Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 30 1907/2007
And now "the schoolboy, with shining morning face, creeping like a snail unwillingly to school."
Great Bend - Charles L. Noble, at one time an editor of the Great Bend Reporter, but now a large real estate dealer of Yonkers, NY, has purchased all of Sea Girt, NJ. The famous tract contains 350 acres and a mile of Sea Beach, on which are the old Beach Hotel and the Commodore Stockton summer home. The price paid was $220,000. AND Miss Louise Bache, daughter of the late Captain Bache, of the United States Navy, recently visited the warship Louisiana, commanded by her cousin Richard Wainwright, who with Captain Sigsbee, was on the Maine at the time of its destruction by the Spanish. [Richard Wainwright graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1868 and became its Superintendent from 1900 to 1902. He was executive officer aboard the battleship Maine and later commanded the gunboat Gloucester at the Battle of Santiago de Cuba in 1898. Wainwright was commended for his valor in this engagement and later promoted to Rear Admiral. He commanded the Second Division of the U. S. Atlantic Fleet during that fleet's historic voyage around the world from 1907 to 1909. He died in 1926 and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Three ships have been named USS Wainwright for Richard, his father, his son and two cousins.]
Lenox - Several from this place attended the 7 county reunion of the old veterans at Nicholson last week. They all report a pleasant time but say the attendance grows smaller each year. They are a little band now where they were a mighty host thirty or forty years ago. Twill be but a short time before they will be only a memory, but that memory will be as lasting as our rock ribbed hills and mountains. The memory of their deeds of heroism and valor will be lasting as time itself.
New Milford - Thirty-five new books were added to the Pratt public library during the month of July. AND At Lakeside, the graded school commenced on Monday, with Prof. F. N. Tingley as principal, and Miss Vannie Wilson, primary department.
Dimock - Rev. J. S. Lewis, of West Pittston, who is president of the Dimock Camp Meeting, was not able to be present this year. It is said that his mind has become affected owing to a severe sickness last spring, and is now in a critical condition. AND "Is Dimock Campmeeting Passing? The attendance at the Campmeeting was much less than formerly. Only about one-half the cottages are occupied. For two or three years the attendance has been shrinking, chiefly through friction between the Board of Managers and the Presiding Elder and Ministers, while the Secretary comes in for no little adverse criticism. Controversy over the Board of Mangers being paid for their services, change of by laws regarding the nonattendance of the Presiding Elder & his replacement, a stock dividend, all contributing to the campmeeting losing ground, both in attendance of people and attendance of ministers. It was said that this year's meeting might possibly be its last. Future movements will be watched with interest.
South Gibson - A dinner, consisting of baked clams, potatoes, corn, chicken and turtle, was served by the men of the place, last Friday, to a large number of people in Howell's grove, above town. Report says the cooking was fine, tea and coffee superb, the serving elegant and not a woman had to help. Who can say that the world is not improving? AND At Uncle Jeff Manzer's they threshed and cleaned with a Heebner machine, 244 bushels of nice oats, in two hours and 40 minutes.
Brooklyn - Freeman Bennett, a well-known farmer residing near Brooklyn, was killed Wednesday morning while felling a tree on his farm, which lies in the direction of Dimock. The accident occurred at about 11 o'clock, while cutting down a large tree. The tree, in falling, split asunder, and as a portion of it struck the ground, it bounded and caught the unfortunate man full in the chest, its weight crushing him to the ground. Drs. Ainey and Taylor were called, but he was beyond human aid. He was a man held in the highest esteem and was a member of the Universalist church at Brooklyn. His age was about 60 and a wife and one son, Frederick, survive.
Clifford - Mr. C. R. Bliss, who has conducted an undertaking business here since last January, has sold his property here and gone to Florida, where he has secured a position.
Susquehanna - "Strikers Flayed from Pulpit." Yesterday morning at the M.E. church, the pastor, Rev. Alex. D. Decker, preached a sensational sermon in which he severely arraigned the machinists who are now out on strike on the Erie Railroad. He said, in his opinion, the men out on strike were receiving enough money for their labor and ought to be contented with what they were receiving. Continuing he said: "Look at the strikers today, loafing about the highway, doing nothing. Some of them are never satisfied. Suppose us preachers went on strike and wanted $2,000 per year, house rent, electric lights, etc., what would you say?" The congregation of this church numbers about 200 and only four or five of the striking machinists are members. Several weeks ago one of the members of the church, who is a striking machinist, resigned as usher and janitor, owing, it is said, to certain new members of the church, objecting to his acting as usher.
Montrose - Hildebrand Fitzgerald, Editor of the Philadelphia Item, spent the first of the week with his family, at their pleasant summer home on Lake Avenue. The Item has the largest circulation of any evening paper in the United States.
Birchardville - Mrs. J. W. Flynn is not improving as fast as it was hoped, owing to the bungling of some of the doctors.
Hop Bottom - The third annual convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Susquehanna County will be held here in the M. E. church, Aug. 29 and 30.
Forest City - Many a boy is contemplating the good times he will have next winter on the big dam the Hillside company is building on the hill. And many a fisherman is figuring out that it will be an excellent breeding place for bull-heads. But--will the company allow skating and fishing privileges when it is finished? Undoubtedly they will if these privileges be not abused. The construction of the dam is well under way.
Compiled By: Betty Smith