Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
August 23 1901/2001
Thomson - The Canawacta Water Supply company has purchased Comfort's pond, a considerable body of water in the township, of Oscar Smith, of Albany.
Elkdale - The boiler in Quick's mill exploded, wrecking the place. The fireman, Tracy Smith, was badly scalded and has been taken to the hospital.
New Milford - Guy P. Blessing has invented an auxiliary spacing device for typewriters. By means of this device the direction of the carriage of a typewriter can be reversed at anytime to the extent of one or more points, whereby the operator is enabled to correct a misspelled word or a letter erroneously struck. AND The Smith family reunion will be held in New Milford, Aug. 30. Think of seeing all the Smith's together.
Lawsville - During the shower the night of the flood lightning struck a tree in front of G. W. Meeker's house and entered the house, the effects of which is visible in several rooms. Mr. Meeker was badly shocked by it and his head was not quite clear for some little time. AND At George Lindsley's during the flood, the most damage was done to anyone on the list so far as heard from. His saw mill will have to be rebuilt, if ever it is used again, his hen house was moved off its foundation and carried down stream a short distance, and the house flooded so that the damage to furniture, bedding and carpets is large. Mr. Lindsley and family were away on a visit and knew nothing of it until their return several days later.
Springville - The marriage of Lottie Blakeslee, of Springville, and Mr. Halderman, of Parkvale, will take place next week. Mr. Halderman is a hardworking man, as his farm will testify to. A housekeeper is very necessary in his case. As the saying goes, "civilized man cannot live without cooks."
Oakley - The iron fence at the old cemetery has received a new coat of paint. This fence was built and is looked after by the ladies.
Montrose - The Montrose canning factory is running night and day and Sup't Gill and his assistants are doing a land-office business. AND The annual handicap golf tournament of the Lakeside Country Club came off on the links of the club this week. The frequent rains and the necessity for working the links while still wet, made low scores somewhat difficult. The lady's cup was won by Mrs. Hildebrand Fitzgerald, of Philadelphia, with a score of 79 for twelve holes. The gentleman cup was won by Mr. Isaac A. Pennypacker, president of the senior class of the University of Pennsylvania, with an actual score of 118 for 18 holes
Susquehanna - Quite a number of Susquehanna and vicinity veterans were at Union [NY] Wednesday attending the annual reunion of the 89th New York regiment. AND The matter of a central fire station will be decided by popular vote at the state and county election in Nov. It is understood that the Common Council has an option on a very desirable lot on East Main St. The project is a good one and it will keep.
Harford - A grand cineograph entertainment will be given in the M.E. church under auspices of the Epworth League, Friday, Sept. 6. Moving pictures, including thrilling battle scenes of the Philippine, Boer and China wars, will be shown, together with pictorial illustrations of popular and religious songs. Adm. 25 and 15 cents.
Brooklyn - The graded and district schools began work on Monday. Sadie Rosengrant is teacher at Watrous school. Josie Gere at Five Corners and Ernest Gere at Lindaville. AND Your correspondent was informed recently that 22 barns had been burned by lightning this season in Susquehanna County.
Jackson Valley - Many started for the Stevensville band fair Thursday but were not able to get there on account of the bridges being washed out. The roads are in such condition that it will take some time to repair them.
St. Joseph - Choconut Creek, whose peaceful waters wind its course so gracefully through this place, was transformed into a steam of fury during the recent deluge. Small bridges in the vicinity were swept away, and the lowlands filled up with water, looked like toy lakes. The rain has been the hardest in years, and the roads are left in a deplorable condition. The small stream near the old convent ruins swelled to twice its natural size and carried in its swift current everything in its path.
Hopbottom - It would be a good idea for all our people to keep the weeds cut down by their sidewalks so that ladies will not ruin their dresses.
Forest City - From a careful perusal of recent issues of the Forest City News we are thoroughly convinced that Brother Gelder is the right man in the right place. In his efforts to better some of the conditions prevailing in his town, he should be upheld and sustained by all good citizens of that place.
Jackson - Almost four hundred people gathered at the old historic homestead, settled by Martin Hall as early as 1815, [and] made the Lamb and Hall reunion, held Aug. 14th, one of the most pleasant gatherings ever held.
Prospect Hill, Jessup Twp. - The party at Mr. Jenner's was a success. Mr. J. has a fine new house. AND Don't forget the date of the McKeeby reunion, Saturday, Sept. 7, on the flat below Robinson Bolles.
Lanesboro - Those who are taking in the sights at the Pan-American Exposition [in Buffalo] this week are: Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kitchen, Mrs. George Hendrickson, Miss Aggie Hall, Earl Hendrickson, Harry Munson, John Soop, Vallie Soop and David Taylor.
Bridgewater/Dimock - Mrs. Nancy Reynolds, of Southeast Bridgewater, died at the home of her son, Richard, in that place, on Monday, Aug. 19th, at the age of 79. About 25 hours after the death of Mrs. Reynolds, her brother, John Gavitt, who had been ill for several days, passed away at his home in Dimock, aged 69 yrs.
Compiled By: Betty Smith