Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 7 1896/1996
West Auburn - S. Bigley of West Auburn, now in his eightieth year, who drives stage, has missed one trip in four-years and that in consequence of the snow blockade.
Forest City- This is the season of the year when the huckleberry picker has his innings and at no time even in the memory of the "oldest inhabitant" has the crop been larger or of better quality. On the Wayne county range mountains east of Forest City, the ground is literally blue for miles with the luscious fruit, and almost every day hundreds of pickers are at work. It is safe to estimate that from five hundred to a thousand quarts have been brought from the mountain by way of Forest City every day for a week or more past and yet there is no perceptible lessening of the supply. Loads of people come from miles around "huckleberrying."
Alford - S.A. Breese shot a hawk recently that measured four feet and six inches from tip to tip.
Harford - Osterhout & Whitney, of Harford, have completed one four seated and one two seated canopy top wagons.
Susquehanna - In St. Rose convent, Carbondale, Miss Mary Buckley, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John Buckley, of Susquehanna, took the white veil and will now be known in religious life as Sister Mary Ancilla. Rev. P.F. Broderick, of Susquehanna, witnessing the ceremony.
Hallstead - The Hallstead Herald has passed under the control of Messrs. Bruce Chase and Fred Church, two young men of good family history, well known throughout the county. The former will officially edit the paper while the latter attends to the business management.
Jessup - Fred Jenner is again running his reaper. Anyone wishing to get their grain reaped would do well to call on him. AND Two young men representatives of the Albany View Co., passed through this place one day last week, taking photographs of houses, etc.
Heart Lake - Messrs Herrick, Tiffany, Barnes and Groslend, of Hallstead, made a bicycle trip to the lake Monday afternoon. On the return trip, at the foot of Smith Hill, the fork of Mr. Groslend's wheel broke throwing him about ten feet into the air. He was pecked up unconscious, his skull being slightly wounded, and brought to Lake View Cottage, where a party of young ladies from Montrose gave him the most careful attention until he was taken to his home on the 6:30.
Friendsville - Twenty-seven fresh air children are rusticating in town.
Great Bend - Mr. & Mrs. Galloway have been spending two or three weeks with friends in New York City and vicinity. Mr. F. Churchill has had charge of Mr. Galloway's mill during his absence.
Lakeside - The game of ball played on Jenning's Flat, Saturday, between the Jackson 2nd nine and a picked up nine from this place, resulted in a score of 8 to 4, favor of Lakeside.
Dimock - Mrs. A.W. Main, a lady of this place, aged 76, commenced a quilt in March, containing 5,170 pieces, finished July 10. She also does her own housework and is remarkably active for a lady of her years.
Fairdale - Listen, all ye sick and suffering, to this bit of good news to you Fairdale is once more to be the home of a physician Dr. Frey, of Picture Rocks, is to locate among us. He can be found after next week at his office at Mrs. Dr. Cornell's. He comes to us well recommended, and we hope may receive patronage.
West Lenox - Miss Celia Whiting gave a social on the evening of the 31st inst., in honor of her friend, Miss May Lewis of Tingley. There were 40 present. Ice cream and cake were served.
Montrose - Wm. Spence, gardener at the summer villa of Mr. J.D. Smillie, boasts of picking three distinct crops of peas from one growth of vines. After the pods that first set had all been picked, a second lot of blossoms appeared and matured in due time. Having gathered this second crop he supposed the usefulness of the vines at an end and would have pulled them up in a few days had he not discovered the appearance of a third series of blossoms. From this latter the third picking is now rapidly maturing. If this state of affairs continues probably William can be seen about the first of next February, shoveling through three or four feet of snow to pick a fourth mess of peas.
Compiled By: Betty Smith