Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 09 1910/2010
South New Milford - The roll call at the Moxley church, on Saturday, Nov. 26, was a very interesting affair. The church was organized 83 years ago with 12 members, 6 men and 6 women. The present church was built by Austin Darrow in 1850. Rev. Mr. Browe, of Hallstead, preached in the morning and in the afternoon Austin Darrow gave a history of the church. Several ministers who formerly preached here could not come, but sent interesting letters.
East Lynn - E. L. Brown and party have been spending some time bear hunting on the mountain near Mehoopany. The snow was very deep, between four and five feet, making it quite impossible to get around.
South Gibson - John Belcher and son have been drilling for water on the hill back of the town and after going down 150 feet they found an abundant supply. Pipes are being laid to the residences of D. A. Morgan, C. Keech, C. W. Lewis, James Fuller and Evan Anthony. The windmill is up and the work nearly completed. W. W. Resseguie, near Smiley, has secured water by drilling. The drillers are now at work at Arthur Estabrook's on Kentuck Hill.
Brooklyn - On Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Austin entertained at their home the following friends, all deaf mutes: Mr. and Mrs. I. Williams, Mrs. J. Austin, son, daughter and granddaughter, all of Binghamton; Mr. and Mrs. James Benninger and Perry Oakley, of Nicholson; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gow and children, of Lathrop, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sterling, of Lindaville. The report is that all had a most enjoyable time.
Susquehanna - Alonzo Boyden, who will be 101 years of age next month, met with a serious accident on Thanksgiving day. Mr. Boyden, in sitting down, lost his balance and fell from the chair to the floor, breaking his leg at the thigh. Dr. D. J. Peck reduced the fracture, but there is little possibility of his ever being able to walk upon it even though he should recover. In another report Mr. Boyden, possibly the oldest man in the county, died December 8th from injuries received by a fall Thanksgiving day.
Montrose - A project is under way to dam up the creek flowing west of town over L. H. Ball's flat [near the corner of Rt. 706 and Owego St.] and make a skating park during the winter. A nominal admission will be charged to skate on the pond. The idea will meet with favor from the younger element and the older ones who have not forgotten how to cut a "figure 8."
Glenwood - W. P. Kellogg, of Syracuse, was at his farm, formerly owned by the late Galusha A. Grow, and which he has offered to the State as an experiment farm. During the past few years they have been growing good crops of alfalfa, and Mr. Kellogg states that they are now also raising some fine thoroughbred Shropshire sheep, weighing as high as 250 pounds. He is an enthusiast on the subject of agriculture.
Little Meadows - The first number of the lecture course at Apalachin was given Friday evening, Dec. 2, by Rounds' Ladies' Orchestra. The young people who attended from here were: Louise Fox, Lena Deuel, Christian DeKay, Lulu Palmer, Henry Hall, James Moe, Frank Boland, Albert Dewing, Harry Brown and Chauncey Barker.
Forest City - Joseph Raudzus, a young man about 20 years of age, went to work as a laborer in the Stillwater Coal company's mines, on Monday, and Tuesday was killed by a fall of rock. The remains were taken to Connelly's morgue and then to the home of Joseph Balunas, on the corner of Grand avenue and Railroad street, where he boarded. The funeral will be held this morning, the last sad rites being observed in St. Anthony's church and interment made in St. Agnes cemetery. Deceased spent his boyhood here and about a year ago returned to Lithuania, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Raudzus, who were residents of Forest City for many years. A month ago he returned and on Monday went to work at the Stillwater mine.
Harford - Master Rupert Grant entertained his teacher and Sunday school class at a chicken dinner Dec. 1. They were a merry lot of boys and had a very enjoyable time.
Thompson - The help-yourself-band, so much at home in Thompson, of late, visited Myron B. Miller's store last week and carried away eighteen overcoats, three of which they dropped a sort distance from the store. "Uncle" Tom Walker and Myron Miller are the only wholesale dealers in town so far, notwithstanding that they do a thriving business.
Auburn Twp. - Be sure and hear Irving T. Roberts in "The Man of the Hour," a political drama in four acts, a tale of here and now and one of the great moral plays of the day, at West Auburn, Wednesday evening, Dec. 14. Mr. Roberts is very highly spoken of as an impersonator.
Elk Lake - On Nov. 27, 1910, at his home near Elk Lake, death came suddenly to Hiram Hosford, aged 74 years. He was a member of the Grand Army, [a veteran of the Civil War] true to the colors and loyal as a citizen, friend and Christian. His life had been full of patient faithfulness in all services, at home, in business and with neighbors where he has lived. Burial in Stone street cemetery in Forest Lake. Bearers were comrades O. A. Baldwin, H. C. Spafford, Asa Warner, C. E. Fessenden.
Ararat - The continued stormy weather has made quite good sleighing in this section.
Friendsville - Reacting to an article in Country Gentleman, titled "The Farm Privy" [which must have been anti-privy], "An Old Farmer in Friendsville" wrote the following: "We had a privy built in 1863 and it looks well yet. We have a box that holds five bushels of road dust and a dipper in it for use, with the notice over it, "Please use the dipper." We get the road dust in this way: We put a lot of old pails on a stone boat and fill these pails on the road, drive to the privy and unload them in the box. We clean the privy twice a year, in November and April, by driving to the rear with a wagon, load the contents, and scatter it on the field we intend to plant corn in the next season. We find road dust useful in many ways--in fowl houses, cow barns and hog pens."
News Brief - An Oklahoma girl advertised for a husband and got him. The total cost for advertising, wedding outfit, etc., was $11. He died within one year, leaving her an insurance policy of $10,000, and yet some people claim it doesn't pay to advertise. ALSO Buttermilk is in great demand for good buckwheat cakes but is sometimes very hard to get. Water from boiled potatoes makes a fine substitute for buttermilk it is said. Try it the next time the buttermilk gives out.
Compiled By: Betty Smith