Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 06 1912/2012
Lynn - Dean Baker is making some decided improvements on his house by adding new porches and bringing water into the house.
Choconut - Thomas Donley went to Buffalo, Saturday, with a drove of cattle. ALSO Chas. Kerr, lieutenant of the police department of New York city, motored from New York last week and spent ten days with his former partner, B. R. McCahill.
Uniondale - The Uniondale cornet band will hold an oyster supper at the home of George Bayless this week, Saturday evening. ALSO: Smaller towns than ours have electric lights and why should we remain in the “dark.” We have abundant power that ought to be utilized. Why not organize a stock company. Who will set the ball a rolling.
Hallstead - On Saturday, at her home, Pleasant View farm on Baptist Hill, a short distance from Hallstead, occurred the death of Mrs. Ann Allen, relict of the late John Allen, after a lingering illness caused by a general breaking down of the system incident to old age. Mrs. Allen was about 85 years of age, and is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Michael Dolan, of Brookdale, and Mary Allen, who resides at home and three sons, John, of Elmira, Peter W. and Bernard Allen, of Hallstead, and a large number of grandchildren and great--grandchildren, besides a large number of relatives and personal friends, all of whom will be grieved to learn of her death. She was born in Ireland and came to this country at an early age and settled in the vicinity of Hallstead when it was nothing more than a wilderness and where by industry and prudence, she and her husband gained a competence and made a comfortable home. For several years she had been an invalid and unable to leave her bed.
Jackson - D. D. Dunn and son have purchased an automobile.
Birchardville - Mrs. Anna M. Baldwin, who has been visiting her parents near Birchardville, has returned to Rochester to finish her training in the Rochester General Hospital.
Herrick Center - Gabe Parks, Clarence Springstein and Will Cawrse spent Thanksgiving hunting at Elk Hill, results one rabbit.
Alford - A foreign laborer, on Tuesday morning, was run down by one of the small engines on the cut--of work, and was severely injured, one of his lower limbs being severed from the body. He was rushed to the Binghamton hospital. His name could not be ascertained. ALSO Church services Sunday evening at a quarter of seven during the winter months so the minister can return to his home on the 7:45 train.
Montrose - The Browny Band Cantata is to be given by about 150 of the children from the first eight grades of the Montrose Public School, Dec. 13th. The music and the costumes are both most attractive and the whole operetta is one which is sure to please those who attend. Tickets on sale at Morris Drug Store. ALSO I. N. Austin was in Montrose Friday morning, renewing acquaintance with our older citizens. Mr. Austin has resided in Berwick a great many years, but is now visiting his son-in-law, Fred Lyman, of Springville. Mr. Austin was raised in Montrose, living here until 30 years of age, and at that time was one of the leading carpenters and builders, having erected many of the finest residences in Montrose and which remains a monument to his workmanship. Although he is 85 years old, he is remarkably active.
Fairdale - While Reid Very was returning home from Montrose, last Friday afternoon, his team became unmanageable and he fell from the wagon, the wheels passing over one of his legs breaking it three times below the knee and otherwise badly splintering the bones. He was found by David Roe and Frank Bolles and removed to his home. Dr. Gardner was called, who did everything possible to alleviate his suffering. While it was first thought that amputation might be necessary, he is making such good progress that fears of losing his limb are not apprehended, although he may have a stiff knee.
Parkville - Will Holderman is hauling dynamite from Dimock over to the cut-off by Hop Bottom. [Because of an explosion caused by dynamite near Vestal, N.Y., a few years prior, dynamite was no longer allowed to be shipped by train and ordered to be carried by wagon. The accident resulted in the loss of life and an entire train.]
Forest City - Frank Flecher was caught by a falling roof in the Stillwater mines at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday and instantly killed. The remains were taken to Connelly’s undertaking rooms to be prepared for burial. The deceased was a native of Austria and had resided in Forest City for a number of years. He was about 30 years of age. The sad ending will cause his affianced, who is on her way from Austria, having sailed a few days ago, much sorrow. They were to have been married at Christmas time.
Brooklyn - One of the finest stretches of road in this county is being built between Hopbottom and the state road recently built in Brooklyn township. It is built under the Sproul law to be paid for by the state. Good roads from Scranton to Binghamton are promised.
Susquehanna - The state police here found a man on the verge of starvation on the island [Canavan], the former headquarters of a gang of thieves. The gang had taken their departure. He had spent the summer in disposing of the spoils, secured by the gang that infested the island. ALSO: Thomas Tobin, seventh-five years of age, was struck by a switch engine in the yards on Monday and instantly killed. He was taking a rain coat to a friend.
Thompson - The traveling library has been moved to the home of Mrs. A. E. Wilmarth, Main street. A new supply of books has just been received and the library will be open to the public every week day, except Monday and Tuesday, between the hours of 2 and 5 p.m.
Clifford - W. C. Baldwin, of the Clifford creamery, was a contestant in the butter contest conducted by the dairy husbandry department of Pennsylvania [state] college. Many of the leading dairymen of the state entered the contest and the rivalry for first place was spirited. Mr. Baldwin succeeded in reaching second place, his score being 92 ½, a high showing.
Compiled By: Betty Smith