Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 24 1900/2000
Forest City - The new school building, on South Main street, has been completed.
Brooklyn - George Benjamin, going to his barn Monday morning, found a valuable black colt gone--the thief or thieves also took a nearly new, side bar buggy, painted black, also a good trimmed harness. He tracked the rig as far as Montrose. On the road he found a note which read, "Mr. Man, look for your horse in Binghamton." Mr. Benjamin came to Montrose and sent word of his loss in different directions. Later, his horse was found at Kirkwood, as promised by the person taking it. In the carriage was a slip of paper on which the following information was scrawled: "This horse is from a town 4 to 8 miles from Foster." The horse was driven hard and was in a used up condition when found early yesterday morning. The thief had left the horse wandering about the village and got out of town without leaving any trace as to his identity. Mr. Benjamin would like to get his hands on the rascal that caused him so much trouble.
Ararat - The fifth annual reunion of the Tylers in the United States will be held in Philadelphia, Sept. 12, Gov. Tyler, of Virginia, presiding. Julius Tyler, of Ararat, will read an original poem.
Flynn (Middletown Twp.) - Miss Jossie Lane had a doll party to which about 12 of her little playmates were invited; also about 20 handsomely dressed dolls. Her father and mother, Mrs. and Mrs. Jerry Lane, saw that there was nothing lacking in the way of entertaining the little party, including a sumptuous repast, served upon the lawn, after which the little tots wended their way homeward, looking for ward with pleasure to the return of Jossie's next doll party.
Fairdale - Last week, while Jenner & Devine were moving their steamer through Fairdale, Mr. Devine left the team to get a bolt, when they became frightened and ran away and, running into Mrs. Cornell's yard, struck a tree and were caught before much damage was done. Also....Monday afternoon last, while Bert Robinson was driving Dent Roe's team home from South Montrose and before they got to Fairdale, the horses got frightened and ran, striking the telephone pole at the corner and knocking it down, ran across the road into Mrs. Cornell's yard, struck a tree, throwing both horses and upsetting the wagon, but not doing any serious damage. [Mrs. Cornell's tree had a busy week].
Lenox - We would call the attention of the supervisors of Lenox township to the unprotected condition of the dugroad passing by the Charley Walker place. It is a dangerous place especially to a stranger on a dark night. Should anyone run off there the township would have to foot the bill.
Hallstead - A sad accident occurred at Alford on Saturday, which resulted in the death of Ray Capwell, of Hallstead, at the Moses Taylor hospital in Scranton. Young Capwell was a freight brakeman on the Lackawanna road and last week had been working overtime and at the time of the accident had not had his clothes off in four days. He had been sent back to flag a train which was following the one he was on, and after doing so he sat down on the track for a minute's rest. Nature asserted itself and he immediately fell asleep. The engineer on the approaching train saw the young man, but not knowing that he was asleep, supposed that he would get up in time and so made no effort to stop the train until it was too late. The pilot of the engine pushed Capwell off the track, but one of his feet was crushed. He was taken to Scranton at once but died at the hospital from loss of blood. Ray Capwell was a young man 20 years old and was very popular among all who knew him.
Rush - We were visited with a severe storm of wind, lightning and rain on Sunday. The wind blew down much fencing and many trees, also a barn of Henry Wheaton; the lightning struck the large barn of Thos. Golden's, which burned to the ground with its contents, his hay crop, a large quantity of straw, a new reaper, wagons, etc. The barn of Frank Redding was also struck and set on fire but was extinguished before much damage was done; estimated loss between $30 and $50. Jerome Bertholf's barn was struck and destroyed with its contents of grain.
Susquehanna - September 11, an application will be made to the Governor for a Charter of Incorporation for the Susquehanna Telegraph and Telephone Company, a Susquehanna institution.
Franklin Forks - Our schools are to commence Monday next with Miss Redding, of Montrose, teaching at the Forks, Mary Wheaton at Salt Springs and Oril Smith at Brookdale.
Silver Lake - Twenty or more of the young people from the Lake attended the tennis tournament at Montrose Saturday and were much gratified by the reception given them by the Lakeside Country Club.
Heart Lake - The past season at the Lake, socially, has been very gay, especially for the young people. Nearly every night dances have been given in the pavilion and on some evenings two or three dances were given for the pleasure and gratification of those who indulge in this popular diversion.
Dimock - There was a pleasant surprise at the Baptist parsonage on Thursday. Pastor Hughes and wife were visited by a long procession of carriages from the Auburn congregation. A sumptuous meal was spread on tables in the shade of the trees after which Deacon Smith, in a very happy speech, presented an expensive black cloth suit to the pastor (it was found to be an excellent fit). A quilt was then presented to Mrs. Hughes and a silver napkin ring to each of the children. After spending some further time in a social way the company broke up and declared that a delightful time had been spent and that the surprise was complete. Three weeks ago the Dimock people assembled in the parsonage and papered the rooms and laid a new ingrain carpet. The pastor and Mrs. Hughes desire to acknowledge gratefully all kindnesses from both congregations.
Compiled By: Betty Smith