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December 18 1908/2008

Brooklyn - The newest thing that has happened here is the arrival of a new physician, who has taken up his residence, hung out his sign and is ready to practice medicine. He is Dr. Williams, of Scranton, an up-to-date physician. He has taken rooms at Mrs. C. H. Tiffany's.

Kingsley - The stores in this place are handsomely decorated and a fine stock of Christmas goods is offered for sale.

Springville - The question of building a creamery, to be run on the co-operative plan, has been disturbing the minds and sleep of the farmers for a number of months. The momentous question having been disposed of by the decision not to build, the aforesaid gentlemen can "requiescat in peace."

Rush - Dr. Jenkins' dental office in the Stark block will be open Friday and Saturday. AND Several pupils of the Rush High School are quarantined, scarlet fever having broken out in the home of Victor Rutan, little Kenneth being the victim.

Montrose - With eight or ten inches of snow covering the ground, the outlook for a "green Christmas," which we don't want anyway, is decidedly slim. The fine sleighing booms the holiday trade, which is brisk this season. AND The Montrose Dairy Co. is erecting a large ice house, so as to make it unnecessary to purchase in carload lots another year.

Susquehanna - The Susquehanna Ledger came out with a handsome industrial number of Susquehanna last week that is most creditable from every standpoint. Besides being a handsome souvenir, it gives the best general knowledge regarding that busy town's commercial and business interests of anything yet published. AND The Erie employees paid off this week received about $65,000. While some have been laid off during the week, the amount sub-divided among the residents of the hillside village will help dispense Christmas cheer.

Lakeside - Quite a few people have been fishing through the ice on the lake during the past week.

Forest City - Mrs. Anthony Opeka, of Lackawanna Street, died on Monday of pneumonia. She was 40 years of age and was born in Austria. For about 10 years she resided in this place. Besides her husband, five children, the oldest only 12 years of age, survive her. The last rites were observed in St. Joseph's church and interment was made in St. Agnes Cemetery. AND The Delaware and Hudson company this week broke through into the Hillside mine with their large water course on which they have been working for several years. The opening of the channel is at Wilson Creek and it will drain the mine at Vandling and the No. 2 and higher veins of the Hillside company. This will prevent any future possibility of flooding the local workings and do away with a number of pumps.

Alford - A fine stock of Christmas presents at A. C. Betts.

Brookdale - Ermine F. Roe and Nellie Wilbur, both of Brookdale, were married at the Centenary M. E. parsonage in Binghamton, by the Rev. J. A. Hensey, Wednesday, Dec. 9. We wish for them health, wealth, and happiness. A reception was held at the home of A. L. Roe, father of the groom, Thursday evening. Near relatives and friends to the number of about were present. All report a fine time.

Hallstead - On Wednesday evening, while returning from a shopping expedition to the village, Mrs. Pauline Lusk, who resides on her farm a short distance from the main road, on account of the darkness, became confused and lost her way and in her wanderings stepped into a swamp where in a short time she was submerged in the water up to her waist and in imminent danger of being drowned, until her cries for help were heard by David Simons who promptly procured a lantern and went to her assistance and succeeded in getting her on dry land again. Although badly scared and thoroughly chilled, she is none the worse for her exciting experience.

Auburn - Wm. McAvoy was in Montrose Thursday. He will have a Christmas ball at his hotel, Christmas night, Dec. 25th.

Silver Lake - A number of our young couples took advantage of the sleighing this week. They were heard miles around with "cow bells and tin horns." Later in the evening they were entertained at the home of one of the guests, where refreshments were served, "popcorn, taffy and molasses candy."

Jackson - The ladies aid has done some good work to the Baptist Church, repapered the ceiling and cleaned so that it presents a nice showing. The church will have a wood bee at Fremont Butterfield's, as he kindly gives the timber for wood for the church and the men will go and cut it on Thursday and the ladies will go and have an aid and get the dinner or help Mrs. Butterfield.

Great Bend - The Audubon society of Philadelphia has loaned the graded school of this place, a set of Nature Study books.

Upsonville, Franklin Twp. - One morning as E. D. Tuttle went out to do his chores at the barn, he saw a man lying by the roadside whom he found numb by the cold and unable to walk. Mr. Tuttle assisted the man into the house and gave him breakfast and furnished him with a hat and mittens and sent him on his way. The man was bewildered, not knowing his name or where he came from, but wanted to get to Philadelphia. He evidently was a foreigner and quite aged.

News Brief: Every young lady may mark it down as a fact that if she flirts and associates with "pick ups" she will soon have no others for associates. No matter how unjust it may be there will always be a suspicion that those who are not above making acquaintances in this way are not as pure in heart and mind as they ought to be. It would be unjust to say no pure minded girls flirt. They do and many of them lose their purity by so doing. Others, though not so unfortunate, are subject to suspicions, which every woman should be above.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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