Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 26 1892/1992
Lenox - Lightning recently struck a cherry tree in G.O. Loomis yard, killing several ducks and chickens.
South Auburn - "Who is married?" was the question asked by a resident of Spring Hill, last week Wednesday morning, upon seeing nine carriages passing his home within a few minutes. But the bride and groom were wanting, and it only proved to be the leap year picnickers of South Auburn, on their way to Ackley's Grove to spend the day. The party consisted of Misses Mertle Dawson, Etta Winnans, Belle Gay, Allie Winans, Clara Winans, Mamie McMickens, Cora Tewksbury, of South Auburn, Miss Nellie Dawson, of Black Walnut, Miss Virgie Winans, of Meshoppen; Messrs. Lindley Place, B. Carter P.D. Overfield, of Auburn, Taylor, of Towanda, V.O. Snover, J. Snover, of Skinners Eddy, E. Sterling and O. Blackman, of Meshoppen. The company report an enjoyable time, the only non-enjoyments being a broken wagon a stop in the lake, a ride home in the rain. The ladies proved to be very good escorts and brave ones.
Montrose - On Saturday last, dogs got among, the Hock of sheep, belonging to E.B. Cobb, and killed 10 besides worrying others. AND School begins two weeks from next Monday in the elegant new building, with an increased number of teachers, and all the latest apparatus. The attendance from different parts of the country is bound to be larger. AND Mr. Lawrence Frink has gone to Susquehanna to accept a position on the transcript. "Verne" is a pleasant and an accomplished young man, a good printer, and will, we have no doubt, "fill the bill" on the staff of Editor Birchard's always newsy Transcript.
Franklin Forks - Mrs. Almcron Fish has a new piano. Well, we can say from experience, that it has not got in the wrong pew this time, for it anyone can get the music out of the piano, surely Mrs. Fish is that one.
Elk Lake - While drilling deeper for water for Mrs. E.L. Stevens, Mr. Estus struck a seam in the rock and the water nearly all leaked out. He then drilled a new well, going a depth of 83 feet and now has 44 feet of water.
Jackson - H.P. Gelatt has his upper dam repaired and has commenced on the lower one, and will be ready to run his grist mill probably some time next month
Thompson -Burglars broke in the depot in this place, and at Starrucca. They got very little except 500 cigars.
Birchardville - Master Floyd Ball spent two weeks very pleasantly with his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Wm Small, at their home in Lawsville a short time ago, returning home to find a young lady boarder there. It is useless to add that Floyd was pleased.
Auburn Corners- A.H. Knoll, of Montrose, was a recent caller, as he passed through on his bicycle. He purposes opening tonsoral parlors at Dimock campgrounds. AND Frank While has not yet found the pocket book which he lost between here and Auburn Center
Lathrop - We hear that Mr. Valentine has sent out word that he will not hereafter shoe horses on Saturday, as he believes it to be the Sabbath.
Compiled By: Betty Smith