Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
December 10 1909/2009
Jackson - The M. E. Ladies Aid gave a chicken dinner last Thursday at 10 cents a plate. It was worth many times the price asked. ALSO C. M. Rosengrant is attending school at State College.
Franklin Forks - Miss Mary E. Downs, our teacher and several of her pupils, are entertaining the chicken pox.
Silver Lake - We are glad to know that the roads are in traveling condition again after the Thanksgiving blizzard. ALSO Thomas Conaty and lady attended the ball at Friendsville on Thanksgiving.
Great Bend - John Handrick, who is traveling salesman for the American Chair Manufacturing Company of Hallstead, is home on a month's vacation.
Parkvale, Dimock Twp. - Nelson Smith has built a new hen house and put a concrete floor in it. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Penny have broken up housekeeping and gone to live with their children.
Ararat - Floyd Sartell, one of our most promising young men, left Monday for Rochester where he will enter a business college. We wish him success. A few friends and neighbors gathered at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Sartell for a farewell visit before his departure. Refreshments were served and a pleasant evening enjoyed.
Brooklyn - The pie social at H. W. Roper's was a great success. Nearly 100 people enjoyed the evening and $12 was added to the S. S. treasury. Charles Jewett and Will Rozelle were the champions, each eating eleven pieces of pie.
Little Meadows - Our school is progressing nicely under the management of Miss Belig. ALSO Pat McNamara has gone to Parlor City where he has secured a position.
Springville - The team of C. E. Voss, merchant at Auburn Corners, was at Springville depot when the train drew in, Mr. Voss's son handling the lines. The horses became frightened at the cars and sprang on the track just ahead of the engine, but were brushed aside and fell between the station platform and the train, one horse being on the ground and the other practically on its back. Singular to relate, the animals came out with only slight scratches though wedged in a space not much over 18 inches wide.
Ainey, Springville Twp. - Paul, the youngest son of Frank Johnson, was badly burned on the face one day last week. Much sympathy is felt for the little one.
Forest City - Watts Brasso has purchased the restaurant and pool business, for several years conducted by P. F. Morrison. It has been moved from the Lyons building to the Cleary building next to the First National bank. Mr. Brasso has been employed in the business for some time, knowing the trade, and should make a success of his venture. William Lambert has accepted a position in the restaurant succeeding George Cavanaugh, who resigned.
Birchardville - The farmhouse on the Edward Green farm, near here, was burned to the ground Wednesday evening, the fire being discovered at about 9 p.m. It had gained such headway that all the family could do was to get out the furniture on the first floor and part of the canned goods from the cellar. Nothing could be removed from the second floor, owing too the spread made by the flames. The fire caught near the stovepipe. Much sympathy is felt for the family, as no insurance was carried. They were taken in by neighbors, while making arrangements for the future.
Montrose - Dr. E. R. Gardner received a handsome 22-horsepower Holsman automobile this week through the agency of H. E. Cooley. The machine is a new style for this section, being constructed on the cab principle, with high, hard rubber-tired wheels, and is well suited for a physician in making calls in all kinds of weather. Patrick Gilroy, for a number of years the doctor's faithful driver, who prefers a team to any power vehicle, is studying up the requirements of a chauffer.
South Gibson - A surprise party was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Will Warren recently, at their home on the Thomas Warren farm, where they have just commenced housekeeping. About fifty were present and all had a good time. They left as a reminder of their visit a full set of dishes and four dollars in cash.
South Auburn - R. J. Carter is having a pipe laid from the creamery well to his barn to supply his stock with good water. AND Peter Benninger is having water piped into the house.
Susquehanna - A dog poisoner is at work in Susquehanna again, for the fourth time within a year. Several alleged harmless and valuable dogs have fallen victims.
Off to "Sunny South" - Last week five veterans of the Civil War went to Johnson City, Tenn., where they will remain during the winter in the National Soldier's Home. They are William H. Street, of Fairdale; George E. Woodruff, S. W. Wood, of Montrose; Charles Read, of Great Bend, and James Strange, of Birchardville. All excepting Mr. Wood have been at the home during the winter months before and like the conditions there very much. A number are already there from this county, among them B. W. Clark, William McKeeby and L. B. Decker. The climate is warm in that section and the aging veterans are given excellent treatment and good fare. They invariably like it.
News Brief - An article in one of the trade journals says that for the year of 1910, with the combined power of all the automobile factories, there are four buyers for every machine that can be turned out. This means the fellow who waits until next summer to give his order will be obliged to wait until 1911 for the delivery of his machine. AND If you are interested in a fine, healthy, money making climate, don't overlook the great state of Oklahoma in the sunny Southwest. For description and prices of the country, write L. B. Sawyer, Enid, Oklahoma, Lock Box 596.
Compiled By: Betty Smith