Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 08 1905/2005
West Auburn - The school at West Auburn has been closed on account of trouble over the vaccination law. It was closed by the directors, pending further instructions from the State Board of Health. It has been learned that no attempt is being made to enforce the vaccination law in other portions of Susquehanna county. There have been upwards of 25 scholars excluded from this school during the last three weeks by the teacher on account of not being vaccinated and finally the directors concluded to close the school entirely until directed how to legally settle the matter.
Lawsville - The vaccination question seems to be troubling both teachers and scholars alike. It seems to be a hard law for a teacher to enforce.
Silver Lake - Frank Heavy, son of William Heavy, who was badly burned while attending to his duties as a fireman, is now at the Moses Taylor hospital in Scranton, and is doing as well as can be expected. His escape from being burned to death was wonderful.
Susquehanna - As printed in the Tri-Weekly Journal: "Mrs. Sarah J. Harper-Starr, of Bellevue, PA has been buried in the family mausoleum. Mrs. Starr's marriage in Cincinnati on May 22, 1849, is of historical importance in ecclesiastical circles. Miss Harper was 16 years old, but had ideas of her own on the question of the word 'obey' in the ritual of the church and decided that for her it should be eliminated. She found a friend in Rev. Maxwell Gaddis, asst. pastor of Moses Chapel, Cincinnati, who promised to omit the word during the ceremony. She was married, but people charged that the marriage was invalid. At the next meeting of the general conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, held in Cincinnati, the clergyman who had omitted the word was 'churched.' Finally the question became general and later, when decisive action was taken, the sentence 'serve and obey' was ordered stricken out of the matrimonial ritual of the discipline of the ME church."
Gelatt - There has been a new postoffice established on East Mountain at W. Williams' house. Now the stage runs from Herrick Center to the new office, so the people along the line have their mail delivered.
Alford - Plummer Page, a nine-year old Alford boy, broke through the ice Wednesday on the pond near the DL&W trestle, and was drowned. When school was dismissed at noon, in company with several friends, he went to the pond to try the ice. Stepping from the end of a float which projects into the water, he commenced walking toward the shore. When about 30 ft. from land the ice gave way. The frightened children secured help and he was taken from the water in a few minutes. Every effort was made to resuscitate him, but, as the boy had a weak heart, it is thought death was due as much to the shock of the icy water and his struggle for life as it was to strangulation. It is reported that a little crippled brother of the drowned boy attempted to go to his rescue and the scene was a pitiful one. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Page, and is the second of their three children to die within a few months.
Heart Lake - N. S. Harrison, of Co. F, a prisoner at Andersonville at the time of the Civil war is, with the other Penn'a prisoners held in this stockade, visiting the place again. The state pays all expenses of the trip.
Lenoxville - Saturday evening Daniel S. Robinson's house caught fire and came very near being destroyed by the monster fiend. Neighbors and friends helped them save part of the structure. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson moved their furniture to the White house and will reside there while their house is being repaired.
Thompson - "Remarkable" said the pastor at the M. E. church, Sunday morning. "There are more men than ladies out this morning."
New Milford - L. S. Brown, one of the founders of the New Milford Advertiser, after an absence of many years, has been engaged by the owners of that paper to again take charge of it. We extend congratulations all around.
Forest City - E. Feldman & Co. offers the following for Christmas: Dolls-dressed, from 19 cents to $5.00 and undressed, with kid body, from 29 cents to $1.98. Swing Rocking Horses, 75 cents to $1.98. Iron Toys, Fire Wagons, Hook and Ladder and Ice Wagons, Steam Engines, Surreys, Locomotives. Plus, Soldier Suits, Harmless Guns, Wool and Skin Animals and hundreds of other toys worth seeing.
Ararat - (More on the robbery at E. L. Avery's) Jim Farrel was arrested on suspicion of being implicated in the recent robbery. It will be remembered that on the night of the robbery the thieves, after relieving the safe of the $800, looted the cellar and pantry of Mrs. Avery's house and carried away everything in the line of baked stuff, leaving not even a slice of bread. Mrs. Avery had baked the previous week for a company which she had invited to celebrate her mother's 86th birthday, which took place the following Tuesday, and it was all taken away, including the baked beans, a large batch of cookies, a lot of bread, butter and, in fact, just everything they could find by ransacking the entire house. They also took Mr. A.'s best overcoat and mittens, watch, glasses and $40 that belonged to Mrs. Avery's mother, that she had laid away for her burial. But we wish to say, to the credit of the marauders, they did not in any way torture or insult the person of any member of the family. There is an old saying that "there is honor among thieves," was surely demonstrated by their refraining from doing bodily harm to their victims.
Montrose - The work of tearing down the old Lehigh Valley depot is now going on and that familiar structure will soon be a remembrance of the past. Much good lumber is in the building and the railroad company will probably use some of it in erecting the shed where the coal will be weighed as well as for a tool house, etc., which will be built near the new coal pockets.
News Briefs: In Tunkhannock a warrant was issued on Thursday for the arrest of Fred Wall for malicious mischief in disfiguring a valuable horse of Coroner L. E. Meade's, by cutting a large quantity of hair from its tail. It seems that Wall keeps the prisoners of the Wyoming county jail supplied with horse hair for the making of chains during their spare time.
Compiled By: Betty Smith