Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
August 26 1921/2021
Gibson – A fire, which came very near taking a toll of three people, destroyed the home of Frank Hayes, one mile from here on the Creek road, leading to New Milford. The fire started from a defective chimney, which ignited the wood work in several places, having a good start before it was discovered. Frank and his two children were trapped in the burning building and rescued by neighbors.
Skinners Eddy – While John Grose and Fred Harned were on their way home from Mehoopany, and as they crossed the bridge here, they were met by Lee Jackson, driving an automobile. The car struck one of the horses on the hind legs, throwing it down and cutting both of its legs and taking off the shoes. The occupants were thrown out of the wagon. No one was seriously hurt, escaping with a few bruises. The wagon was badly damaged and the horse is laid up for a time. Mr. Jackson is a young man, blind in one eye, and was driving his brother’s car.
New Milford – The high school will open on Aug. 29, with the following corps of teachers: Principal, T. C. Hinckley; assistants, Lucille Ryan and Elizabeth Maher; grammar room, Myrtle Felton; second intermediate room, Blanche Grinnell; first intermediate room, Mrs. Jessie Darrow; primary, Ruth M. Austin.
County Jail – Two prisoners, Ray Ackerly and one Brown, from the jail, were taken to the Eastern Penitentiary by Sheriff F. M. Darrow, accompanied by E. G. Foote and Herman Bush. Ackerly had broken jail once and it was found, after taking him from the jail, that he had a hole in the floor large enough to make his escape and but for the reason that many visitors were around the Jail, Sunday, and being locked up early Sunday night, would, likely, have made another get-away, and not made the Philadelphia trip with the sheriff.
Friendsville – Come one, come all, on Saturday, Aug. 27, at 1:30 pm. A community picnic, given by the ladies of the Grange. An interesting ball game and athletic sports as follows: Sack race, potato race, basket toss, wheel-barrow race, an Indian club up, bean-bag relay, etc.
News Brief: If housewives are hereafter tormented with flies or mosquitoes, it will be their own fault, for J. J. Ryan and Co. sell Komo Fly Liquid, which, when sprayed in a room, quickly kills all flies and mosquitoes, etc. The spray is harmless to persons, is, in fact, antiseptic and may be sprayed on clothing, furniture, or even food, without the least harm. The Democrat purchased a package of the liquid and a sprayer, this week, and the results were truly astonishing. ALSO Miss Borthwick, the State nurse, advises that all drinking water be boiled at this time as there are many cases of typhoid fever. Boiling drinking water is one of the best measures to prevent this disease.
Rush – Reports are that the Rush and Auburn poor asylum had been set on fire three times before they succeeded in burning it. Each time Mr. Devine had been successful in putting it out.
Glenwood – Bert Corey has the contract of drawing the school children for the Wright to the Howard district school corners, beginning Aug. 29. Mrs. Anna Adams, teacher.
Brooklyn – Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Ely and sons, of Oak Harbor, Wash., are visiting relatives here. They made the entire trip, over 4000 miles, in a Buick touring car, taking about forty days. They stopped for a week in the Yellowstone Park.
Death of one of Wright Chamberlain’s daughters: Word has been received of the death in Agnewville, Va., Aug. 4, 1921, of Mrs. Mary Clarke. She was the last one of the children of Wright Chamberlain to be taken, her sisters, Mrs. Huldah A. Brown, of Peckville; Mrs. Hettie Avery, of Lynn, and a brother Durant Chamberlain, having preceded her by only a few years. She was born on June 4, 1822, one of 27 children of the said Wright Chamberlain. In her early young womanhood she was married to Thomas Clarke, of Virginia, and spent the remainder of her long, useful life in the sunny south. She made many visits to the north, the one best remembered being just after the close of the Civil War. People came from a many mile radius to see her and to hear her tell of her experiences during the four year struggle. Her husband was fighting in the northern army and she and her five small children were trying to keep the home together. She was buried on Aug. 6th, in the family plot, at Occoquan, Va. [Another sister, Electia, married George Shannon, of Harford. She died in 1864. Wright Chamberlain was a Revolutionary War veteran.]
Ararat – Parley Potter, of Missouri, is spending some time among friends and relatives in this vicinity He spent a few days at the home of his sister, Mrs. Mary Sartell, last week.
Lakeside – Harold McConnell was discharged by Judge Smith, in the shooting death of his wife, after being informed by District Attorney Ferguson, there would be no prosecution. (The incident was reported in last week’s 100 Years Ago.)
Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. – In a fire which occurred early Thursday morning, little Arden, 5 years old, and Janet, 2 years old, the only children of Mr. and Mrs. George L. White, were burned to death. Mr. and Mrs. White arose as usual and, after lighting the oil stove in the kitchen, went together to the barn to do the morning chores. They had been there but a short time when it was discovered that the house was in flames. Rushing from the barn, the terror-stricken parents made desperate efforts to save their two little children, who were left sleeping in a bedroom directly over the kitchen, but the flames had gained such headway that any attempt at rescue was impossible. Neighbors, seeing the flames, soon gathered, but, despite every effort, the house was totally destroyed and the two little children met a sad and tragic death.
Forest City – Our old friend John J. Campbell, of Herrick Center, was a pleasant caller at this office yesterday. His health is poor we are sorry to state. He will soon be 88 years of age. He is a Civil War veteran, and is proud of his record. He was accompanied here by his grandson, A. M. Denney, of Ararat.
Uniondale – Burns Lyons is driving a new Maxwell car. Fords are too slow for him.
Compiled By: Betty Smith