Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 16 1899/1999
Dimock - There will be a dance at the Dolan House, Dec. 29th.
Montrose - The Senior Class of ‘00 of the M. H. S. was very pleasantly entertained at the home of Prof. B.E. James on Friday evening last. The members of the class began to gather at the house at 6:30; when the class was in full attendance refreshments were served, and afterwards various games of amusement were indulged in until late an hour. The class of ‘00 consists of the following members - Misses Nellie Banker, Emily Beebe, Rose Horton, Annah James, Jessie Horton, Lucy Bush, Lydia Rogers, Jessie Titman, Lizzie Tiffany, Katherine Lonergan. Messrs. Riggs Brewster, Ray Curser, Harry Place, Charles VanScoten, Joseph Coyle, Willard Kinney, Edgar Judson and Lee Bolles.
Springville - James Tuttle had the misfortune to have tool and work shop, situated near the railroad and opposite his house, burned Monday by the train throwing fire; cutter, sleighs and everything was burned.
East Rush - H. T. Fargo met with quite an accident recently. Himself and dog started out hunting, they had some difficulty, and the dig returned to the house. "Herb" returned to persuade him [dog] to return to the chase, resulting in a badly bitten hand that required a physician to dress.
Auburn - The annual oyster supper at the parsonage was a success both entertaining and financially. The Springville band came over and played several selections for which we give many thanks on behalf of all present. The boys will have a grand band concert entertainment at Springville the 21st.
Hallstead - The Wellsboro Carriage Co., is building for Dr. Hacker, the English specialist, a parlor car, to be drawn overland by horses. It is to have an office, three sleeping apartments, a culinary department and all the advantages of a Pullman; with the exception that it is to be drawn overland from Boston to the Pacific. It is understood that Hallstead is not down on the "Doctor's" schedule of towns to be visited. And still Hallsteadians are not unhappy.
Glenwood - The store and mill property in this place, owned and conducted for the greater part of the past 50 years by Grow & Bro., is now owned by G. N. Bennett, who is doing a good business.
Susquehanna - Quite a number witnessed Edison's moving pictures at the Baptist church Monday evening.
Lynn - Otis Whipple, of Auburn township, fills a cell in the Wyoming county jail, charged with the murder of Dillas J. Koons, of Lynn, after an altercation at the farm of Bill Clark, a short distance from Avery station in Lemon township, Wyoming County. The story is one of a night's carousal in which liquor, jealousy, bad temper and a knife apparently played leading parts.
Lake View - The school report for month ending Dec. 6, 1899 - Those not absent; Edna, Mabel, Iva, and Velma Ely, Samuel Stone, Hazel Daugherty. Those receiving 90 or above in examinations; Samuel Stone, Mary White, Mabel, Iva, Velma, and Eda Ely, Mary Tanner. Number enrolled 15.
Friendsville - Bert Beers and J. Hosford are running a steam buzz saw.
JUST BEFORE CHRISTMAS...Items listed in local newspapers for purchase - Water sets, bread and milk sets, salad dishes, cracker jars, chocolate pots, cake plates, cup and saucers, dressy silk gloves, rich silk umbrellas, nobby canes, dress suit cases, swellest neckwear, diaries for 1900, children's caps and bonnets, fur robes, fresh to order candy, hair receivers, Japanese novelties, perfumery by the best Paris and American perfumers, silver lockets, toilet sets, manicuring sets, shaving sets.
NEWS BRIEFS - It is said that in Pennsylvania, many schools have done away with the old time recess, and have shortened the school hours instead, finding it is better for the health of the scholars and that better attention is paid to lessons. AND - Every old solider who has reached the age of 62 years is entitled to the minimum pension of $6 whether he is disabled or not, and every soldier who has reached the age of 75 is entitled to the maximum pension under the law which is $12 a month. AND - "On the Banks of the Silvery Susquehanna" is a new and popular song, destined to have a big run. It was composed by W. P. Fanning, a broom-corn broker, of Oakland, Ill., who was formerly a resident of Susquehanna County, and he now has relatives in this county. He was inspired to write the song through remembrances of the Susquehanna river's meanderings through the county. AND - As the buckwheat batter is in full flow now the following is given as a receipt for greasing the griddle - Take a turnip, cut in half, rub the griddle with the inner side, and you will find the cakes come off nicely and smoothly, and you will be rid of the disagreeable odor of burning fat.
Compiled By: Betty Smith