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December 14 1900/2000

Elk Lake - Another old landmark gone. C. E. Lathrop has purchased what is known as the old Stevens house and is tearing it down. This is one of the oldest houses in this place, and many a weary traveler found food and shelter under its roof; many a young couple began keeping house there; oyster suppers, dances, band-meetings, K. of P. lodge, Grange, Patrons of Industry, all held their meetings in this house, but now it is a thing of the past, long to be remembered by the old inhabitants. [The Susquehanna County Historical Society has, in its collection, part of the Stevens tavern sign that reads "Entertainment."]

Kingsley - There will be a Christmas tree and a short program of songs and recitations at the Universalist Church, Monday evening, Dec. 24.

Lawsville - Last week Mr. Spencer Luce, of Lawsville, went over and took as a wife Mrs. Elery Washburn, who lived in Thomson township, just east of that borough, and was away with her before any one was aware of his doings.

Great Bend - Steve Beavans, tax collector of Great Bend township, is threatened with a law suit, the result of an election bet. Beavans bet a dog with Theodore Messick, of the township, on the result of the election. The result was in Beavans' favor and Messick gave him his shepherd dog. The animal remained but a few days with the tax-collector and then returned to its former home. Meanwhile, Assessor Parks has assessed the dog to Messick and Beavans had collected the dog tax of Messick. Now Messick threatens to sue Beavans for the dog tax and dog's board, on the ground that Beavans is the owner of the dog.

Glenwood - The girls and boys are having good times now, as Jack Frost has fitted the water in good shape for skating. Let them enjoy the sport, we were boys once, and now only of a larger growth.

Susquehanna - Tuesday afternoon as Erie train No. 2 was entering the Susquehanna yard, locomotive No. 513, Joseph Brave engineer, struck and instantly killed Theodore Whitney, who was picking coal on the track. He was knocked from the track and when picked up was dead, the buffers having struck him in the back. Deceased was 63 years of age and was a Union veteran of the war of the Rebellion. He is survived by a widow and a large family of children.

Montrose - Montrose has been a lively town this week. Each day the streets have been lined with vehicles from out of town, while from early in the day until late at night the stores have been thronged with Christmas shoppers and our merchants and their clerks have been a very busy and happy lot of people. It is astonishing the amount of beautiful and useful goods that have been purchased and taken away and yet by carefully watching their stock and a timely duplication of orders, our shrewd merchants have been able to keep complete their assortment of goods, so that up to the very last hour you can find just what you want in the line of holidays giftsÑand at right pricesÑright here in Montrose. If you haven't made your selections yet there is still time between now and Christmas.

Springville - Del Hendershot and wife lately returned from Philadelphia where their little son had been in the hospital undergoing an operation for crippled limbs. He seems benefitted by the treatment.

Jackson - The Jackson Dramatic Society will, after the holiday season, give a play in the opera house, as is their annual custom. AND Susquehanna talent will, during holiday week, give an entertainment in Roberts' hall.

Harford - Walter Maynard is making preparations to attend the State Dairy College, and will go about the first of the month.

East Dimock - Anyone wishing good dairy butter should call on Mrs. Ed. Nobles.

Lake View - Farmers are busy drawing logs to Washburn mill on the snow. AND Skaters have been putting in full time on the lake the past week.

Forest Lake - Frank Robinson, who has finished his school at Binghamton, can now be found behind the counter in the place vacated by Miss Jennie Cooper. Frank is a hustler and we wish him success.

Little Meadows - Miss Verna Beardslee, Montrose, the talented musician and popular musical instructor, is spending the holidays with her parents, Hon. and Mrs. E. B. Beardslee.

Brooklyn - Mrs. Ellen Lord, widow of the late Franklin Lord, passed peacefully to the other shore at her home in Lathrop on Friday, Dec. 7, 1900, after a lingering illness of consumption. Mrs. Lord was the youngest daughter of Ezra S. and Rebecca Brown, of Lathrop, being born in that place June 11, 1853. Funeral services were conducted in the Universalist Church in Brooklyn. Interment by the side of her husband in the M. E. Cemetery at Brooklyn.

News Briefs - Running Pine is being gathered in our small forests, for Christmas decorations at home, and the boy with his hatchet is searching for a Christmas tree, to prepare for the arrival of Kris Kringle. AND The year 1900 shows that the Susquehanna river reached its lowest level within the knowledge of man. This is shown not only by record at Harrisburg, but is corroborated by markings on a rock at Pittston, made each year under the direction of J. E. Patterson. This rock shows that the river was 1/2 inch lower than in any previous year. AND The largest mortgage ever recorded in Susquehanna County is now in the office of Register and Recorder Buffum. It is given by the Elk Hill Coal & Iron Co. to the Morton Trust Co., trustee for coal lands in Lackawanna, Susquehanna and Wayne counties. The mortgage is dated Dec. 1, 1900 and is for the sum of $3,500,000.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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