Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 15 1911/2011
Rush - A pair of horse blankets were found in the road near Rush last week. The owner should apply to Charles Coville for them. ALSO Fred Gray, a native of Rush and for many years a resident of Alaska, was recently appointed deputy game warden for the southern district of Alaska. The appointment came to him as a surprise and carries with it a good salary.
South Montrose - The “Comets” were defeated in a lively game of basket ball at the Rink on Wednesday evening by the South Montrose team. Score, 15-10. The South Montrose team has improved much since their game with the Slaves and this together with their greater weight proved too much for the local boys who displayed deftness in handling the ball and in team work.
Franklin Township - Judging from rumors coming from N. Bridgewater, the report that there is a panther roaming the wilds along Snake Creek gains credence. New Milford men have been alarmed by the cries of the wild beast for a couple of weeks back, and now Henry S. Patrick, of N. Bridgewater and his neighbor, L. N. Mack, are reported to have seen the tracks of the huge animal, which is unmistakably a “panther.” Mr. Mack’s hired man alleges to have even a closer acquaintance with the wild animal, having met the brute face to face while doing chores with a lantern at a barn on a remote part of the farm. Eye witnesses state that the speed with which lantern and man returned to the house would bear out the story that the animal seen was not a black calf. The screeches of the animal have been heard, and when rending the night air it gives the hearer a shivery feeling. The thickly wooded tracks extending through Bridgewater, Franklin and New Milford townships would furnish a good hiding place for the outlaw. Potter and Pike counties, where wild animals abound, are not so far away but what a migrating beast could make the distance in a couple of nights’ travel from either direction. Henry Pittsley, residing near Franklin Forks, heard the animal’s cries a few nights ago, and Lynn Brown, who had a young heifer disappear in that vicinity a short time since, ascribes his loss to the panther.
Auburn Township - In a party which went fishing through the ice at White’s Pond, Auburn, last Saturday, were Bruce B. Lott, of Montrose, E. W. Lott and Clark Giles, of Springville and John Rifenbury, of Auburn. There were five men, all told, and they succeeded in catching 93 pickerel, averaging in weight about one pound each. The ice was thin, and Mr. Rifenbury went through, clinging to the ice until the members of the party had bridged a path over the ice with boards and dragged him from the icy waters by grasping each others’ hands and pulling the immersed one out.
Fairdale - The Prospect Hill Telephone Co. held a meeting in the Grange hall, Tuesday.
New Milford - Charles Garland, aged 72, a veteran of the Civil War, died at his home here, Monday evening, Dec. 4, after an illness of a few days. He was born in Catskill, NY and at the outbreak of the war enlisted in the 20th NY State militia, which was later merged into the 80th NY Volunteers. After nearly three years of service he was discharged on account of sickness. In 1864 he was married and in 1881 went to Nicholson to reside. While there he opened the present Carlucci stone quarry. About 8 years ago he removed to New Milford where he had since resided. Interment was in Nicholson cemetery.
West Herrick - Thieves stole a hive of honey from Glen Miller; also from Mrs. Lizzie Darte; three hammers from J. J. Walker, a hammer and wrench from C. M. Buckingham, two turkeys from Fred Howell, and 19 feed bags from our new sheriff. Ben thinks it was a Keystoner who took the articles as he took all in sight, when a Democrat would have taken only half. ALSO A banquet was tendered Sheriff-elect B. T. Reynolds and wife at their residence on the evening of Nov. 24. Twenty-two braved the elements and answered to the roll call. The suffragettes were in evidence and it was decided that if the ladies could have voted in old Susquehanna county this fall, Ben’s majority would have run into four figures. Mrs. Reynolds proved an ideal hostess and all went merry as a marriage bell.
Clifford Twp. - Tuesday morning, at about one o’clock, fire totally destroyed the Crystal Inn, one of the largest resorts at Crystal Lake, built by Mullaney Brothers. The building was owned and rented by C. W. Brownell. The Brownell family was asleep when the fire broke out, and the origin is not known. There was no means of checking the flames at hand and the large building was soon in ashes. The occupants of the building had barely time to escape, the fire having gained such headway. The loss is placed at about $18,000.
Forest Lake Twp. - The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Forest Lake Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. Charles Brown, Dec. 8th. The men worked like beavers, re-shingling the church sheds, while the ladies did a fine lot of work for Mrs. Brown. The amount of money raised was $7.25 and there were 64 present.
Elk Lake - Harry Lyon brought a couple of large horned owls to Montrose on Saturday and they have been attracting considerable attention in John Hefferan’s hardware store. The birds were caught by Mr. Lyon in a trap, having been making depredations on some of his fowls. They are handsome specimens and will doubtless eventually get into the taxidermist’s hands.
Susquehanna - The funeral of Lawrence Belgarde, the popular actor, was held from the home of John Walsh, with burial in the Catholic cemetery. The beautiful floral pieces showed the esteem in which he was held.
Forest City - John Likely is here after spending the summer with California Frank’s circus. He left the outfit in Georgia.
News Brief - Gasoline propelled handcars are to take the place of the old-fashioned “pump-handle” cars on the Lehigh Valley railroad. The company has ordered 20 machines to replace those now in use.
Compiled By: Betty Smith