Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 29 1913/2013
Uniondale - Rumors have been in circulation that the Tri-County Fair would not hold an exhibition this year. This may have had origin from the fact that the County Commissioners have designated the Harford Fair, which was only recently chartered, to receive a portion of the state appropriation in preference to the Tri-County Fair, which has been chartered for several years. The Tri-County Fair has always been a clean agricultural exhibition and has grown from year to year and the Fair this year promises to be the largest in its history. The Rail roads are arranging to run special trains to the fair and with enthusiasm that has been inspired in the public in this section by the treatment of the Commissioners, the Fair at Uniondale is bound to be a success.
Forest City - The Borough asks bids for paving the street from the Hillside crossing on the South Main Street to the house of E.W. Cole on North Main. The street car company has agreed to extend its tracks the length of the paved street. Vetrified brick is the material to be used and it is estimated the cost will run around $24,000.
Montrose - J.C. Hawley, who is starting the shirt factory here, accompanied by Raymond and John Kretzinger, arrived Monday. The machinery is here and will be installed in a few days and operations will commence in the course of ten days. Mr. Hawley and his family are moving into the Mrs. T.C. Allen house. ALSO: A Bush Meeting was held on the Fair Grounds last Sunday afternoon under the direction of Rev. Mr. Taylor, Pastor of Zion African Methodist Episcopal church, and his congregation assisted by outside talent.
Royal, Clifford Twp. - Three or four persons living on what we call the upper road near here, leading from Clifford to Lenoxville, want the Clifford and Nicholson stage that goes through Royal every night and morning, to go this upper road and deliver their mail mornings. The people of Royal and vicinity are opposed to this change as all passengers of this vicinity going to Montrose, Scranton, Binghamton or any other town on the D.L. & W.R.R. take the stage at Royal in the Morning; also all packages to be sent by the state for shipment go in the morning. To lose nearly all of this by the stage taking the cross road would be a great loss to the stage proprietor; besides this upper road drifts badly in the winter which would make it very hard and difficult for the stage driver.
Gibson - The Universalists Sunday School of this place met with the Universalist S.S., of Kingsley, for their annual picnic. The day was perfect and 50 members and friends attended from this place, meeting nearly as many from Kingsley. Tingley Lake, Harford, was chosen as the meeting place and it would be hard to find a more beautiful spot. A bountiful dinner was served and all seemed to enjoy the day.
Harford – Miss Edna Wright, field Sec’y of Pennsylvania for Woman Suffrage, was here Wednesday to secure space on the Fair Grounds where they will distribute literature and answer any and all questions on Woman Suffrage.
Ararat Summit - Scott Defoster, aged 28, is in a serious condition in the State hospital, at Scranton, following an attempt Sunday morning to jump on a moving Delaware & Hudson freight train at the Carbon street crossing. He missed his footing and went beneath the rails. Both legs were mangled and surgeons in the State hospital amputated the left foot. Several persons witnessed the accident. The man was hurried to the hospital, where an operation was performed.
Herrick - John Clark, of Colorado, is visiting relatives here. He has been in Colorado for 12 years and was sheriff of Cripple Creek County at one time, but is now marshal, which carries a good salary. ALSO: At Herrick Center, Sunday afternoon, as Rev. Franklin Pierce, of the Baptist church, was returning from his appointment at maple grove, the front axle of the wagon broke and the horse ran away. Mr. Pierce was thrown from the buggy, receiving some minor injuries, and the horse, which belonged to Alfred Bowell, was seriously if not fatally injured.
Electrical Storm - The storm this morning did considerable damage. A barn on D.H. Coon’s farm near South Montrose, rented by Robert Reynolds and filled with hay and grain, was struck and burned. The house was saved by hard work. The barn of Lewis Terry, Below Rush, with its crop contents and machinery, was burned. He had a small insurance. The house and barn of Charles Eastman, near Brewster’s Pond, is also reported to have been burned, and a fire is reported from Auburn. The last two we have been unable to confirm, the telephone lines being out of order.
West Auburn - Frank Angell has, in his garden, the tallest sunflowers we know of, measuring 11 ft. in height. ALSO: At Auburn Four Corners, while returning from the creamery on Saturday morning, a horse belonging to G.W. Bunnell became frightened at an automobile and dropped dead.
Rush - Royal Devine has finished painting the poor asylum.
Highlands, New Milford Twp. - School opened at East Lake on August 25, with Miles Tyler, of Lakeview, as teacher.
Richardson Mills, Harford Twp. - Miss Grace Rhodes, of South Harford, commenced her school here this week, and her brother, Glenn, teaches the Sweet school.
Susquehanna - Measurements recorded Saturday show that the Susquehanna River is the lowest it has ever been since 1874. ALSO: the firemen plan a big fair in October, the purpose being to raise funds to but a lot and erect a department building. A ford automobile is the main prize offered, to be disposed of the last night of the fair.
Lawton, Rush Twp. - James Nichols was in town yesterday. Mr. Nichols, whose terms of enlistment in the Civil War extended over a period of three years, sustained a slight shock recently and may be obliged to give up farming. ALSO: The high school opens Monday with Roland Dayton, Principal; Miss Amy Hughes, Grammar department; Miss Agnes Brotzman, Intermediate and Miss Mabel Hillis, Primary department.
Springville - Miss Jessie Prichard leaves on Monday next to begin her three years’ course of training as a nurse in Dr. Thompson’s hospital in Scranton.
Compiled By: Betty Smith