Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 05 1919/2019
Thompson – There will be roller skating at Keystone Hall every Friday evening until further notice is given. Those in charge are desirous of having all ages come and learn to skate; do stunts, etc. And as soon as they become well versed in the art, a most surprisingly rare and enjoyable treat is in store for them. Music in some form will be furnished each evening. Now it stands you all in hand to get busy and make every evening count, for surely a good time awaits you.
Great Bend – On Thanksgiving eve Miss Nellie Thomas and Marvin Conklin, of this place, were united in marriage by Rev. W.E. Elwood. ALSO It is strange that the river bridge, connecting Hallstead and this place, which was erected many years ago for light travel up to 3000 pounds, with $3.00 fine for riding or driving faster than a walk, should be able to sustain all the immense traffic that is now put upon it. Many now are the cars alone that weigh over 3,000 pounds that cross it, while the warning sign to be more in keeping with the travel should read “$3.00 fine for riding or driving NO faster than a walk.” This bridge may be perfectly safe, as far as the writer knows, but the above thought came to mind recently when a large truck passed and heavy vibrations caused a small earthquake under foot.
New Milford – D. C. Vail has a very attractive offer to those having Kodak or other films to develop, giving an 8 x 10 enlargement from any negative with a $1.00 order for developing. Mr. Vail is ex-Chief Electrician and Naval Photographer of the U. S. Navy, and it is needless to say he is a live-wire artist who understands his business thoroughly and will treat his customers fairly. ALSO Did anyone find a satchel near New Milford, lost by Mrs. Chester Chamberlain, some little time ago? It contained two pocket books and various other articles, besides a sum of money, but Mrs. Chamberlain says she cares more for the two pocket-books than for the other articles, for they were given to her by her son, Earl, who was killed some time ago and so why shouldn’t she prize them highly? If the finder will please return the pocket-books to Mrs. Chamberlain she will be very grateful.
Hallstead – The United Sates Sugar Conservation Board’s attention is respectfully called to a very flagrant case of hoarding, when burglars, some time last Wednesday night or Thursday morning, broke into the Tiffany & Co. store and stole all the sugar in town, and Thanksgiving day, at that. Among other things taken were cigars, butter, meats, canned goods, etc. As for the other burglaries, no clue was found as to who it might be, but it is evident that the high cost of living does not trouble some parties.
Forest City – Again the victory is ours. Hawley was humbled last evening on their own court by both teams representing the Forest City high school. The boys won a close game by superior passing and head work. The score stood 22 to 19. The girls won by a score of 19 to 15. The players went by auto and arrived home in the early hours this morning, tired but jubilant. ALSO Eddie Yanchitis is the new proprietor of what has been known as Walker’s restaurant and pool room. Eddie is a popular young man and we bespeak him success in his new venture.
Hop Bottom – Miss Clara Winans, Assistant County Superintendent, called at the Hop Bottom school Monday. Our school is in a flourishing condition. An exceptionally large number of students are in attendance this year, especially in the high school. Electric lights are being installed throughout the building which is a greatly needed improvement for the cloudy winter days.
Jackson – At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lowe occurred the wedding of Jesse Spangenberg and Miss Emma Curtis, Friday, Nov. 21, 1919. ALSO Through the efforts of C.F. Whitney, Mrs. Peter DeWitt has been granted a war time insurance on her son, the late Peter DeWitt, in the sum of $10,000 to be paid in monthly installments.
Montrose - Merchant D.L. Robinove lately heard from one of his sisters after an interim of over three years in which he did not know whether she had perished in the Russian terrors or not. A letter received the day before Thanksgiving, stated that she was alive and at Dminsk [Minsk], although suffering for want of food, clothing and shelter. Considerable sums of money which he had forwarded to her had never been received, but he is hopeful that conditions will improve so that he may give her such aid as possible.
Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. – Clarence Overfield, of Dorranceton, was recently married. He and his bride came up to this place and spent a couple of days with his other [Mary] and other relatives.
Richardson’s Mills – Mrs. C.M. Richardson and sister, Mrs. Wm. Merritt, spent Thanksgiving day together and the two old ladies had a good time talking over their girlhood days. To return to some of the good old days makes you young again.
Dimock – Mrs. C.F. Warner is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, residents of that township. She has attained the advanced age of 92 years and is still in remarkable possession of her mental and physical faculties. Mrs. Warner has long resided in that place and has many friends who have been won by her strength of character and fortitude in misfortune.
Uniondale – Miss Gertrude Stevens resumed her duties as teacher of the primary department of our school on Monday, after an illness of several weeks with scarlet fever. ALSO H. P. Johns, the lumber king of this vicinity, is making arrangements to ship a great quantity of lumber from this point.
Brooklyn – After a two weeks’ illness, Mrs. Mary Stephens passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.J. Austin. Funeral services were held at the residence. Rev. Chas. E. Petty, assisted by Rev. Kellerman, officiated. Mrs. Stephens had lived to the ripe old age of 92 years and yet possessed all her faculties and had been active up to the time of her last illness. Five daughters and two sons, fifteen grandchildren and a number of great grandchildren will ever cherish the memory of her beautiful life of helpfulness; and the entire community will miss a face that has long been dear to all.
Birchardville – Harry Graham, of Lawton, is making cheese at the creamery here for the Penn Cheese Co. of Wilkes-Barre.
West Lenox – Some fine music was given Mr. and Mrs. Amos Adams on Thanksgiving night. Some people called it a “horning.” Mr. and Mrs. Adams invited the musical company in and treated them to cigars and candy.
Rush – Miss Anna O’Conners, a student at the high school, is boarding with Mrs. Silas Smith. Her only brother was killed in France and left her his life insurance of $10,000.
News Brief: Charles Kelly, the half-breed Mohawk Indian, who gained considerable fame last year by predicting a mild winter, and also the weather that would prevail during the summer, is out again with his ideas of climate for the coming winter. Kelly is an ardent trapper and hunter and this year looked over his trapping grounds and discovered that the muskrat is not building his usual winter house for winter abode, but is burrowing deep in the ground and close to the streams, indicating that it will be a very cold winter and with little snow.
Compiled By: Betty Smith