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August 28 1908/2008

Montrose - Bible Conference exceeds expectations. Large and devoted audiences at every meeting and interest is constantly growing. Dr. Torrey is the head of what is now assured will be one of the greatest conferences in the country. No religious movement of similar nature was ever started in this country with rosier prospects of a glorious and successful future than the great Bible Conference, which is now in session here. AND The Misses Pierson have purchased a buckboard automobile, which is a neat running machine and is something of an innovation in autos in Montrose.

Card Pond, Lathrop Twp. - The much talked of Welsh fish case has been ended at last by an opinion filed by Judge Fuller, of Wilkes-Barre, in which he reverses the decision of the Justice of the Peace, and finds Welsh "not guilty." W. E. Shoemaker, the fish warden, arrested William Welsh charging him with fishing with dynamite in Card's Pond. The case was tried before a Justice of the Peace, who convicted Welsh and sentenced him to pay a fine of $100, the cost of prosecution, and to undergo an imprisonment in the county jail for 6 months. Judge Searle allowed an appeal from the decision of the Justice of the Peace, which permitted the trial before Judge Fuller. The case was vigorously fought by both sides from the beginning to the end, it being the first case of this kind to be tried in Susquehanna County under the Act of 1901.

Brooklyn - The first paper made from wood pulp was about the year 1837 by Joshua Miles, who built a paper mill on the Hopbottom creek, just below the village of Brooklyn, where he had built and was operating a grist mill, oil mill and sawmill. Paper rags were high and scarce. Mr. Miles experimented with several kinds of material, among which was wood. He used basswood, and when properly treated, made a pulp for a fair kind of wrapping paper. Then, by using bleaching salts, a good article of printing paper was produced and it was used by the publishers of the county papers. The mill burned in the winter of 1840-41, there being no insurance. The proprietor was unable to rebuild and soon after removed to Illinois. This article was submitted to the Independent Republican by G. B. Rogers, who worked for Mr. Miles for 9 years in the paper mill. He says that this is a matter of history that may be lost, as he is the only one living who has knowledge of the facts, and he is 87 years old. The first newspaper to use the wood pulp printing paper for actual printing was the Register, a predecessor of the Republican.

Springville - Clark Strickland and family, of Little Rock, Arkansas, arrived here Friday. This town is the home of his youth, being born on the farm now occupied by his brother Jessie. AND Last Thursday morning there was frost enough to kill cucumber vines.

Hallstead - In order to accommodate the large number who go to Montrose, Scranton and other points east on the Lackawanna, the company has again made this place a regular stop for No. 2, which arrives at 8:49. New Milford has been made a flag stop for Montrose passengers and Alford will again be a regular stop. The people of this place and all of the eastern part of the county greatly appreciate the action of the company in restoring the service of this train for here and Alford, as it is the most important train of the day for the accommodation of the public.

Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - John Vangorden, of Pine City, Minn. is visiting his old home here after an absence of 25 years. His wife and three children are with him, and his old friends and schoolmates are all glad to meet and shake hands with him.

Franklin Forks - Charles Palmer, one of the most enterprising farmers of that section, has been using a horseless mower to harvest his hay crop this season. He says it works to perfection. In 2 1/2 hours, during the height of the haying season, he cut six big loads.

Hopbottom - The Lackawanna RR was built in 1851. The only house near the station at that time was the Orson Case house, now occupied by our shoemaker. Next in order was a grocery store fitted by Amos B. Merrill to accommodate the laborers working on the road, there being a row of shanties extending from Stone's hotel down to where the creamery now stands. Next in order, Lyman W. Kellum came and built a temporary house on the plot of ground where Stone's hotel now stands and boarded railroad officials. Later on he moved it back and built a house, living there until he died. Soon after that David Wilmarth came and erected a hotel for the accommodation of the traveling public and remained until his health failed. The hotel burned to the ground, it being then owned by Asa Day, and was rebuilt. A temporary platform was built by the railroad, with a small office at one end occupied by the ticket agent. Warren Tingley came and erected a small house where Wm. Pratt and daughter Amanda now live and built the grist mill. Our town was then in its infancy.

Great Bend - The Chapot Bros. have rented the Kistler store for their furnishing room. There are now seven girls employed trimming chamois skins for the trade.

Jackson - Mrs. Harding has lost eight canary birds. No apparent cause. Found dead.

Herrick - Dennis Bosket, of E. Windsor, NY was in town Sunday in response to a matrimonial advertisement.

Harford - Our stone crusher is doing great work, we are having some fine roads made.

North Bridgewater - Edward J. Pickett, a veteran of the Spanish American war, and an unsuccessful searcher for gold in the far away icy wilds of Alaska, has returned to the scenes of some of his early boyhood days, and is now the guest of Joseph Kane.

Choconut - Mrs. Barnum Wilcox has the middle finger on her right hand crushed while at work in the Binghamton whip factory.

Apolacon - A horse was stolen from the barn of Patrick Phelan a short time ago, a white horse with buggy and harness, on a dark rainy night. Mr. P. heard the thieves about the time they were leaving the barn, and hitched up another horse and followed them in the direction of St. Joseph, some distance, but owing to the darkness gave up the chase. It is thought they came towards Montrose. He offers $25 reward.

News Brief: Two concerns manufacturing automobiles have announced a break in prices. One will put a 4-cylinder machine on the market for $1200 and another a 6-cylinder machine for $1400. This is less than half the price now prevailing. Merely the bicycle story over again. After the craze for wheels had abated the prices began to fall and today a man can buy a better wheel for $21.79 than he could get for $125 some years ago.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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