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December 11 1896/1996

Great Bend – As Karr H. Gunn, a farmer resident in the township, was on his way home from here one night last week, he was held up by highwaymen, at the watering trough, a lonely and secluded spot in the woods which skirt the roadway just east this place. We understand that Mr. Gunn, who was unprepared for this sort of visit, although a sociable man, did not waste time arguing the matter. The parties demanded some groceries which he had purchased and which were in sight in the wagon.

West Auburn – Arthur Fuller has returned home from Wyoming, where he has been prospecting for gold.

Forest Lake – The ladies of the Baptist church will have a B supper with music and recitations, at Creamery Hall, Friday evening, Dec. 11. Fare 10 and 15 cents. Belles and Beaux, Brides and Bridegrooms, Bachelors and Benedicts and their Beloved, will Be Benefitted by Breaking their fast with us at that time. All this for the benefit of the Sunday School at Christmas time.

Herrick Centre – Miss Nellie Clancey has resigned her position as teacher in the school and will fill the vacancy left by Miss A. G. Chamberlain, primary teacher in the Forest City Graded School. AND Charlie Jay wears a smiling face. It is a 10 pound girl.

Fairdale – On the Dec. 7, a bell weighing 650 lbs. was safely placed in the belfry of the M.E. church. Through the indefatigable effort of the young doctor, H.M. Fry, the undertaking was brought about. Seeing a belfry and no bell in it, he thought it ought not to be thus. He assumed the task and with the encouragement of the pastor, Rev. G.L. Williams, behind him, he went forth, and to his courteous bearing, and the co-assistance of Misses Mary Bolles and Eva Stull, the people willingly responded. L.B. Pickett, of Montrose, was called upon to put it in place, and when all complete, he refused any compensation, wishing success to his old neighborhood, gathered up his tools and went his way in peace.

Forest City – The News plant has been moved from its former location to W. J. Maxey’s building, opposite the Forest City House.

Montrose – A telephone line is being constructed from Tunkhannock to Lake Carey, and in time will be continued to Montrose. It is partly for the benefit of the creameries of the Farmers’ Dairy Dispatch located along the line of the Montrose railway.

Harford – A fire company has been organized at Harford and equipped with the necessary apparatus. It has been named the “Nine Partner” fire company.

New Milford – On Saturday afternoon, Henrietta Hayden, daughter of James Hayden, while skating on the creamery pond, fell and broke two bones in the right arm. Monday morning, Reed Moxley, infant son of F. E. Moxley, had part of a finger taken off in the clothes ringer. Both patients are doing well under the treatment of Dr. D. C. Ainey. Through the generosity of Mr. Moses Shields, Jr., of Nicholson, St. Marks Episcopal church has a fine new sidewalk.

Hallstead – C. J. Langley has received a new supply of wall paper of the latest patterns and at very low prices. Boyle Coddington is the new firm of West Side grocers. Mr. E. W. Boyle having associated Mr. Coddington with him.

Hopbottom – Thursday evening about 9 o’clock, fire was discovered in the rooms of W. A. Rhodes over E. M. Tiffany’s store. Mrs. R. had gone out to spend the evening and left a lamp burning on the table which exploded, but it fortunately was discovered immediately by parties at the Foster House, who gave the alarm. The door was forced open, and seizing some bedding from one of the beds they succeeded in smothering the fire before it had time to do much damage. This makes three fires started in town by lamps exploding-including one in the millinery store of Bennett & Smith; and the one of one year ago, when the best part of the town was burned.

East Rush – Mr. Frank Pepper has moved to State College. The following from the New York “Produce Review” of Nov. 25 will be of interest to Mr. Pepper’s many friends. “Frank Pepper, the instructor in butter-making last year, has been appointed for the coming session and at its close will assume the duties of first manager in the College creamery, which is in operation throughout the year.” The Review also stated that more applications for admission had been received than ever before and a large class was reported.

Lenox – There are two new stores in town being built, one at Glenwood by the grangers and one at the “Acre” being erected by A.W. Miles.

Brooklyn – Arthur Gere has been running his cider and jelly mill very successfully.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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