Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 16 1892/1992
Susquehanna "A party of Onondaga Indians recently canvassed the town with bead work, willow articles, and medicine. AND A cousin of the late Jay Gould resides a few miles from this place. He seems to have forgotten in the will of the deceased. AND Linus E. Post, a former resident of this place, but who of late years has figured prominently as a businessman and citizen of Tacoma, Wash. has disappeared. No trace can be found of him anywhere in that vicinity. Some years since, he disappeared in the same mysterious manner from Owego, and the river at that place was dragged for his body; neat last turned up at Tacoma. He is a brother of Hon. Geo. A. Post, of New York City.
Lenoxville - The past week was a busy one for blacksmiths. They turn horses away nearly every day. One of our blacksmiths recently shod 15 horses, new, all around, making 60 shoes. Who can beat it?
Harford - We were watching the electric bell at the Oakley railroad crossing. It commences ringing when the trains are one half mile away, and continues until the train passes the bell. The new board reads "Railroad Crossing; Danger" One will be placed at Alfred soon. In this case we suppose the bell will continue to ring while the train stands at the station. AND A few days ago, John Tanner, enroute for Brooklyn, lost a package containing a carving set and six silver fruit knives.
Montrose - Restaurateur A.W. Lyons has put in an immense stock of goods for the holiday trade. These goods comprise oranges, mandarins, lemons, bananas, confectionery, nuts, pop corn, etc. Mr. Lyons now has about twenty bushels of black walnuts, ten of butternuts, and one hundred bushels of peanuts on hand. The printers return thanks to him for a sample of the Florida mandarins. He also expects to receive about seventy-five gallons of oysters for the Christmas trade. AND The ice on Jones' Lake is about six inches thick and before the late snow, was much enjoyed by the lovers of skating.
Stevens Point - Myron Melious and wife were out riding, when some part of the harness gave away. The horse became unmanageable and ran away. Mrs. M. jumped out and Mr. M. hung to the fines for a time after the horse got loose from the culler, but was compelled to let go. The horse ran from Melrose to the Point. Neither Mr. or Mrs. M. were hurt, but the horse was badly cut up. He was owned by Mr. F.E. Putnam.
Clifford - On account of some misunderstanding between the proprietor of the Royal Hotel and the proprietor of the Royal Dancing School, the said school will be removed from Royal to the Dundaff Rink where it will continue every Saturday night. Professor Smith and Professor Hase, of Scranton, will be in attendance, the school being under the charge of Everts and Spedding.
West Auburn - There will be a Christmas sleigh, entertainment, and chicken pie supper, at West Auburn, Christmas Eve. Proceeds of supper for benefit of the church.
Montrose - Montrose Democrat: Christmas one week from Saturday. Independent Republican: Christmas falling on Sunday this year, we understand that the Monday following will be celebrated instead, and that the business places will be closed on that day. [These two newspapers never did agree on anything. However, the Republican is correct]
News Briefs- Columbus postage stamps will be issued about Jan 1, 1893. They will be of the same width as now in use, but twice as long, and will comprise a series of pictures commemorating the discovery of America.
Compiled By: Betty Smith