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August 25 1911/2011

Brandt - After an interval of about four years the manufacture of brick is about to be resumed here. The work of preparation is now going on and it is expected that the American Brick Company will commence work next week.

Forest City - Someone broke into the dwelling of Rev. Joseph Tomsik recently and secured two hundred dollars in cash.

Friendsville - Mr. M. J. Lee, one of Friendsville's substantial and highly respected citizens, was among the Democrat's esteemed visitors Friday. Mr. Lee is a Democrat of the progressive type, and heartily y upholds the organization as represented by State chairman, Guthrie, which means the support of men and principles.

Hallstead - Hon. Jas. T. DuBois has been appointed, by President Taft, the United States Minister to Bogota, United States of Columbia. He will leave in about a month, his son Arthur probably accompanying him, and Mrs. DuBois going later. To reach Colombia requires a long journey to Cuba and thence across the Gulf to the mouth of Magdalena river and then a ten days' journey, by boat, up the river to Bogota. The proximity of the country to the Panama canal makes the post an especially important one at this period, and under the present conditions, a most difficult one to fill.

Lawton, Rush Twp. - Christie Curran, perhaps one of the most popular base ball "fans" of the County, was here Monday arranging for the big game between Choconut and Fairdale, at Haire's Park, Lawton. The line-up includes men from most all of the leading colleges of the country, and will attract a big crowd and be an interesting game.

Lawsville - A very painful accident occurred to Mrs. Henry Ives Sunday morning. As she and her granddaughter, Clare Knapp, were on their way to church, an automobile suddenly came upon them. The horse became frightened, turning quickly around and throwing the occupants to the ground. Mrs. Ives received several wounds on her face and head, besides several bruises and a severe nervous shock.

East Lynn, Springville Twp. - Ivy States teaches the school here again this year. Miss States has taught two very successful terms and we feel glad to retain her. AND In Springville, Lionel Meserole and wife, Charlie and Lee and wife, Ray Greenwood and wife, started Monday, August 21, for Falls, Wyoming Co., for a weeks outing. Harrie Lee and other half will go later.

Brooklyn - Prof. R. S. Breed, P. C. D., who has been pursuing extensive research work in the field of milk bacteria, in Europe, will return this week. He has consented to give an informal account of his travels at the Presbyterian Church at Brooklyn, Friday, Sept. 1st, 1911. Admission, 10 cents. AND Mrs. Emma Lathrop killed a large spotted snake in her kitchen one day last week. We think Mr. Snake was getting pretty friendly.

Lenox - "Cozy Nook" Cottage, Jeffers' Lake, is occupied this week by a party of young people, including Misses Edna Brown, Vina Qualey, of Hop Bottom, and Ruth Sweet of Binghamton. Messrs Louis Tiffany, of Kingsley, Tracy Brown and Dean Bertholf, of Hop Bottom; chaperoned by Rev. Dowson and wife.

Franklin Forks - The 29th annual reunion of Co. H., 141st Reg., P.V., will be held at the home of Comrade A. E. Stockholm, on Wednesday, Sept. 6th, 1911.

Montrose - The lawn fete given by Mrs. J. M. Wainwright, of Scranton, for the benefit of the Susquehanna County Library, was held on the lawn of Mr. A. R. Anthony, on Lake Avenue. The proceeds of this fete gives the library $165 for the purchase of books.

Auburn Twp. - Next Saturday the West Auburn quoit pitching team goes to Silvara to pitch with the team of that place. AND Auburn Center ball players were invited to play a game with West Auburn next Friday afternoon. There will be a social in the basement of the church that night, Aug. 25. An entertainment will be given by the "married people." This will be worth your time and surely doesn't cost any money.

Thompson - They say they are sporting with motor boats of all sorts up on Crofton Lake these days, and no joke.

Dimock - Mrs. Mary Thomas, Mrs. Chas. Stevens, and daughter, Mrs. Olin Green, of Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp., who had been attending camp meeting, went to visit Mrs. Stevens' daughter, Mrs. Archie Ellsworth, of Dimock. On their way to the train station the next day, after going a short distance, the horse began to kick and was unmanageable. It ran up on a bank and threw the three ladies out of the wagon hurting and bruising them all, Mrs. Stevens most seriously. As she fell her skirts caught on the brake and [she] was dragged quite a distance, tearing her clothes badly and bruising her shoulder, hip and side very severely. She was brought home later in the day and is in a bad condition.

Harford - Three horses were killed outright, a fourth was badly burned and several hundred dollars worth of farm produce and implements were destroyed when lightening struck a barn on the fair grounds. The barn, the property of C. H. Johnson, was burned to the ground. John Lewis, who was working the farm, had four horses, several wagons and carriages, twenty tons of hay, several hundred bushels of oats and all his farm implements in the barn. George Tyler, a farm hand, had just put the horses into the barn, taking another horse to the village to get shod. The fire that followed the lightning bolt burned so rapidly that it was impossible for neighboring farmers to save anything out of the barn, except one horse, which was badly burned.

New Milford - A terrible accident occurred near the Avery mill on the A. C. Barrett place, Aug. 16th, which resulted ion the instant death of Otis Salisbury, an employee of Mr. Avery. Mr. Salisbury, in company with three other men, was engaged in felling some hickory trees in an open lot. Salisbury, assisted by Olin Boskit, was sawing one of the trees and when nearly sawed in two it broke on the stump and fell in the opposite direction from which it was intended. If he had stood still no accident would have occurred but Mr. Salisbury, apparently becoming confused, ran directly under the falling tree, which struck, killing him instantly. He was 25 years old and unmarried, a genial companion, and his tragic death is deeply felt by his fellow workmen and a large circle of friends.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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