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December 09 1899/1999

Rush - Robt. Hillis drove a flock of 200 sheep and lambs through town on their way for shipment at Montrose on Monday. AND - Pansies are still in bloom in Overton's yard and there are young shoots on rose bushes an inch long.

East Lenox - Nathan Lavene, a peddler, who makes weekly trips through this place, recently lost a valuable roll of Brussels rugs between S. Gibson and Royal. Finder will please leave at some post office on the route.

Harford - People in this town would like to see the steeple that originally surmounted the Congregational church. A draft of the whole building has been found. Also to see a plan of the gallery and find pews there, numbered and sold. The old pews below were longer than now, 58 in number; the poorest one marked 6 cents, the best one $70. They will marvel at 46 men, subscribing $1375 towards building the church away back in 1821.

Hopbottom - The marriage of Grace Palmer and Archie Pratt took place Wed. eve at the home of Frank Squier here, performed by Rev. S. Homan at 8:30. The bridal party entered the parlor during the playing of the Mendelsohn Wedding March by Alta Finn and were preceded by four flower girls--Harriett Homan, Ethel Gavitt, Diamond Rose and Alice Conrad. The best man and maid of honor, Olney Pratt and Miss Jessie Lord then took their places; the bride then followed leaning on the arm of her father; they were met by the groom. Taking their places in one end of the room which was tastefully decorated and curtained, they were made one. The bride wore a handsome gown of blue trimmed with white velvet.

Brooklyn - The Aid Society held an oyster supper in Creamery Hall, Lindaville, Thanksgiving eve., which was well attended. Franklin Hill was pretty well represented, there being over 20 down from the bill. they seemed to enjoy themselves hugely, and we invite them all down again. AND - There will be given in the Methodist church, Wed. eve., Dec. 20, under the auspices of the Epworth League, a grand entertainment by Lu B. and Ella Meade Cake, impersonators, elocutionists, and musicians. Come and enjoy a good thing.

New Milford - Mrs. H. A. Lyons entertained the "Magazine" club of New Milford. Those present were the Mrs.'s Jay, Tucker, Vail, Badger, McCollum, Hager, Moss, Carpenter and Safford, all of New Milford Mrs. Todd, of Scranton, and Mrs. C. H. Ainey, of Montrose.

Herrick Centre - The Senior young people held their annual thanksgiving supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Kishbaugh. The table was loaded with the delicacies of the season. One of the chief sources of amusement was the fortune teller who expounded the future to those who cared to look into its mysteries.

The Junior young people held their supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holford. This was the fashionable supper of the evening; turkey, celery and doughnuts graced the centre of the table, while the fashionable dishes filled the rest of the table to overflowing.

The most enjoyable time of all was spent by the Freshmen at Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ogden's. Music, fun and oysters helped to fill their young hearts so that as they wended their way homeward in the wee hours of the morning, they would frequently break forth in songs of praise.

Lindaville (Brooklyn Twp.) - The district school has 14 pupils with Miss Florence Watrous as teacher. AND - Who could wish for nicer December weather.

Franklin Forks - The Ladies' Aid for the month of November was held at the home of William Osborne. About 30 were present. A quilt was quilted for the work of the day.

Elkdale - Frank Belcher has arrived home from the Klondike country. His brothers, Oscar and Greeley, will not come home this winter but will stay in the camps looking after their claims.

Silver Lake - The death of Bernard Gillooly, son of John and Mary Guiton Gillooly, occurred at his parents' home on Dec. 1st, at the age of 18 years. His death was caused by typhoid fever. The interment was made in the churchyard cemetery. The pallbearers were - Thos. Clune, Joe Whalley, Jas. Lynch, Thos. Giblin, Wm. McCormick and Lou. Donavan; flower bearers--Chas. Donavan, Lawrence Giblin and John Foster. Bernard had been teaching school in Flynn [Middletown Twp.] since August last. It is very hard to part with one so young and good.

Susquehanna - Miss Annie Griffin left Thursday for Carbondale, where she will enter the Convent St. Rose, as a postulant in the order of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. AND - Mr. Edgar Sampson and Miss Margaret Scanlon were united in marriage in St. John's parochial residence, Wednesday evening.

Montrose - Geo. Felker is preparing to move his birch still machinery from LeRaysville to Montrose, and will establish a birch oil still near the Loomis brick yard.

Birchardville - The new mile boards provided for the township of Forest Lake, by L. H. Lincoln, are a luxury to be appreciated, not only by the traveler, but by the housekeepers, often with dough in hand, [who] are called to direct the traveler on his journey, while he in recompense, often grumbles that woman don't know anything--about distance.

Mansfield Normal School - The school's Quarterly gives a complete list of students registered up to date - Seniors--Lena A. Bushnell, of Auburn Four Corners; Anna M., Urania C. and Fred W. Dayton, of Rush; and Cady Weston and Louise E. Newton, of Brooklyn. Juniors--Dora J. Ainey, of Ainey; Myra L. Jackson, of Hopbottom; Lulu Matthews, of Harford; Irving Pentecost, of Forest City; Bertha Sage, of Brooklyn; Julia Stockbine, of Gibson, and Glenn Tiffany, of Lindaville. Molly T. Weston, of Brooklyn, is registered as a student in music and Ethel Sterling, of Brooklyn, is taking the college preparatory course.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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