Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 25 1893/1993
Lawsville - The Southworth reunion was held on Wednesday, the 16th, at the home of Archie Southworth, who lives on the old homestead where his grandfather Gideon Southworth first settled when the country was new, and the hills and valleys were covered with forests. There were 94 members of the family present at the reunion. Scranton and Binghamton were represented, and report an extra good time. Fruits of all kinds, and tables filled with substantials as well as luxuries, went to make up the bill of fare.
Auburn - The Second Annual Fair of the West Auburn Cornet Band will be held at West Auburn Lake, Sept. 13th and 14th, 1893. Bands will be in attendance including Stevensville, Rush, Meshoppen and Laceyville. Prof. S.S. Thomas, Five Stars of Meshoppen, and Colored Jubilee Singers of Montrose, will furnish entertainment. The Band will play on the lake. Fireworks the eve of the first day. Good dinners for all and feed for horses. Everybody come. [This is for you, Maurice]
New Milford - The New Milford infirmary, which was established by Dr. E.M. Casey, V.S., at the Eagle Hotel stables, is well patronized. Dr. Casey is a skillful and careful surgeon and attends to all comforts of his patients. Rates, including medical attendance, stabling and board is $1 per day. AND A new iron bridge is being constructed across the salt lick creek near the sand bank. AND Ice wagons, water works, and a board of health. All we lack now is people and business to make this a booming city.
Hallstead - If you would like to have a pleasant time, take in the engineers’ excursion to Syracuse and Maple Bay. Fare is only $1.75. The Hallstead Band of 22 pieces will accompany them and wear their new uniforms for the first time. It is one of the best bands in the county. [This too!]
Harford - Masons and carpenters are at work on Jos. T. Tiffany's new house. The location is Beaver Meadow. The Nine Partner monument, and spring, are about 1/4 mile south, while the Log house of Thomas Tiffany [his grandfather] stood 30 rods north. Watrous is mason and Dewitt Shepardson, carpenter.
Jackson - The house known as the Ebenezer Blanchard house, at Gelatt, was one of the most ancient dwellings in this section. Jotham Pickering, who was born in 1810, does not remember when it was built.
Brandt - A party of Brandt stonecutters recently ended the career of 13 rattlesnakes. They are "thicker than hops" this season.
Susquehanna - On Monday morning the Eastern Erie yard was the scene of a smashup, an eastbound freight train breaking in two and running together. About 10 cars were derailed, and two cars containing flour and lumber were literally smashed. Damage $400.
Lenoxville - Our boys organized a baseball nine Saturday with fine success. Will play Benton boys Saturday.
Thompson - The Erie railroad have stopped the pump at the tank here. They are trying to cut down expenses. Better thought of that years ago.
Montrose - A number of Pittston young ladies have formed an anticigarette club. Montrose young ladies would do well to do likewise. AND On Tuesday a spotted cow came to the premises of M.J. Harrington, near Narrow Gauge depot. The owner will please call and pay charges and take the animal away or she will be sold according to law.
Susquehanna County - To Be Married At The Fair: A rare and unique proposition to the young couples of Susquehanna County. The Susquehanna County Agricultural Society will give an elegant bedroom suit, which will prove but the beginning of a long list of handsome and useful presents, to any couple that will be married at their Fair, September 27th. Applicants must give satisfactory references. Address all communications to A. Lathrop, President. AND If you want toothsome and healthful green corn, don't pull it from the stalk until the morning of the day you cook it. Corn that has laid overnight and heated is one of the surest things to produce cholera morbus. But fresh from the garden it is like all fresh vegetables, perfectly harmless.
Compiled By: Betty Smith