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December 06 1897/1997

Rush - Our 14 Rush schools are under the charge of the following teachers to wit: Fargo, Mrs. Franklin Lowe; East Rush, Lou Lowe; Rush Centre, Annie Mc Carthy; Devine Ridge, John Devine; Rush, Mary Hickok, Rushboro, Anna Cavanaugh; Snyder, ‘Fred Hillis; Tupper, Eona Kunkel; Fowler Hill, Nellie Swackhammer; Mcnulty, Andrew McGovern' ;Logan, Alice McCormick; Forks, Lora Hillis; Keech Hill, Martha Wood; Shadduck, Mrs. Mary Johnson.

Springville - It seems strange that there is so many of the feminine gender here that annoy others every time they attend a church service, by whispering, laughing and other unladylike acts. names will appear in print if it is not stopped.

Susquehanna - A list of plants growing wild on the upper Susquehanna and its tributaries is now being published by W. N. Clute, of Binghamton, and James Graves, of Susquehanna. The portion of Susquehanna County included will contain the plants of the watershed marshes, lakes, ponds and streams flowing north from them into the Susquehanna. This will be the first list of the flora of this region that has been published.

Great Bend - Old Mrs. Colston, a lady of 93 years of age, is gradually sinking; probably before this item appears in print she will have crossed the river. Since writing the above Mrs. Colston passed away.

East Bridgewater - Report of the Passmore School for the month ending Dec. 7, 1897. The following pupils received 100 percent in spelling: Lola Aldrich, Alta Wood, Florence Tiffany, Harry Curtis, Anson Curtis, Willie McDonald, Ernest Ayers, Jessie Campbell, 96; Bessie Curtis, 95; Katie McDonald, 96; David Campbell,96. perfect attendance: Lola Aldrich, Carl Aldrich, David Campbell, Guy Bayless, John Roach, Eva Hoyt, Minnie Pettis, Teacher.

North Jackson - Mary S. Yale has been appointed postmistress.

Forest City - J. R. Budd has been appointed justice of the peace to succeed D. R. Braman. AND The Methodists will observe the birth of the new year by holding and old-fashioned watch meeting.

New Milford - "Sense and Nonsense Club" is the name of an organization just formed by New Milford Young Ladies. AND The G.A.R. Post has surrendered its charter and gone out of existence. Lack of interest on the part of the veterans is given as the cause.

Tunkhannock - Tunkhannock's new electric lights were turned on for the first time last week and are said to be satisfactory in every way.

Montrose - Very rapid progress has been made toward bringing about the realization of our long dream of electric lights and it now seems well nigh certain that the time when the dark places shall be no more is near at hand. The kerosene lamps are scarcely visible. AND Christmas will be observed at the Presbyterian Church on Christmas night with pleasing entertainment appropriate to the occasion and bountiful laden tree from which the gifts will be distributed by Santa Clause. The Baptist Church will have exercises consisting of music, recitations, etc., and then two handsome Christmas trees will be stripped of their bountiful lading of beautiful gifts for young and old.

Thomson - Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 22, Miss Bessie Lamorte will be wedded to Prof. Holmer N. Barrett, the able principal at the Lanes Boro graded schools.

Oakland Borough - A. S. Van Fleet gives notice that his wife, Jennie, has left his bed and board.

Oakley - Dec. 3 was a large day for school district No. 10. A 60 ft pine flag pole had been donated by Mr. Frank Wilmarth, and through the untiring efforts of O. J. Bailey and others of the district, was raised to position. The flag which is 10 x 15 ft. and all wool, was hoisted to it's place on the pole by masters Jesse Wilmarth and Dewie Carpenter. The Star Spangled Banner was sung by the choir, and three rousing cheers given for "Old Glory."

Brookdale - The Hance School was closed for two weeks on account of measles. Miss Cora Phillips, the teacher, is now able to walk without crutches, we are happy to say.

Fairdale - Farmers are taking advantage of pleasant weather in turning over the soil.

Harford - David L. Hine, one of Harford's best known and most respected citizens, died at his home in that village, Dec. 2, after a severe illness of about three weeks. he was born in new haven, Conn., Jan. 12, 1815, having thus nearly completed his 83rd year.

News Briefs: By an order just issued by the post office Deparment the mails will hereafter be closed to papers or other periodicals that advertise or print missing-letter word contests or similar chance schemes which violate the spirit, if not the letter of the anti-lottery law. AND One of the youngest couples ever married in this State were make one in Berks county a few days since. The groom, John H. Seyler, of New Jerusalem, is 16 years of age and discarded knickerbockers just recently. The bride Emma Youse, 14, still wears short dresses.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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