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December 18 1914/2014

Lynn – We are having a nice run of sleighing now and good old fashioned winter weather as well. ALSO In West Auburn it would appear that winter has at last settled upon us. A fall of snow Sunday has started the sleighs and the automobile is now laid by.

Susquehanna – Good for Susquehanna.  It is said that 100 more girls can secure a position at the silk mill if they make application by January 2, 1915.  By the way, that was all that was in the way of a nice industry in Montrose—girl help. The factory was closed down for the want of girls. ALSO The fire on Tuesday in the upper end of Jackson avenue makes one think that our city fathers should get busy and make the water company place a hydrant up there. If it had not been for the timely assistance of the neighbors, in carrying water, the house would have burned, as the fire company could do nothing.

Lanesboro – Michael Ziegler, who resides near here, was instantly killed at Stevens Point, Pa., by a D & H train. Mr. Ziegler, who is an aged and highly respected citizen, was taking his milk to the creamery at Stevens Point, and as he was passing over the railroad crossing, a D & H train struck his wagon, throwing Mr. Ziegler about 25 ft., where he struck on his head. Life was extinct when the unfortunate man was picked up. The wagon was demolished and the horse slightly injured. The body was taken to Dooley’s undertaking rooms in Susquehanna.

Brooklyn – The Tunkhannock New Age has the following flattering mention of one of Brooklyn’s talented and well known ladies. Miss Alice Louise Lee, Brooklyn, Pa., has been visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Tewksbury, for a few days. Miss Lee is not only a young lady of pleasing personality, but an authoress of considerable note.  Several of her productions are published in book form, such as Cap’n Joe’s Sister, a series of Co-Ed books and others. Her shorter stories are sought after by such high class publications as the Youth’s Companion and the like. Among the first of her stories in that paper was “Ma Staples,” the chief character being modeled from Mrs. Tewksbury. Miss Lee’s stories are vibrant with life, her characters clean and wholesome and her pen work is not only interesting but elevating.

Lenox – Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oakley are moving to South Gibson, as we understand he is going to be our new stage driver. The ladies of this vicinity met with Mrs. Charles Pickering and made a quilt for Mr. and Mrs. Oakley, who lost nearly everything when their house burned a few weeks ago.

Heart Lake – A little son has arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Mead.  ALSO Bert Brown has attached runners to his motorcycle and makes high speed on the lake. The ice is about 5 inches thick.

Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. –P. D. Shannon and wife were given a pleasant surprise, Saturday evening, Dec. 5, they being the oldest couple in the neighborhood.  Fifty-four friends came with well filled baskets, which were soon spread on two large tables by the many willing hands and then the company partook of a most excellent chicken pie dinner, after which all repaired to the parlor, where several appropriate speeches were made Rev. Transue, P. F. Klotner, S. L. Overfield, and others. The couple was presented a purse of $18 as a token of the  high esteem in which they are held by the community.

New Milford – DeWitt C. Vail, proprietor of the motion picture theatre here, is an experienced electrician and his advertisement appears in the issue of this newspaper relative to wiring homes and business places for lights. His wireless station in New Milford attracted much comment in the press a few years ago, being one of the first established in the east by an amateur. He tells us the recent ice storm broke down one of the main poles, putting the apparatus temporarily out of commission.

Montrose – On Monday D. L. Robinove received a postcard from his sister, Mrs. Kaplan, of the province of Vilna, Russia, the first word he had received since the outbreak of the terrible war in Europe. Mrs. Kaplan is in good health and is longing for the day of peace to dawn over the war torn nations. Her son, Sam, who had been visiting his uncle, Mr. Robinove, was in Alford in route for New York when the postcard came, but was phoned for and came back to Montrose to read the line from his mother from whom he had not heard since last April.  Mr. Robinove says the message from his sister is the only Christmas present he wants.

South Gibson – Jesse Pickering met with a very painful accident while working in the mill. He was in the act of putting on a belt when in some manner the belt caught his clothing and tore it from his body, breaking his shoulder and splintering the collarbone.

Forest City – Nearly a whole train of cars loaded with Christmas trees passed through here Thursday morning. The trees were cut in Vermont and shipped to various points west of Chicago and to intermediate points. The original cost was from five to eight cents per tree. They will retail for from seventy-five cents to two dollars a tree.

Clifford Twp. – The Christmas exercises of the Welsh Congregational church will be held Christmas night at six-thirty sharp. A silver offering will be taken. The program consists of a Christmas drama entitled, “A Santa Claus and Mother Goose Reception.” Recitations, solos and songs, lots of candy and presents for the youngsters.

Rush – Mrs. S. B. Stark, of Rush, has purchased the Peirson millinery store on Church street in Montrose and will soon take possession. We understand that the Misses Peirson will remove to California.

Hop Bottom –Santa Will Visit Hop Bottom: Drawing near the close of nineteen fourteen/Hop Bottom looks forward to see Santa Claus’ team/Down the chimney he’ll find in Loomis’ store/ Candy, nuts and toys by the score/The furniture dealer just next door/Has beds and tables and then some more/Roberts & Bertholf across the street/Has everything fine, spick, span and neat/Should Santa’s harness break to Hettes he’ll go/And there find good robes to keep off the snow/To Glen Roberts & Bisbees’ next he will go/For they have cut glass and handkerchiefs to show/Right over the roof of the National Bank/And down at the clothier’s clickety clank!/ Sweaters and mittens, gloves and hats/Well supplies old Santa Claus’ pack/A peep into Brown’s at the Art Display/Then quickly he jumps into his sleigh/Into the Drug Store and out in a trice/They have brushes, combs, and everything nice/Barber Bell will shave  him swift and neat/And the quick lunch gets him something to eat/Then he bids good-bye to our little town/And pulls off for Nicholson six miles farther down.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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