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August 28 1903/2003

Susquehanna - On Tuesday Susquehanna had the worst windstorm, accompanied by rain, thunder and lightning, in many years. Scores of shade and fruit trees, telegraph, telephone and electric light poles were blown down, and some streets were blockaded with the debris. Fences, bill boards and sheds went down with the gale; one house was unroofed. The only person injured was Mrs. Harriet Townsend. In closing a window a blind blew shut and smashed a pane of glass, a piece of which entered one of her eyes, and she will probably lose the organ. AND Howe's Moving Pictures will appear in Hogan Opera House, Sept'r 2, under the auspices of the Oakland Methodist church.

Thompson - During the storm on Tuesday morning, Hugh Perry, a well-known farmer of Thompson township, near Comfort's Pond, had a narrow escape from death. While in a field at his work with a harvester, lightning struck the machine, the horses ran away, and Mr. Perry sustained severe injuries. Dr. M. L. Miller, of Susquehanna, was called and rendered surgical aid.

Franklin Forks - The poverty social netted the Epworth League a little over $7. Susie Green took the prize for the poorest dressed lady, and Tracey Webster for the gentleman; several had to pay fines for dress ups. AND School commences Monday, Aug. 31st, with Mary Wheaton, teacher. Julia Wheaton will teach at Salt Springs and Alma Smith is to teach the Turrell school.

Herrick Centre - Weston Wilkinson, of Iron Mountain, Montana, is visiting friends here.

Elk Lake - At a meeting of the Dimock school board the following teachers were hired for the coming term-Dimock, Jessie Titman; Main, Giles Seeley; Conklin, Catharine Cokeley; Creek, Carrie Gray; Parkvale, Homer Smith; Pleasant Grove, Mabell Pritchard; Tyler, A. C. Lowe; Smith, Dora Smith; Elk Lake, Winifred Hoag.

New Milford - The New Milford graded school opens on Monday, Aug. 31, with the following teachers: C. M. Snyder, principal; Nettie Stilwell, grammar department; Nina Taft, intermediate; Elizabeth Shelp, primary.

Lakeside - Samuel Townsend, a farmer, was killed at Lakeside, Tuesday, during the big storm. A barn door blew off and fell on him.

Montrose - The gallery at the Village Hall will be open to spectators for 15 cents admission to the Domino dance occurring to-night. The girls will be masked. The Montrose Orchestra will furnish music.

Uniondale - A Uniondale woman has found a new use for the telephone. She pulled the baby in its crib up to the phone and laid down the receiver telling central if they heard the baby cry to call her up at a neighbors.

Hallstead - During the races at Hallstead, Saturday afternoon, Secretary Crook stepped to the gates and invited in several poor little boys standing there-all save one, whom he would not let in, and warned not to try to get in. It was a boy who had previously been caught stealing. This was the way Mr. Crook punished the boy and gave him something to remember. He certainly looked punished when his mates went joyously in, and he singled out and thus reprimanded. It looked like an illustration of the dividing of the sheep and the goats.

Silver Lake - Mrs. Margaret Keenan, widow of Patrick Keenan, deceased, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Kane, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 1903, after a lingering illness. Her funeral was held from St. Joseph's Catholic Church. She was 75 years of age and a pioneer resident of the township, a good Christian woman, a devoted Catholic, an affectionate mother and a kind neighbor. She is survived by her three daughters, Mrs. Patrick Maher and Mrs. Bridgie Murray, of Binghamton and Mrs. Joseph Kane, of Silver Lake.

Dimock - A stone quarry is being opened on the large Dolan farm south of Dimock, which promises to be a success.

Hopbottom - Ed. Gardner, thinking he heard some one in his garden one night, was going out to investigate when he slipped and fell, dislocating his shoulder. Two doctors and several men worked faithfully all the morning trying to reduce the dislocation without success. He was taken to the hospital at Scranton, where the shoulder was fixed up.

Auburn Twp. - The second annual reunion of the Overfield family was held in the orchard adjoining the old homestead, now occupied by "Uncle Ben" Overfield, near Meshoppen, Saturday, August 15. The following officers were elected: President, N. E. Overfield; secretary, Mrs. Albert Overfield; assistant secretary, Mrs. W. T. Dunlap; chaplain, Rev. A. G. Overfield; treasurer, Arthur Dunlap.

Brooklyn - The band boys, who have been circulating a subscription to secure money to build a hall, are about discouraged; the people do not seem to feel interested enough to help them after they have tried so faithfully for more than three years to keep the band an organization, and have asked for no help. Such a hall as they propose building is what the town needs; there is nothing of the kind here and before they give up trying entirely let us hope the people will respond willingly and generously when asked to help.

Jackson/New Milford/Susquehanna - A rural free delivery route is to be established Oct. 1, as follows-Beginning at the Susquehanna postoffice, it will be through Lakeview, via Holmes' Corners to Steinback's Corners, to the New Milford road; returning, via Bradfords, to Susquehanna. Length of route, 24 5/8 miles; area covered, 13 square miles; number of houses, 110; population served, 500.

News Briefs - The female school teachers in Kansas are required to sign a contract not to marry within the time for which the contract runs or permit any courting during their school engagement. AND The present fad of high heeled shoes and slippers is making business for chiropodists. Don't wear them. Be sensible.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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