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August 31 1906/2006

Bridgewater - In the old Searle farm house, by Jones Lake, a shirt waist dance and Euchre will be given by W.A. Lathrop on Friday, Aug. 31st, at 8:30 p.m. Harrington's band wagon will leave the Post Office at 8:30 and 9, if there will be passengers, and return trips from the farm at 11:30 and 12; the fare will be 10 cents each way. Admission 25 cents, including refreshments and prizes for the Euchre. AND Ninety-seven years ago Caleb Bush came from Litchfield county, Conn. and settled in Bridgewater. Over 100 of his descendents are now living. On Aug. 18, about 70 of them assembled at the home of R. L. Bush for a family reunion. After dinner a meeting was called. D. C. Darrow was elected president, Frank G. Allen, vice pres. and Lucy Bush secretary and treasurer.

Susquehanna - Artist Robert E. Lea, whose paintings are recognized among the best in the county, recently left for New York City, where he is professionally engaged. Mr. Lea may decide to remain in New York altogether. AND The Beebe homestead, with several acres of land, has been secured for the Beach Cancer Sanitarium, an enterprise with unlimited resources, backed by eastern capital. The Beach method is simple, harmless, and painless. Patients are restored to health without pain, and this important institution will make Susquehanna famous.

Thompson - Joseph Lyden, son of Martin Lyden, aged 25 years, joined in with a party of campers from Susquehanna, at Wrighter's Lake, last week. On Thursday morning he went across the lake for supplies and on his return, when near shore, the boat upset and he went to the bottom, while his comrade was rescued. There is strangeness about the accident, as Lyden was a famous swimmer, while his comrade could not swim and would have drowned had not campers from shore come to his rescue. The body was not recovered until late in the afternoon. His funeral was largely attended at the Catholic church at Starrucca. (Another newspaper reported that the accident was due to the bottom falling out of the boat.)

Montrose - Dr. Fred S. Birchard, of Scranton, has sold his practice in that city and will take up his profession here. He has rented the offices of the late Dr. Charles D. Mackey, and will also have his residence there. Dr. Birchard is a son of Registrar M.E. Birchard of this place, a graduate of the Montrose High School and is well known to the people of this vicinity. In 1903 he graduated with honors from the Medico Chirurgical College at Philadelphia and since that time has been an attendant physician in the Lackawanna Hospital in Scranton and has acquired a favorable surgical reputation in connection with Dr. Reed Burns, with whom he has associated.

Forest City - For nearly ten hours Michael McKernon, an aged resident of Susquehanna St., was lost on the mountain northwest of the city, Friday night, and when discovered by a searching party he was almost exhausted. The experience will long linger in his mind with horror. Mr. McKernon started out about 10 o'clock Friday morning in search of a couple of cows that had been missing from home for several days. In his search for the cows he had crossed the mountain and coming out on the road at Stillwater, just at dusk, started home. Some distance this side of Stillwater he turned into an old road that led past the quarry and in the gathering darkness soon lost his bearings. Chilled by the severe night air, bruised and torn by the tangled undergrowth, hungry, thirsty and discouraged, Mr. McKernon, who is about 80, had given up all attempt at progress when he caught sight of the lights in the searching party headed by his son.

South Auburn - The old Grange Hall is being torn down, preparatory to building a new one.

Dimock - The annual Dimock camp meeting began Wednesday evening with a good attendance; Dr. Sweet in charge. Seventy cottages are occupied and every furnished room belonging to the association. One new cottage has been built and several repaired; also a small barn in place of one burned.

Brookdale - Old Pompy, the horse so long owned by J. Tingley, broke his leg last Thursday night. Charlie Muckey kindly ended his sufferings by shooting him.

Flynn, Middletown Twp. - John Wood, of Rushville, is on the hill with his steam threshing machine. He will get plenty of work, as John is a hustler. AND Arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Conboy, a lovely young girl, and from present indications they intend to have it make its home there.

Alford - Chas. D. Tingley was in town Friday. He was accompanied by Truman Tingley, a brother from Gothenburg, Nebraska, who is visiting in the county. Mr. Tingley has not been here in 23 years. He is enthusiastic about the west.

Great Bend - The record in this country was equaled, if not lowered, for lady drivers for a half mile track when Miss Lula Day, of Great Bend, drove Maytell in the ladies' races at the Hallstead and Great Bend Horse Breeder's Association. The time made in the first trial was 1:08 and in the second, 1:07 1-2. The three days' meet was very successful.

Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp. - Rev. D. F. Davis, of Cotsqueka, will preach in the Welch Congregational church on Sunday next. In the morning the sermon will be in English and in the evening Welsh. At the evening service a duet will be sung b y Mrs. W. Williams and Miss Gwendolyn Morgan.

Harford - The date for the M.E. Church fair is Friday afternoon and evening, Sept. 7, in Odd Fellows Hall. This is the first fair of the kind held in Harford and the ladies wish to make it a success. There will be booths containing fancy and useful articles, provisions, ice cream and cake, an autograph quilt and a worsted crazy-work quilt. Come and help the ladies.

Friendsville - The new St. Francis church is rapidly nearing completion. Mr. Badgley's contract will be fulfilled by the 1st of September when the work of grading will immediately be begun. The dedication, it is expected, will take place about mid September.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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