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December 08 1911/2011

Montrose - Miss Elizabeth Oeppling, stenographer in W. D. B. Ainey’s office, leaves today for Washington, where she will assist in handling some of the accumulating correspondence already piling up in the office of the new Congressman. His friends will be interested to know that he is pointed out on the streets of Washington as “the man who trimmed Woodrow Wilson.” Five Congressmen received the oath of office at the opening of Congress. Mr. Ainey was escorted to the bar of the House by a number of Pennsylvania Congressmen, where Speaker Clark administered the oath. Upon taking the oath he received the congratulations of Congressmen from various parts of the nation.

South Auburn - The first sleighing of the season [came] on Monday.

South Gibson - Earl Manzer, one of our up-to-date farmers, will have, when completed, one of the finest barns for stock in the county, furnished with all the sanitary and modern improvements.

Springville - On Monday evening, Dec. 17, the first number of the lecture course will be given at the M. E. church. This entertainment will be the Peterson Sisters, comprising four ladies, each of whom is an artist in her line and among the different instruments are the piano, violin, harp, guitar, mandolin, also a ladies’ quartette. Tickets for the five entertainments, $1; single tickets, 25 cents.

North Jackson - The new M. E. church annex is practically completed and dedication services will take place, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Dec. 13, 14, and 15.

Fairdale - The Oakes Bros. have been cutting wood in the neighborhood this week. The boys have a good outfit.

New Milford - There has been considerable excitement among the hunters in this section over the appearance of a strange animal supposed to be a panther or wildcat. Its cries have been heard nightly for some time and hunters have found tracks in the snow that would indicate it was a large animal. ALSO R. N. Hall, aged 73 years, died at his home, Nov. 28, 1911. He was a resident of New Milford since childhood and was one of its best known citizens. He served in the 52nd Pennsylvania Volunteers during the Civil War, having an honorable record. He is survived by his wife, five son and three daughters. The funeral was held from St. Mark’s Episcopal Church and interment was made in Blaisdell cemetery.

Uniondale - John W. White recently sold a registered Holstein calf to Mr. Symonds, of Pike county, another to Mr. Yale, of Wayne county, and two to Frank Giles of Uniondale. They were beauties, being descendants of the cow holding the third best record for milk and butter fat in the world. Mr. White is known far and wide as a breeder of choice stock and gives unbounded satisfaction to his many patrons.

Susquehanna - M. H. Eisman has given the Barnes Memorial Hospital a donation of $1,000. The gift is made in memory of his wife, who died some weeks ago, and who was a well known charitable worker among the poorer people of that town. This is the first money donation ever given the hospital since the original donation of the founder, Simon H. Barnes, which was $5,000. Mr. Eisman is a brother of Mrs. M. S. Dessauer, of Montrose.

Dundaff - Chicken thieves visited the coop of W. Coleman on Saturday night and took all but five. They are known. AND At East Clifford a team of horses driven by I. Gleason became frightened near the John Irving farm and ran away leaving Mr. Gleason in the rear. As they were passing the Bowman place he ran to the road to stop them. He caught one of the lines and was quickly thrown to the ground. The team was caught near A. G. Stevens’ place near Elkdale.

Dimock - There seems to be a large amount of wild game on the Camp Grounds, such as rabbits, squirrels and pole cats, which are hunted by the boys daily.

Lenox - When J. A. Sinsabaugh, of Lenox, went to sell his Thanksgiving turkeys, he found some one else had saved him the trouble, as they had all been stolen, just as they had been gotten in the pink of condition to decorate the Thanksgiving board. We understand there were about 75 turkeys thus appropriated, which was a severe loss, indeed, for Mr. Sinsabaugh.

South Montrose - Peter Osborne is the champion hog killer. He butchered 10 in less than one day.

Harford - Jasper T. Jennings wrote the following in his articles on Susquehanna County: Harford was organized as a township in 1808, but was first settled by the Nine Partners in 1790. The Nine Partners, who came from Attleboro, Massachusetts, were Hosea Tiffany, Caleb Richardson, Ezekiel Titus, Robert Follett, John Carpenter, Moses Thacher, Daniel Carpenter, Samuel Thacher and Josiah Carpenter. One of the nine, Caleb Richardson, was a soldier of the French War of 1765, a captain in the war of the Revolution and had command of the fort where the Battery is now in New York City, while General Washington was conducting his retreat. The settlers made their grist mills by burning out the top of a sound stump and arranging a spring pole and pestle for pounding the grain. The first grist mill was built by a Mr. Hallstead, in 1796; the first blacksmith shop was erected by Amos Sweet in 1795; the first saw mill was built in 1800 by Tiffany, Follett and Carpenter. The first fulling mill was built by Rufus Kingsley, in 1810 and the first carding machine was built by Elkanah Tingley, also in 1810. Harford Township is about seven miles north and south by five miles east and west.

Elk Lake - Fishing laws forbid use of more than eight tip-ups by any one person in fishing through the ice, and an arrest for the violation of this law was published in an exchange in such a way that it gave the impression that it was illegal to use tip-ups at all. This was published in some of the exchanges, and as same was called to our attention just at the moment of going to press, we printed same without verifying the matter. We have consulted Fish Warden S. A. Young, of Elk Lake, and he knows of no ruling changing the act permitting the use of eight tip ups.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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