Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
August 31, 1923/2023
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – U. S. Weatherman, Silas Jagger, stated that the rainfall, for the past 24-hour period, amounted to 2.20 inches. Within twelve years he has known this excessive amount of water to fall but in two instances. When the rainfall exceeds two inches in 24 hours, he is required to telegraph the information to the “rainfall observer” in Harrisburg. ALSO The community picnic was well attended with 177 having dinner. Many came in the afternoon to witness the ball game between Fairdale and Birchardville on Cook’s flats. The game ended with the score of 10 to 18, in favor of Fairdale.
Dimock – Our new principal of the school has purchased a large watch dog. ALSO Miss Etta Kellar, the new home economics teacher, will arrive on Wednesday and reside at the teachers’ cottage. ALSO Miss Belle Titman, who has been seriously ill the past ten days, was moved to the Mackey hospital, Montrose, where a blood transfusion will be made in an effort to save her life. Her sister, Mrs. Wm. Whitley, of New Jersey, is with her.
Rush – Dr. A. L. Hickok, of the Farview Hospital for Criminally Insane, and his family, are spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mr. A. W. Hickok.
Brooklyn – J. W. Adams and grandson, Fernon Bell, hooked a fine string of bass at Jeffers Lake on Friday.
Franklin Forks – The Sunday school and neighborhood picnic was held at Ross Park, Tuesday. Ninety-five were present.
Jackson – Two new members have been added to the list of Jackson residents—a son, Leonard, to Donovan and Merle Aldrich, Aug. 15; and a daughter, Helen Gertrude, to Arland and Florence Pease, Aug. 21st. ALSO The Jackson school opened with Ralph Felton as principal and Miss Rachel Benson, of New Milford, as primary teacher.
Montrose – Band at the Veterans Encampment: No, not the band, but the Taylor Brothers, with a few other volunteer artists, will render the orchestral stunt. Come and hear them. Basket picnic. The Taylor boys enjoy a very unique American ancestry in that they have participated in every great war of the country, including the Revolution, and down to the World war. No wonder they are patriotic. ALSO The reunion of Co. H., 141st Regt. Penna. Volunteer Infantry is announced to occur on Sept. 5th at the home of Glenn Taylor. Only two members of this company are now living, W. A. Taylor, of Montrose and Henry Baker, of Meshoppen. During the past year three of the surviving members have passed on. The veterans in this company agreed, within the past few years, to continue their custom of holding an annual reunion so long as two survivors remained.
Susquehanna – The silk mill, at this place, that burned a few weeks ago, will not be rebuilt. This announcement has just been made by the owners of the plant. This will be a severe loss to Susquehanna, as it provided employment for about 75 persons.
South Gibson – C. L. Moore informs us that South Gibson is showing considerable business activity for a town of its size, and especially now in view of the approach of the building of the state concrete highway through that place. This will give a fine route from Montrose, New Milford and Harford in the west, to Clifford, Carbondale, Honesdale, Scranton and other points in the east. Ralph Lewis is erecting a fine public garage and will be in position to care for the increasing trade. Many are already taking the route via South Gibson in preference to the much-traveled Lackawanna Trail.
Harford – The Agricultural Society will give $175 in prizes to the chorus of mixed voices, twenty or more, from any community in the county rendering the selection best at the Harford Fair. First prize is $100, second $50 and third $25. The same is offered to any chorus outside of the county, singing the same selection best at the Fair. Name of selection to be sung and other conditions of the contest, will be furnished by the Secretary, on request. O. F. Maynard, Secretary, Harford, Pa.
Forest City – Felix Zaverl arrived here from Portland, Oregon, having made the trip in a twin motorcycle. It took 23 days, leaving over the celebrated Oregon Trail then striking the Lincoln highway. In Colorado he took the River to River Highway to Chicago; from thence he came over the Lake Shore route and went to Toronto and back to Niagara Falls and then the last lap was made. When in Milwaukie he stopped at the Harley-Davison works, went to Detroit and visited the Ford plant and heard the late President Harding make a speech at Portland on July 4. Gas was obtained at different prices and it required 103 gallons to land him in Vandling without an accident or stoppage. He is spending his time with his mother, Mrs. A. Zaverl and friends, who are pleased to behold his smiling countenance once more. He will remain here some time before taking his direction toward the setting sun.
Thompson – High school entrance examinations will be given in the Thompson High school building, Saturday, September 1st.
New Milford – Frank H. Deuel had an unenviable experience several weeks ago while driving his car to Binghamton, when a small boy, John Holtzman, aged 11, jumped from a moving White Line Bus and ran into his car. The accident happened near an ice cream and soft drink stand between New Milford and Summersville. It appears the boy was anxious to get off the bus and buy an ice cream cone at the stand and having but little time to do it he jumped from the moving bus and ran directly into Mr. Deuel’s car, which was passing. The boy clutched the fender and hung on until one foot went under a wheel of the car and he fell to the pavement, the wheel passing over the ankle and breaking it. The car, not going over 25 miles an hour, went into a deep ditch. Mr. Deuel was quite painfully bruised and one of the children in the car was nearly thrown out. That the Deuel family did not sustain serious injuries is considered remarkable. Dr. A. E. Snyder took the boy to the Binghamton City Hospital, where the broken bone was set and he is recovering rapidly. No blame was placed on Mr. Deuel and he was commended for the chance he took, by turning his car into the ditch, to prevent running over the youth. The car was badly damaged.
Compiled By: Betty Smith