Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 08 1922/2022
Brooklyn – Herman H. Otto, who has been prominently identified with the dairy industry for some years, was chosen to head the Dairymen’s League in the Scranton territory at a meeting in Scranton. Mr. Otto was one of the founders of the Milk Producers of the City of Scranton and served for four years on the sales committee of the Dairymen’s League, and it was largely through his influence that Scranton was chosen as a division headquarters for the League.
New Milford – David VanBuskirk, aged 80, a highly respected citizen and former funeral director, went to Susquehanna Saturday and on his way home, when near Hickory Grove, apparently attempted to fix his automobile and died instantly. He was found on the side of his car by a passer-by, who summoned Dr. Merrill, of Hallstead, who stated that death was instantaneous, caused by heart failure. His career was an inspiration to those who had dealings with him, being a man who believed in a square deal to all. He was kind and generous to friend or stranger, believing and practicing the old saying, “Honesty is the best policy.”
Elk Lake – The general store here, conducted by Frank Arnold, burned to the ground Tuesday morning. A wood fire had been started in a portion of the store, and sparks from a chimney ignited the woodwork, which rapidly spread to all parts of the building. A few goods from the older portion of the building were saved, but it was impossible to remove any merchandise from the more recently built store building. While there was some insurance the loss will be a heavy one, and Mr. Arnold has the sympathy of a wide circle of friends.
Silver Lake – The body of Michael P. McCormick, aged 27 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. James J. McCormick, of Silver Lake, who left his work at the Endicott-Johnson Shoe Corp. in the early days of the World War, being one of the first volunteers to go out from Broome county and who was reported as missing in action after a daylight raid on the German trenches at Picardy on July 21, 1918, arrived in Binghamton Monday night, and was taken to the McDevitt Undertaking parlors. “Missing in Action” was the word flashed to his parents and brothers by the A. E. F. headquarters after his daring attempt to capture some prisoners to obtain information in the days when things looked dark for the allies. But his body was subsequently found and placed along-side his buddies of the 77th division in the American cemetery at the Meuse-Argonne. His body was brought to this country by the government at the request of his relatives. This is the first body to arrive since the Federal authorities announced that all the soldiers had been removed from France that were requested by parents.
Jackson – Monday evening, Dec. 4, the horse barn belonging to Charlie Potter was burned to the ground. It is reported that two horses and a car were burned. Also it is not known how the fire started. ALSO The community dinner in the church parlors on Thanksgiving day was largely attended. The dinner was one of the best. At the close of the dinner speeches by Rev. Shelley and Henry W. Felton were listened to. Mr. Shelley spoke on law enforcement and Mr. Felton spoke on Community matters. It is hoped that in the future that the community people will get together more, not only on Thanksgiving and other holidays, but throughout the year,
Hop Bottom – Merl Rynearson has a fine, large garage nearly completed. The structure is built of concrete and brick, with dwelling floor. The garage is located on the Lackawanna Trail, south of Hop Inn and is a great addition to the town. ALSO Mrs. Brewer is to open a bakery in the small store of G. C. Finn. Anyone in need of lunches or baking give her a call.
Lathrop Twp. – Frank W. Taylor, of Union, an old veteran of 1860, is in very poor health. He is not able to go out of doors to do any work. He is past 81 years old.
Franklin Forks – Mr. and Mrs. Fred VanHouten are living in their new home. Mr. VanHouten is building a fine garage. ALSO Mrs. Lyle Stockholm accompanied her brother to Sandwich, Ill., to visit their mother.
Heart Lake – Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Griffing are spending the winter in their home at Winter Haven, Fla. ALSO Rev. Brong made a trip to Port Dickinson, NY, Monday, with his car, taking a load of food and clothing which were donated to the Children’s Home in that place by the Alford, Bridgewater and Heart Lake congregations.
South Montrose – The two or three inches of very wet, heavy snow which fell during Monday night and early Tuesday morning will help considerably in alleviating the drought which is becoming acute generally. Our genial friend, B. H. Robinson, of this place, tells us that twelve years ago similar drought conditions existed and that on Nov. 7th there was a heavy fall of snow which remained until a “thaw” Jan. 4th restored the springs and wells, affording plenty of water the remainder of the winter. There is very little frost, if any, in the ground now and any moisture would be readily absorbed.
Apolacon Twp. – William Hartigan, of this place, one of the county’s substantial and well-known citizens, was born and has spent his entire lifetime on the homestead farm. Showing the big shift from the farm, and numerous changes of residence, it is interesting to note that there are but two residents of Apolacon township residing on their homestead farms.
Montrose – There is keen competition in the second and third grades at school in the savings department. The grade having the largest deposit between November and March will receive a prize of $10, and the second will receive $5.00. The past week each grade had 100 per cent. This thrift habit should be encouraged by the parents.
Susquehanna – The Senior class of Laurel Hill academy was very pleasantly entertained at St. John’s rectory by Rev. D. J. Bustin. Dinner was served at 6 p.m., covers being laid for 20 guests and the table beautifully decorated with chrysanthemums. A very delightful evening was spent by all and the guests departed with most pleasant memories for the future when school days at the academy are things of the past.
Dimock – Foster Sherwood has opened a barber shop near the community building, where he will give you a good shave or haircut, on Wednesday and Saturday evenings of each week.
Compiled By: Betty Smith