Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 17 1900/2000
Glenwood - A notable event took place at the G.A.R. Hall in this place on Saturday afternoon in the presentation by the Hon. G. A. Grow of a handsome memorial to the members of Capt. Lyons Post. The Sage of Glenwood gave one of the most able addresses that has been listened to for many a day. He held the large audience in rapt attention for nearly one hour and all were sorry when the speaker took his seat. The response by Dr. Davidson was a masterful oration, eulogizing the donor as one of the staunch friends of the old veterans of the late war for the Union. Comrade Ridgeway gave one of his inimitable songs, entitled "Uncle Sam's Fiddle," which brought down the house. The Ladies' Aid took advantage of the occasion and a most enjoyable spread was prepared, which gave good cheer and opened the way for the pocket to contribute to the joys of the occasion.
Springville - Mrs. Perry Lyman will start for Montana in a few weeks. Her husband and brother are already there.
Hallstead/Great Bend - The incoming of a number of new people by reason of the prospective early operation of the tannery has already quite filled up the vacant houses.
Franklin Forks - Christmas eve will long be remembered by the people of this place. In the M.E. Church there were two trees loaded with presents for nearly everybody. Then Santa Claus gave candy and nuts to every child. There was also speaking and singing.
Uniondale - W. Robert Goss gave a kinetoscope exhibition at the Presbyterian church Wednesday evening.
Montrose - The residences of Dr. [John] Wilson and A. [Andrew] Brewster are being prepared to take steam for heating from the new steam heating plant being the first houses in town. Attachments are also being made at the Court House. AND As the shadows began to lengthen on Dec. 30th, Catherine R., beloved wife of J. E. O'Brien, entered into rest. Mrs. O'Brien was a daughter of the late John and Mary Burns, natives of Ireland. She was born at the old home in Springville, April 18th, 1859. On February 8th, 1881, she was united in marriage to Mr. O'Brien in St. Bonaventure's Catholic Church at Auburn, after which they resided on his farm in Bridgewater Twp. for many years before removing, in 1896, to Chenango St.
Jackson - The Christmas entertainment at the Baptist church passed off very successfully. Among others the solo by Miss Annie Thomas and the recitations by the Misses Allie Griffis, Vina Bingham and Abbie Thomas were of special merit. After the entertainment a fine tree was relieved of its burden of gifts to the great delight of the children. Among the more noticeable of the gifts were those of a fine lamp and quilt to pastor and Mrs. Dwyer and a fine yearling colt to Stewart Holmes from his father, F. D. Holmes.
Elk Lake - C. M. Young has put a new gasoline engine in his shop and is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line of business at short notice.
Ararat - Sneak thieves stole some chickens from the poultry house of Charlotte Bloxham one night last week.
Susquehanna - Mrs. Frances Langford, an old and highly respected resident, died on Sunday morning at the residence of a son-in-law, Wm. Ives, aged 81 years. She is survived by six children: Messrs. Wm. H., Edward, Frederick and Charles and Mrs. Wm. Ives and Mrs. Frank Skillman. The funeral took place on Wednesday from the family residence, Rev. J. L. Williams, pastor of the Baptist church officiating. The remains were interred in the Grand St. cemetery.
Auburn Corners - Rutherford Bently Hay and Miss Liva Sterling were married at the Methodist parsonage, Jan. 1, by Rev. Thos. Eva.
Rush - The life of Miss Clara Hardy of this place, who died in Mexico, written in an interesting manner by the Rev. G. N. Gardner, is expected to be out about Jan. 1. It is a cloth-bound book of 112 pages which will contain the leading events of her life, her call to the missionary work and some of her best poems and writings. It is hoped that this little book, which is dedicated to the memory of one whose life went out all too soon, will be read and appreciated by all who knew her.
Gibson - G. R. Stiles has taken the contract for putting up the telephone wire from here to New Milford.
East Dimock - Molasses candy and popcorn was served at the Literary Society rooms Saturday evening and was greatly appreciated by those present.
Harford - The coming of the new century was duly observed in this place. The watch meeting at the M.E. church was well attended by over 90 persons. The church bells rang out the old and in the new.
Hopbottom - The settlement of the difficulty between the Scranton Dairy Co. and the farmers in this vicinity is the subject of much comment. The farmers never could form a trust as they could never agree long enough. Some of them have broke ranks and gone back to the old creamery of Herkstrotter's, leaving their own creamery, the new one, after a patronage of 3 months. The directors have hired Chas. Stedman as their buttermaker.
Forest Lake - J. W. Birdsall is doing a lively business at saw filing this winter. He is gumming and filing for 75 cents. AND Miss Abbie Lester is teaching a very successful school here.
Springville - The invitations issued by the Epworth League for a social, attracted an enthusiastic company to Jas. Blakslee's on Dec. 26. A pleasing feature of the amusements was writing poetry in 15 minutes. The division that won the Big Apple Pie must have impressed the judges with its dramatic pathos: "There's naught so beaming/As a great big Greening,/When baked in a luscious pie;/ Let's eat it now or die!/An insignificant little/Seek no-further'd make us cry!/But a Greening pie, O, my!"
Compiled By: Betty Smith