Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
August 25 1922/2022
“Yegg Man Gets 15 Years” – James Williams was on trial at Montrose, charged in the indictment with three counts of felonious use of explosives, breaking and entering and larceny. He was one of the yeggmen [a person who breaks open safes, a burglar; a yegg] who were caught at Lanesboro, last March, after a gun battle with state police. The leader, Murphy, was wounded and died in the hospital at Susquehanna. Another, named O’Shaughnessy, was tried and convicted. On the same night the office of the Hillside Coal Company, at Forest City, was blown open and at 4 a.m., following, the three men were captured at Lanesboro following a fierce fight. It turned out that Williams was not his real name, but Howard Kravin, whose fingerprints and photo identified him as an escapee of the Western Penitentiary. Williams was sentenced by Judge Smith to fifteen and not more than eighteen years in the penitentiary.
Montrose – Violinist, J. Wesley Gavitt, returned from Ithaca, NY this week where he has completed the summer course at the Conservatory of Music. Mr. Gavitt studied with two artists this summer, Paul Stowing and W. Grant Egbert, and resumes his classes in Susquehanna, Bradford and Wyoming counties this week.
Lakeside, New Milford Twp. – The directors of the Lakeside Outing Club expect to soon begin repairing the dam and otherwise improving the property.
Stillwater, Clifford Twp. – A Dort car, driven by Lester Verity, of Vandling, and occupied by himself and Charles Viney, Jr., plunged down the steep embankment a short distance this side of the Stillwater crossing, last evening, and although the boys had a thrilling experience as the machine rolled down the hill, finally lodging against a tree, neither was injured. The top of the car was demolished. The young men were passing a carriage containing two ladies when the accident occurred.
Springville – On Tuesday, August 15, a goodly number of old friends called at the home of Mrs. A. Tuttle to pay their respects to her mother, Mrs. Mary Stone, who has attained the remarkable age of 90 years. A large birthday cake, with ninety candles, with other cake and ice cream, were served and all enjoyed a pleasant hour. ALSO Ralph Button, after serving a three-year enlistment with Uncle Sam, has returned home and is greeting his many friends.
Great Bend – The silk mill at this place was burglarized one night last week with about $500 worth of silk being taken.
Uniondale – Dan Gibson won first, second and fourth moneys in the races at DeRuyter, NY, with his three houses, winning the first race in record time. His horses were in the races at Trumansburg, NY last week.
Herrick Center – E. A. Bloxham, of Forest City, has been awarded the contract to erect a new school building at this place to replace the one destroyed by fire several months ago. Mr. Bloxham’s bid was $16,400. The Scranton Heating Company will install the heating apparatus and Mr. Carter, of Peckville, will place the electrical wiring. The total cost of the building will reach about $22,000 and is to be completed on or before November 21, 1922.
Jackson – Raymond Page, 15-yrs-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Page, was knocked down and trampled upon by an angry bull last week. He was painfully bruised and attended by Dr. M. L. Miller, of Susquehanna.
Union, Lathrop Twp. – H. E. Kerr, the man that puts a new roof on your house or barn, is seen mornings in the hammock on his porch caring for the young son, singing, “This is the day I long have sought, etc.”
Harford – L. J. Conrad will have a public sale of stock, tools and farm on August 31st. Lunch will be served at noon. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Osmun wish to thank their many friends and neighbors who came Tuesday and made them a haying and oat bee, cutting and putting the hay into the barn, besides reaping and binding the oats. They were certainly friends in time of need and will always be remembered.
Heart Lake – Lovers of good eats, who like to test their gastronomic capacities, will be delighted to know that Landlord D. J. Donovan is to serve a big clam bake at Heart Lake Resort on Wednesday, Aug. 30. This will surely be a “big feed” and the festive clam will be strongly fortified by sweet corn, chicken and many other delightful edibles. “D. J.” may be depended upon to do the handsome thing by his guests.
Ararat – The Ararat Band will give an old fashioned basket picnic at Dunn’s Lake, Labor Day. Dunn’s Lake is situated about 1½ miles east of Ararat. Everything will be done to make this a most enjoyable affair. Good music, games, rowing, fishing, etc., will go to make a good time. A ball game between Ararat and Uniondale clubs will be played in the afternoon. Although the members of both teams are the best of friends there is a bitter rivalry as to which is the best team, so it is bound to be some game.
Susquehanna – The price of ice cream sodas has been reduced to ten cents and the “kids” are naturally happy.
Forest City – It is said that street car service between here and Carbondale will be resumed today or tomorrow. It will be the first time for the electric cars to be operated over the line between here and Carbondale since the second of July. We have a jitney service, but give us the old street car with conductor Farrell, who constantly reminds one “to keep looking ahead.” ALSO – The naturalization applications of Michael Lucas, Joseph Marra, Pietro Pietrosanti, John Traverza, Arduina Guglielmo and Carmelo Adornato were granted.
News Brief: The genius of Alexander Graham Bell gave to the world one of its greatest conveniences without which modern business and social life would proceed under considerable disadvantage. It is doubtful if any other invention has saved more time and foot leather than the telephone—except possibly the automobile. It is hard to realize that the phone is such a comparatively modern invention that its inventor has just died. Mr. Bell had many other achievements along scientific and inventorial lines to his credit, but the telephone is the greatest of them all and will be his enduring monument.
Compiled By: Betty Smith