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December 08 1916/2016

Brooklyn – A double funeral was conducted here on Saturday afternoon when Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Tiffany were laid side by side in Evergreen cemetery. When Mrs. Tiffany died on Monday night, her husband felt that nothing remained for him to live for and expressed the wish that he might be buried with her. His wish was granted, for on Friday morning he was suddenly stricken with pneumonia and died before noon. His wife’s funeral was postponed a day and these two who had traveled life’s journey together for nearly fifty years were carried together to their last resting place.

Lynn, Springville Twp. – Chas. Henning and Robert Sheldon left here yesterday for State College, where they will take an agricultural and dairy course. ALSO W. B. Fish is progressing with his water works, piping water to his house and barn which will be a great convenience when finished.

Harford – News has just reached us that Mrs. Fred Chamberlain, of California, who was seriously injured in an auto accident, in which her husband was killed, underwent a surgical operation on Dec. 3, from which she did not rally. She leaves two small children to mourn her loss. ALSO  A nine pound and quarter son—William George, was born to Mr. and Mrs. George LaBarre, in Dr. Burns’ Hospital, Scranton, Dec. 1st.

Birchardville – Miss Chadija C. Dayton, a trained nurse from Rochester, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Watson Dayton, near this place.

South Montrose – H. R. Decker, the well-known breeder, recently shipped a very fine, pure bred Holstein calf to California. It arrived in splendid condition, after its six-day journey. The express charge was over thirty dollars

Montrose – Miss Helen Burns, daughter of druggist and Mrs. Geo. C. Burns, at a recent class election, was honored by being chosen secretary of a large class of students at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. The fact that she was the only girl elected to fill an office is particularly gratifying to her many friends. ALSO Wm. Spence is now the oldest member of A. M. E. Zion church, and he has a fine record for attendance.  It is a pleasure to hear him sing and exhort.

Ararat – Samuel Entrot, having exchanged his large farm in Ararat for the store property and stock of goods of J. L. Wadman, of Ararat village, will have a public sale, Dec. 23rd. Fifty head of registered Holsteins, other stock, and a large stock of farm tools, etc., are to be disposed of. The scarcity of help and poor health made it necessary for Mr. Entrot to give up farming.

Little Meadows – The dance held in the hall, Nov. 29, under the management of the Emmet Club, was not very successful, owing to the bad roads and rain. ALSO E. J. Shaughnessy and family are going to move to Binghamton this week. We will be sorry to lose our neighbors. James Murphy has also gone to Binghamton to work for his brother-in law, who runs a milk route.

Friendsville – Martin Coleman, of Middletown, is boarding with Thomas Lee and attending the Turnpike school. ALSO One of the oldest churches in Susquehanna county is the unused little Church of the Holy Spirit, located in the grove near Carmalt Lake. The late Rev. Elisha Mulford used to conduct Episcopalian services there occasionally, although it is said it was first used by a number of Quakers for a meeting-house.

East Rush – Another one of East Rush’s boys was laid at rest last Sabbath, when the funeral of Abijah James, which was held at Jersey Hill, occurred. He was in business at Ely, Minnesota, as a druggist for the past few years and was taken sick sometime late in the summer and came to Chicago for treatment, but there seemed to be no cure for him. He leaves a wife and one son and a number of brothers and sisters to mourn him.

Susquehanna – Jesse Payne, aged nearly 96 years, died in the Susquehanna Hospital on Thursday.  He was a veteran of the Civil war and until recently resided in New Milford. A daughter, Mrs. Ella Griffin, and a son, Thomas Payne, both of Susquehanna, survive. [Jesse mustered in on Sept. 5, 1864 to Co. C, Two Hundred and Third Regiment.  He mustered out with his company in June of 1865.]

Gelatt – Russell Howell has gone to State College where he will take a course in butter and cheese making.

Marriages Licenses: Seburn Nye and Theresa Payne, Jackson; Emmett M. Sivers, Lawton and May M. Marbaker, Forest Lake; Kenneth H. Hunter, Great Bend and Blanch E.Vail, Montrose; C. Fred Stiles, Endicott, NY and Claudine V. Stanton, Great Bend; Lingi Lesti and Marie Pingareei, Susquehanna.

News Briefs: A mine cave in Dunmore, Tuesday, carried a horse and wagon to the bottom of a thirty-foot hole. ALSO  One of the oldest newspapers published in this part of the state, The Bradford Argus, established in 1833, suspended publication last week. E. A. Parsons was the publisher for years. At his death, some time ago, his wife undertook the management of the publication. The soaring prices of printing materials are given as the cause of the death of the paper.  The plant of the Argus has been purchased by the Towanda Printing Company.

ROUNDING UP THE CHICKEN THIEVES: It has been suspected for some time that some of the chicken stealing in Montrose has been due to several youths and enough evidence being secured the sheriff and 2 constables raided a certain domicile. The house was surrounded, that is on three sides, and Constable Chapman walked in the front door and grabbed the first one in sight. The most guilty made a jump for a rear window, taking sash and all, and Chapman “hollered” for aid and Constable Rosche beat it around the back of the house, with a 38 caliber revolver in his hand, and was making good time when he fell over the rocky cliff in true motion-picture style.  He saw the fleeing youth and three times his pistol barked.  This convinced the guilty one that he was needed, and as the bullets were flying close he gave himself up. Taken before Justice Davies, the thefts were admitted, stating that  some of Horton Brown’s fine prize birds had found their way into the stewing pot—and other birds had likewise flown in that direction. Amusement was shown when told of the culinary operations in making fricasseed chicken. The bird was picked, head and feet chopped off, and without the usual preliminary dressing, was dumped into the scalding pot, the formality of removing the entrails being omitted in the act. It was related that one miscreant didn’t eat any of the birds, objecting more to the fact that one of the members stirred the contents with his fingers, than to the fact that the fowl was not properly dressed. [Names omitted to protect descendants who may read this article.]

200 Years Ago will continue next week.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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