Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 28 1896/1996
Forest City- A convention of the Jefferson Branch C.E. Union Railroad will be held Sept. 2nd. In as much as the Union Evangelistic services of Mr. G.A. Moore will be in progress at the same time, some of the sessions of the convention will be held in the Gospel tent. Everyone is invited to attend and full entertainment will be provided for all delegates and their friends.
Montrose - The Lackawanna & Montrose railroad first began running trains five years ago this week. AND The ladies' class in Swedish gymnastics, conducted by Miss Grace Smith, closed its sessions to day with a ramble starting early this morning for Heart Lake, where dinner will be partaken of before the return home. The members of this well trained class are the following: Misses Jean Taylor, Nellie Smith, Flossie Sutton, Fannie Stephens, Bessie Roach, Cora Roach, Lillian Chamberlain, Mame Stark, Julie Cruser, Mrs. Roach, and Mrs. E.H. True.
New Milford - A young man from Philadelphia, named Randall, made a Republican speech at New Milford Thursday night. Among other things he said, and dwelt on at length, was that "you never bought so much with your dollar as now." Of course, the farmers were not slow in seeing that, as the dollar never bought so much, it must mean they never got so l le for their produce. A leading Republican afterwards said: "We must quit bringing these fool city fellows up here to talk to the farmers." Exactly! Exactly!
Hop Bottom- Several Scranton people are boarding at the Foster House in Hopbottom. The capacity of this excellent house is taxed to its utmost, in fact so much so that Mr. Stone has to go outside to get accommodations for his guests.
Forest Lake - A merry load of people started about nine o'clock Monday morning berrying near Carmalt's Lake and returned home at half past three, with about 70 quarts of berries. Among the party were M. Quinliven and wife, C. Harvey and wife, Mrs. Daily, Annie Quinliven and Mattie Hammitt. They look tea with Mrs. Flaherty. All report a good time.
Herrick Centre - G.L. McGonigle and wife. Misses May Alberton and Maud Gettel, Frank Gettel and Bernard Ingersoll enjoyed a camping and fishing expedition to Long Pond the other day. AND The Bunnell School commenced Monday with Miss Lizzie Bowell as teacher.
Lynn - Howard Taylor, who has been sick a long time, is improving, so he is now able to ride daily on the milk wagon to Springville.
Susquehanna - A number of Susquehanna and vicinity people are yanking hops in the vicinity of Cooperstown. AND A number of Susquehanna firemen were in Union, NY, Wednesday, participating in the annual parade of the fire department.
Union Dale - The Bennett and Coon families will enjoy their annual reunion at Carpenter's Grove on September 2nd.
Birchardville - Birchardville B.B.C. [baseball club] was challenged by Stevensville B.B.C. to a game of ball to be played on the ball grounds at I. Haire's on Saturday the 22d inst. Although Stevensville came on with a LeRaysville pitcher and a catcher from Philadelphia and a player from the Laceyville team, after a hotly contested game, Birchardville won. Score 14 to 15.
Springville - Preparations are being made for the holding of a woods meeting, in the grove near the railway station, on Sept. 6th, under auspices of the A.M.E. Bethel Church. (This was one of the two Black churches in Montrose).
North Bridgewater - A.H. Pickering, agent for various agricultural implements, received a McCormick corn cutter and binder this week and will soon have it in operation upon his farm. The machine is driven along the row and cuts, bunches and binds the corn in a neat and rapid manner.
Hallstead - On Tuesday, the Cracker Jacks of Great Bend, played the Hoosiers of Hickory Grove, on the grounds of Hallstead team. It was a closely contested game from first to last. Score 20 to 24 in favor of C.J.'s. The Hoosiers had two gloves stolen.
South Gibson - Members of the Lewis family reunion will please remember that the gathering will be held Saturday, Sept. 6th, at Roberts' Hall, Jackson, PA.
Harford - Our Graded School opened Monday, with Prof. Steams, Mrs. Burman and Miss Fuller, instructors. Mrs. Mary Heam resigned the second place.
Brookdale-The Blowers Reunion is to be held at the home of Alfred Snow, Sr., Sept. 5th.
Compiled By: Betty Smith