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August 23 1918/2018

Dimock – Last Sunday brought to Dimock the largest crowd that ever attended the Camp Meeting. While no figures are available at present, it is estimated that nearly 10,000 were on the grounds during the day. An official count was taken of the vehicles and there were found to be 1,455 automobiles, 588 teams, and three motorcycles.

Middletown – A very enjoyable time was had by the young folks at the picnic and dance held at Little Meadows, Aug. 15th. The ball game played between Middletown and Warren proved to be the most thrilling of the season, Middletown being victorious. Three cheers for our boys.

Uniondale – Male teachers are few and far between, owning to draft conditions. Prof. Haynes, who was the successful principal of the Herrick schools last year, has gone to work in the railroad shops at Susquehanna, and claims that he realizes more ready cash than in holding down a school job.

Great Bend – Rev. John J. O’Leary, a chaplain in the U. S. Army, has been commended for bravery during one of the recent big battles in France. In his report the Major-General states that Father O’Leary was within the lines caring and ministering to the wants of the wounded and dying soldiers while bullet and shell were falling all around him. Father O’Leary is very reticent about the matter and says that he only performed his duty. He is a 100 percent American, and the residents of this place are proud that he is a Great Bend boy.

New Milford – The work of excavating for the new pavement was commenced by Contractor Ryan with a steam shovel and gang. The work was started at the north line and has now been excavated to a point above Union street. The work of grading in preparation for the concrete roadway is being followed rapidly. The street will be 30 ft. wide with a uniform concrete curb and gutter. The concrete roadway will be 16 ft. wide, with 6 ft. gravel shoulder on each side. This will leave a grass plot on each side 9½ ft. wide between the curb and the side walk and when completed it will be a handsome street and a credit to the town. The dirt that is removed is being used to put the other streets in town in good condition.

Gibson – We are sorry to hear that Sergeant Claude Lewis, who has been at the front in France for some time, was wounded in the leg so that amputation was necessary. It will probably be several months before he is able to come home. ALSO B.J. Felton had a valuable horse barn destroyed by fire on the afternoon of Aug. 14, during the severe thunder shower, with its contents of wagons, tools farming implements and a quantity of hay. Mr. Felton, being away, the women folks got a horse and calf and a market wagon out, the balance of the contents were consumed. Only $500 insurance.

Lenox – James Keech, a Civil War veteran, attended the Soldiers’ Encampment Thursday, and it was just 55 years ago that day that Mr. Keech received his discharge at Harrisburg. Mr. Keech recalls many army reminiscences in a most entertaining manner. He was in the battle of Gettysburg, in which 75 per cent of those engaged were killed. When he received his discharge he was out of money, but had 5 months back pay due, which he was unable to get. He was given railroad transportation, but had to lay over a day or two at Scranton, and being without money was obliged to beg a bite to eat of the housewives. They were memorable days.

Choconut Valley – The Rounds Brothers, who have had a feed store in this Valley for some time, are putting in a grocery in connection with the feed store.

Montrose – Daniel Searle, who is employed at carpentering in Washington, D.C., is engaged in construction work on what is to be the largest office building in the world. It will have 45 acres of floor space. Some 700 men are employed on it. The building, which was started this spring, will be ready for occupancy this autumn. It is of concrete, three stories in height. [This may have been the Main Navy and Munitions Buildings, built as temporary quarters for the United State Military.] ALSO A big 7½ ton government Liberty truck was one of the sights in town. The machine, which was in charge of a U.S. army chauffeur, made a trip of 600 miles to secure a sawing machine purchased by the government from Beach Mfg. Co. ALSO Rev. Johnson and family, who came from Schenectady, NY to minister to [A.M.E.] Zion church, were tendered a pound party by the members of his flock. About 35 were present and a nice quantity of provisions provided for the family. The new pastor is taking hold of the work enthusiastically and Zion’s needs are being well supplied by a practical man who is not afraid of work of any sort.

Clifford – Rev. Fred Finn, of Los Angeles, Cal., made a short visit to his parents, Mr. and Ms. I.O. Finn.  Mr. Finn has entered Y.M.C.A. work in the army and goes on duty soon. ALSO Mrs. W.S. Davis went to Buffalo last week after a new Buick car, which she drove back. She drove 260 miles in ten hours without a single mishap. On reaching this place she sold the car to S. Horton.

Ainey, Springville Twp. – A.F. Hobbs, the genial agent for the Scranton Republican, was calling on patrons of that paper in this place last week. The lines on his gas horse did not pull just right. The “gee” and “haw” gear did not work and gave him some “Hobbservations” in the rail fence. No damage done.

Silver Lake – Michael McCormick, son of James McCormick, and nephew of T.P. and J.M. McCormick, of Forest City, is reported missing on Saturday’s casualty list. The young man enlisted at Binghamton and received his service training at Camp Upton. He left for France about the first of March. The information given by the war department stated he was missing, but so far the particulars are not available.

Forest City – The Erie Breaker boys held a moving picture show at the Plaza theatre Sunday afternoon and evening. The net proceeds, amounting to $188.20, were donated to the Red Cross society. The boys worked with commendable energy in selling tickets and deserve a great deal of credit for their pronounced success, and the spirit that prompted them to undertake the benefit performance. [Breaker boys, usually between the ages of 8 and 12, removed impurities from coal by hand]. ALSO John Chicosky was reported severely wounded in France. He enlisted about 5 years ago and served on the Mexican border under Pershing. His father was killed in the mines about 20 years ago. ALSO William Kolesinsky was in an auto wreck Sunday. While driving on Susquehanna street his machine got beyond his control. It made a quick plunge to the side of the street and turned turtle. Kolesinsky was injured about the face and his right optic was placed out of commission. His companion escaped injury. The car was slightly damaged. Kolesinsky says the next time he takes an auto ride he will walk.

News Brief: Many people seem to be under a misapprehension as to the sugar regulations. For ordinary purposes each family is expected to get along on one-half pound a week per person. For canning, however, sugar can be secured in larger quantities as it is the desire of the food administration that all fruits and vegetables possible be preserved. Only a sufficient supply for your immediate needs should be purchased for this purpose, and when you need more you can go and get it. If everyone will conform to this rule, and avoid hoarding, there will be enough sugar for everybody.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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