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August 29 1919/2019

Forest City – Paul Franceski has been informed by the powers that it will be impossible for him to secure a passport to Austria until peace between that country and the United States has been declared. Paul had hoped to spend the winter in Austria. ALSO David Krasno has received the tidings that his people in Germany are living. For three years he has been unable to hear whether his parents were alive or not. Yesterday he received a letter from his parents, and a happy man was he. ALSO William Connolly, Jr. states that he had the pleasure of visiting his father’s old home in country Galway, Ireland. His description of the manners and customs of the people of that country, and in fact all of Ireland through which he passed, is amusing as well as interesting. He tells of the natives drawing peat to their homes to be used as fuel. The manner in which they do their haying would make an Indian tobacco sign laugh. Everything is done in the old fashioned way. Small carts are used to draw the hay in and the work is carried on very slowly. Mr. Connolly is a member of the First division of the army of occupation which was moved to France when he secured a furlough to visit the home of his sire.

Herrick Twp. – Herrick supervisors are constructing the new road and are busily engaged in blasting and leveling for the new route, according to the Uniondale correspondent in the Forest City News, which says: Last Friday the Uniondale borough fathers were to receive bids for the construction of the borough’s share. One bid was received and as the Council reserved the right to reject any and all bids, the lone bid was rejected. $3000 was the bid.

Birchardville – Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gary, of Walker, Iowa, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Myron Strange, and other relatives in this section.

Harford – 3000 people attended the Farm Bureau picnic at Harford yesterday. Fairdale won the championship ball game in ten innings, defeating Harford by a score of 5 to 3. There were five tractors on the grounds. The cattle exhibit was very fine.

Montrose – The last of the series of dances at Colonial Hall will be held Saturday evening, Aug. 30th. Music by the famous four-piece Harmonious Clef Jazz Club, of Binghamton. Dance tickets, $1.00; gallery, 17 cents. ALSO Effie Galutia and Louis Cook were married at Kingsley, Monday. In the evening they eluded the merry-makers, who visited the home with musical instruments. ALSO S.G. Fancher has been appointed deputy fish and game warden, succeeding George H. Watrous, who recently was promoted to the office of game inspector of this county.

Springville – Few men in the county are held in higher esteem than P. W. Terry, and we recall no one so active and well-preserved for one of his age—82 years. He still conducts Springville’s harness shop and his heart remains so young that he is always an agreeable and interesting person to meet, passing as a much younger man. ALSO, in Lynn…Allen Bros., of Meshoppen, are making extensive repairs on the house of C. L. Sheldon, adding a new roof and porch, putting in a bath and toilet and a new cistern and will install electric lights in house and barn. ALSO Who ever found a halter tied to a tree on the camp grounds, at Dimock, Sunday last, please communicate with W. W. Palmer, at Lynn, as he forgot to put it in his wagon when he hitched up.

Heart Lake – A hop, arranged by Henry Crane and J. Purcell, of Binghamton, campers at the Lake, will be held at the pavilion this (Thursday) evening. Binghamton’s best three-piece jazz orchestra will furnish the music. The plans are elaborate and the affair will undoubtedly be a most pleasurable one. Messrs. Crane and Purcell were greeting their friends in town. They are very pleasant young gentlemen to meet.

St. Joseph – Byrne Bros., of St. Joseph, shipped ten head of registered Ayrshire cows to Dr. E. S. Deubler, of Narberth, PA, who will place them on the famous Penhurst Farms near Philadelphia. A fancy price was paid Byrne Bros. for these cattle, and, of course, were very fine animals, which Byrne Bros. know how to produce. All such sales help spreading Susquehanna county’s fame as great producers of extraordinarily fine cattle.

Auto Accidents: A prolific crop of auto accidents occurred recently: Augustus Steigler, of Fairdale, collided with another car on a narrow piece of road, near the Ballantine farm, near Dimock. Luck was on the side of the occupants, though his car was put out of commission. Saturday afternoon, at about 5 o’clock, a large touring car coming from the trolley station collided with a large Marmon coming out the paved road in Montrose. The Marmon was badly damaged and taken to Sprout’s garage for repairs. Fortunately, no one was injured. The most serious of the accidents occurred Sunday afternoon at the corner of Church and South Main streets, Montrose, when a Ford car, driven by Guy Robinson, of Bridgewater, containing his wife and little girl, collided with a car containing Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Freeman and two guests, of Binghamton. There was a heavy rain falling at the time and in the confusion, in some unaccountable way, the cars crashed together. Helen, the 5 year-old daughter of Mr. Robinson, was catapulted through the windshield, landing on the radiator and then falling to the pavement. The child was badly cut about the head and face and Dr. Birchard, who attended her, found it necessary to take thirteen stitches to close the wounds. Mrs. Freeman had her shoulder dislocated, but injuries to others were not serious. Both cars were considerably injured.

From the Scranton Times: “In this age of profiteering I frequently read about the wickedness of the farmer, who is often judged a grasping plutocrat and is blamed for the high cost of living because he is the producer. When the price of milk was boosted a cent a quart a few days ago, almost every highbrow sob writer in the land hurled darts at the agriculturist, while the jack-knife artists, who could not tell a daisy from a cucumber vine, cartooned him with vicious energy. But, dear reader, did you ever have a bovine kick over a pail of milk on you on such occasions? When the milk was finally secured, did you ever load a can or two of it on a buckboard and drive two or three miles to a milk station on a zero morning? Did you ever feed a promising litter of pigs and watch them grow to near killing time, and then have then turn up their toes from an attack of hog cholera: did you ever sow a field of wheat and have a hail storm cut it to pieces before the harvest time? Did you ever plant a field of corn and have a May frost cut it to the ground? Did you ever raise a flock of chickens and have the skunks, weasels, hawks and minks get the majority of them? Unless you have you do not know much about farming.

News Briefs: Congress has repealed the daylight saving law so that when the clocks are changed back in October they will remain. The repealer was passed over the President’s veto, which required a two-thirds vote of both the Senate and House. ALSO One of the peculiar incidents of the County campaign is that the aspirant for the Republican nomination for County Auditor and one of the candidates for the Democratic nomination for the same office have identical names, even to middle initial, namely Frank H. Deuel, of Lawton, Republican and Frank H. Deuel, Democrat, of Montrose. It is entirely possible that both might be elected at the November election. Auditors’ reports would then bear two identical names. This would look queer.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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