger towns. It is headquarters for all holiday gifts.
New Milford - Amos B. Kent, one of the oldest residents of this place died on December 5th, aged 87 years. Mr. Kent had voted at every presidential election since 1848, and cast his vote at the November election this year.
Compiled By: Betty Smith