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December 13 1918/2018

With “Our Boys” in the Field. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Terboss, of Great Bend, have been notified by the War department of the death of their grandson, Max Green, a former Great Bend young man. He was killed in action in France on Nov. 10. Harold VanVleck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert VanVleck, of Great Bend, has been wounded—the degree was undetermined. The War department has notified Mr. and Mrs. Fred McIntosh, of Susquehanna, of the death of their son Lewis, in France. Pneumonia contracted in the trenches was the cause of his death. Lieut. Alphonsus J. Calby, who has been at Camp Dix, NJ, arrived home the first of the week and resumed his dental practice. Word was received of the death on shipboard of Archie Tanner, a New Milford young man, who was returning from France. Death was due to influenza. A letter was received from Sgt. Robert Wood, son of Mrs. Nettie Wood, written after the signing of the armistice, tells of the joyousness of the boys over the culmination of hostilities. He said that just before 11 o’clock on the morning of Nov. 11 both sides laid down a terrific artillery barrage that he did not believe a “mosquito could have lived through,” and a few minutes after the firing had suddenly died away, the Yanks and Huns were in No Man’s Land exchanging souvenirs. That night the Germans sent up red, white and blue rockets throughout the night. He has been in eight battles. He writes that he is riding a horse that was formerly German property and which he has named Hindenburg. It balks sometimes, he says, but you couldn’t expect anything more.

Lawsville – Archie Southworth found his lost cattle at Silver Lake. They had been gone about two weeks before he could obtain any trace of them.

Brooklyn – A skating party enjoyed the fine ice on McKinney pond on Monday evening.

Friendsville – On Nov. 23 the Friendsville Red Cross forwarded to Montrose four army sweaters and twenty-six pairs of socks. The ladies of the knitting circle expect to make another shipment before Jan. 1st.

Lathrop Twp. – It was with deep sadness that the friends and relatives of Victor Oakley learned of his sudden death, at his home, on Nov. 16, 1918, caused by influenza-pneumonia. Victor was widely known and beloved in the community. His talent as a singer and his sunny disposition won for him many friends. He was 14 years of age, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Oakley. The funeral was held at his home, after which proceeded to the Strickland Hill cemetery. A selection, “In That City,” which was so often sung by Victor, was rendered by Mrs. Hazel Williams and Miss Mattie Johnson. “Closed, the brown eyes are forever./ Hushed the joyous, happy voice./ Gone the laughing little playmate./ Now an angel of God’s choice.”

Rush – Edward Decker and Miss Belle Larue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Larue, were married in Towanda on Nov. 23.

Montrose – A meeting of the temperance forces of the county will be held at the Presbyterian church. The Hon. Michael Fanning, the celebrated Irish orator and wit, will address the meeting. Mr. Fanning is known throughout the country as a forceful temperance orator and is worth going miles to hear. This call is approved by Mrs. E. W. Lott, president of the Susquehanna County W. C. T. U. and Lee R. Bolles, chairman of the Prohibition party.

Springville – Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Young and son, Karl, started on Thursday of last week on an auto trip to the sunny southland. They were equipped with tent and all the paraphernalia for camping as soon as they get far enough south so that the weather will permit. They expected to reach Berwick, PA, that night, where they will visit Mrs. Young’s niece.

Forest City – In a letter to his brother, Frank Louis Skubic tells of the joy of the French people when they learned of the signing of the armistice. American soldiers were proclaimed their deliverers and entitled to the best of everything in the possession of the people. It was a day he will always remember. In the midst of ruined homes the people rejoiced like never before and the boys in khaki were greatly pleased as the reception tendered them by the liberated people. ALSO John McGranaghan has opened undertaking parlors in the Bartholomay building, South Main Street. He has eight years’ experience, the last three years being in the employ of John R. Bell, coming here from Hancock, NY.

200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, December 12, 1818.

*Communicated. A GREAT HUNT. On Friday the 4th instant men from various parts of the County of Bradford, Penna. surrounded a piece of woods and killed two hundred Deer, six wolves, three bears and two foxes. The number of men, not accurately counted, but by good judges supposed to be from eight hundred to one thousand.  SPORTSMAN.

*Susquehanna County Bible Society. It having been found that the “Union Auxiliary Bible Society,” for the Counties of Luzerne, Susquehanna & Bradford, in its organization was inoperative, and inadequate to obtain the object designed by it; the officers of said society have judged it proper that the society in its present form cease to exist and in lieu of it, that distinct Bible Societies be formed in each of said counties. Therefore notice is hereby given to the inhabitants of Susquehanna County, that a meeting will be held at the Court House in Montrose, on the second Tuesday of January next, for the purpose of adopting a Constitution and organizing a Bible Society for the County of Susquehanna. A Sermon will be preached on the occasion, and public worship to commence at one o’clock in the afternoon. A general attendance is requested. EPHRAIM STRONG. Silver Lake, Dec. 4, 1818.

*On the 26th and 27th of October, a tremendous hurricane was experienced at Bahama Islands. The Spanish schr. [schooner] Yabolato, with 100 slaves on board from Africa, stranded, and all on board perished except the captain, 1 seaman and 18 slaves. Many vessels were wrecked. The same gale did much damage at Nassau, N.P.

*THOMAS JEFFERSON. A few days since we heard that this venerable patriot was languishing on the bed of sickness and that his valuable life was apparently near its close. The latest accounts from him, however, represent that he has recovered his health, & that we yet have the prospect of seeing him live to enjoy the gratitude of a nation which he has so eminently served, & whose councils have been enlightened by the wisdom & strength of his mind. [Thomas Jefferson died on July 4, 1826 at Monticello, his home, fifty years to the day after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

*ASA HARTSHORN has removed to the New Building on the Avenue, next door to Sayre’s Store, where he will attend to all orders in his line. CLOCKS & WATCHES repaired, as usual, on the shortest notice, and in the best possible manner. December 5, 1818.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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