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December 10 1920/2020

Women Jurors – Women as jurors in the county will be an accomplished fact at the January term of court. The jury commissioners met with the proper officials at the courthouse and the jurors for the next term were drawn. About 100 names of women eligible for jury duty had been placed in the wheel and of this number 17 chanced to be drawn. The name of Mrs. Ida S. Hart, of Oakland borough, was the first woman’s name to be drawn. She will serve as a grand juror as will Minnie Smith, of Lanesboro. Considerable space has been devoted by the joke smiths in the daily papers because some women asked to be excused on various pretexts, such as being unable to remain all the afternoon as she must get her husband’s supper. It is believed, however, that the women of Susquehanna county will readily adapt themselves to the new condition and will be found serving with fidelity and wisdom.

Montrose - The state has recommended that the schools give at least ten minutes a day to physical culture. Instructor O’Brien, who was recently in the army, is giving this course every morning and afternoon, immediately after the third period. It is expected that this will help the students mentally as well as physically. ALSO Landlord D. J. Donovan, proprietor of the Tarbell House, this week purchased the site of the Montrose House, at the corner of Church and Chestnut Sts. The building has been torn down and Mr. Donovan is planning to erect a structure on the former site. [The Montrose Inn was built at this location.] ALSO The Athletic association has secured Colonial Hall for three days a week, for basketball and folk dancing.

Silver Lake – Joseph J. Kane passed away at his home, December 4, following an illness from a complication of diseases. Mr. Kane was a prominent farmer and well-known in this vicinity. He was a son of Thomas and Ellen Nugent Kane and had lived practically his entire life of 52 years in the locality.

Auburn Twp. -Leander S. Lowe, aged 77 years, a resident here all his life, passed away at the home of his daughter Mrs. Murray Wandall, on November 31. He was a veteran of the Civil War and an honored member of the I.O.O.F. He leaves several sons and daughters. The funeral was held at Jersey Hill and was largely attended.

Forest Lake – Archie Horton has gone to the National Military Home at Hampton, Virginia, for the winter months. ALSO At Fair Hill, C. M. Brande’s cows got too many apples and nearly dried up—eight of them.

Susquehanna – County Game Protector George H. Watrous, who has been in Pike county during the open season for deer, shipped a doe to the Barnes Memorial hospital from Dingman’s Ferry. The animal had been illegally killed by hunters and, as prescribed by law, the doe was sent to a nearby hospital. ALSO The gigantic new turntable, near the old terminal, will be in use this week it is expected. It is the longest and heaviest ever made, no other railroad having one nearly its size and upon it the “Mat Shay” engines can be turned. The ironwork is as massive and heavy as upon the largest bridges.

Brooklyn – The call of fire summoned a large number of people to the home of T. A. Capron, where it was found that their chimney was burning out and fire had broken through in the upper rooms of the house. It was soon under control, however, and no great damage resulted. The need for some equipment, by the way of a hose cart and ladders, with which to fight fire, is being forced on the minds of our town people. ALSO The Methodist and Universalist Sunday schools, having voted in favor of a Community Christmas, have appointed committees that are arranging for a good program for the occasion.

Heart Lake – The hearing in the case of the Commonwealth vs. Charles and Edwin Hill, in the Juvenile Court, was continued by Judge Smith to the second Monday in January, the boys being paroled in the custody of their parents, Charles and Margaret Hill. The boys, aged 8 and 11 years, are charged with setting fire to the home of Arthur Hoyt, of Heart Lake, which was destroyed early in November.

New Milford – Robert Oliver, who has been playing in the Rocco Exposition Show Band, in Georgia, has returned to his hone here.

South Gibson – H. G. Michael has purchased an Edison talking machine.

Harford – The Sunshine Class will have a foot social at the home of Mrs. Abels, Tuesday night, Dec. 14. All tall folks are requested to attend, as well as the short ones.

Little Meadows – Charles Hand has gone to Endicott where he will accept a position as violinist in Roper’s Orchestra.

Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. – The mud is getting so deep that it reminds the farmer some of the snow we had last winter.

Forest City – Charles and Martin Skubic post of the American Legion, will elect officers for the ensuing year on Dec. 27. Applicants to the number of fifty or more are seeking membership in the order. The members will not be satisfied until every ex-service man, eligible to membership, is enrolled.

Ararat – While attending Pomona Grange at Thompson a halter was put in Jerome Denney’s wagon through mistake. Owner can have same by calling on Telephone Jackson Exchange.

Uniondale – Lineman John LeBell and A. S. Johnson are looking up the wreckage to the N. E. Pennsylvania Telephone Company caused by the storm of Nov. 16. They find plenty to do. It is hoped that the lines will soon be repaired to such an extent as to enable us to communicate with the outside world. We sympathize with the telephone company but we can not express our sympathy by wire. ALSO Last Thursday a telephone man worked hard all day in Uniondale without his dinner because no one directed him to the Ladies’ Aid at the Manse, where he could have had a dollar’s worth of victuals for 25 cents. In the evening he said he would have given a dollar for a dinner if he could have found a cook in Uniondale.

Marriage Licenses: Jesse Stevens and Verna M. Fisk, Springville; Chas A. Lynch, Little Meadows and Marie A. Curley, Middletown; Lisle F. Fortner and Gladys M. Swisher, Great Bend; Donald Franks and Helen O’Neill, Great Bend.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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