Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 13 1895/1995
Susquehanna - The published reports that posters announcing the coming of a burlesque company had been placed in the Methodist Church have no foundation in fact. Recently the authorities of the Church erected a small billboard on the Church grounds, upon which bills were spread advertising a troupe of Jubilee Singers, which appeared in and for the benefit of the Church. "Only this and nothing more."
Montrose - A large number of circulars have been received here luring people to invest in alleged gold Mines at Cripple Creek, Colorado. In view of the roseate statements made in the circulars, Uncle Sam might do well to buy Cripple Creek and have no further trouble about the $100,000,000 gold deficit. AND Stowe & Co.'s Big Uncle Tom's Cabin Co., who appears at the Armory Tuesday, Dec. 17th, has a genuine cotton press and gin, which will be presented in full operation.
Jones Lake [Lake Montrose] - The ice formed on the lake by the cold wave which struck this section the first of last week, afforded skating that is seldom excelled. This fascinating form of athletic amusement is being daily indulged in by scores of our young people and some of the older ones. The ice is said to be about seven inches thick and of excellent quality. D.V. Gardner is now supplying his patrons from the new ice crop.
Harford - There is to be a Christmas entertainment at the Congregational Church Christmas eve. W.B. Hammond was appointed for general committee; U.B. Lott, Committee on music; Miss May Tingley and Minnie Darrow, on program.
Little Meadows - Fred Brugler, our new harness maker, has moved his family from Owego to this place. They live up stairs in E.B. Beardslee's store. AND J.R. Dewel has the job of lighting the street lamps until April 1st.
Bear Swamp - Miss Mary Sheahen is teaching a very successful term of school near Lake Wyalusing.
Rush - Frank Pepper, butter maker at the East Rush creamery, goes to the State College [Penn State], as an instructor this winter, in the dairy department. Frank knows a good deal about making first-class butter.
Auburn Corners- A Christmas Ball will be held Christmas night, at P. Riley's Hotel, Auburn 4 Corners, to which the public is invited. Music by Bailey's orchestra.
South Gibson - Anyone finding a pair of mittens without thumbs, near South Montrose, will return them to Mrs. Chas. Goodwin; she will finish them for them.
Hallstead - The Methodist Church new building is advancing rapidly towards completion by contractor Johnson. The lathing of the interior was commenced the present week, and the trustees look forward to "dedication" prior to the Presbyterian congregation. [The Baptist congregation dedicated their new House of Worship on Tuesday, December 3, entirely freed from debt. The new $6,000 edifice all paid for by cash subscription and pledges, on the day of dedication.]
Hallstead - From the Hallstead Herald; A man, known as "Pinman Joe," and his wife, passed through this place Thanksgiving Day. They are walking on a wager from Boston to San Francisco and started from Boston nearly a month ago. They have their plans and course so well mapped out that if they can endure to walk thirteen miles a day until they reach Chicago, the remaining part of the journey will be comparatively easy. The conditions of the wager are that they must walk all the way, unless allowed to ride with passing teams. They started without money and are to earn what money they need by selling 1,000,000 papers of pins and 3,000,000 led pencils. The time given to complete the journey is one year, and the amount to be paid if successful is $25,000. The man was in good condition but the woman was somewhat exhausted and footsore. They are following the Postal Telegraph line to Chicago.
Compiled By: Betty Smith