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August 21 1903/2003

Clifford - Australia does not provide for her boys so many fascinating "Log Cabin to White House" stories of industry and success as the United States of America did when that great country was making its early history; but the political success of the Hon. John Greeley Jenkins-Premier of South Australia, bears a marked resemblance to the examples which were set American boys by some of the Presidents. Little did Mr. Jenkins dream when with his three elder brothers he roamed the woods of Susquehanna County in Pennsylvania, that he would become Prime Minister of a large and important British State in the Southern Seas and that he would live to establish a record for the State in the length of his term of Ministerial office. Few men who have been only 25 years in any of the States can boast of having spent more than 20 of them in the service of the public in this manner. He landed in Adelaide in April 1878, unknown to anyone. Today he has the reputation of knowing more men and women in South Australia than any other man. His position as Premier has brought him before all sections of the community and he has been able to adapt himself to his surroundings with a facility possessed by few. [John G. Jenkins left Clifford at the age of 16. He was the brother of Sheriff Z. D. Jenkins. J. G. died Feb. 22, 1923 in London, England.]

Harmony Twp. - Mrs. E. C. Webb, of Scranton, is visiting at the home of her granddaughter, the Misses Alice and Gertrude Buckley in Harmony Twp. Mrs. Webb, who is 80 years old, while taking a leisurely walk over the fields on the farm of her son-in-law, Jas. Buckley, on Aug. 17th, killed a rattle snake 3 feet long, and 8 rattles, with a stone. Mrs. Webb, relict of the late R. A. Webb, for many years resided on the large farm near Lanesboro, now occupied by L. R. Barnes and James Buckley. In 1844 Mr. Webb and family removed from Oneida county, NY into the deep woods in Harmony township. He bought of the Drinkers a 240 acre tract, on which was a 10 acre clearing with a small log house. In less than 20 years he cleared 200 acres, putting it into a high state of cultivation with good fences and substantial buildings. Mr. Webb was an earnest advocate of good schools and good roads. Fifty years ago, by his personal efforts, he left both institutions to this community. As early as 1852 he built, largely at his own expense, a nice school house that is doing good service and in 1858 he built, with limited town aid, three miles of the best public road ever built in the county. Richard A. Webb died in 1871, after a long illness.

Montrose - The Montrose High school opens September 1, with Prof. Ernest W. Sipple, of Downington, Pa., as principal. The outlook for the coming year is very bright and with the thoroughly competent corp[s] of instructors, fine building and surroundings, latest and most approved books, together with a well supplied laboratory to aid in the pursuit of various studies, it seems almost impossible that other than satisfactory results could be obtained. The new principal, elected by the board Friday evening, comes here most highly recommended and his past experience evidently justifies his selection. Mr. Sipple is a tall, athletic and fine appearing gentleman, aged about 28 and is unmarried.

Susquehanna - William Hannon, aged 15, was electrocuted in this place on Sunday evening. While standing at the Erie telegraph office building he rested his hand on a gutter pipe, which extends down at the corner of the building. He struggled for a moment to free his hand, but he was soon motionless and death was almost instantaneous. The zinc pipe had been charged with electricity from an electric light wire at the top of the building. The funeral took place from St. John's Catholic church on Wednesday morning and interment took place in Laurel Hill cemetery. AND The Erie has reconsidered the plan to run passenger locomotives through from Jersey City to Susquehanna, without changing at Port Jervis. AND On September 1, Joseph Ryan & Co. will open a clothing store in Mrs. R. Kane's building.

Springville - Last Friday our ball team went down to West Nicholson to play with the team there; not only the team but a lot of rooters went too. As there is no connection with that place, we had to be content to wait until some one came back to give results; the team and its friends felt so good over the victory that a noisy demonstration was excusable. Ross Avery had a megaphone and made the largest noise-although even the young ladies tried hard to drown his din. The score stood 8 to 3. It is expected the next game will be played here.

New Milford - On Friday evening of last week about 20 of the friends of K. Macauley, for the past 8 years general superintendent of the tannery here, gave him a farewell reception at the Jay House, the gentleman having resigned to return to his home in Woburn, Mass. They presented him with a beautiful gold-headed cane, suitably inscribed and enjoyed a delightful supper served by Landlord Carpenter. Thomas Taylor, of Malone, is the new superintendent at the tannery.

Lanesboro - The small-pox epidemic came near bankrupting Lanesboro. Atty. W. A. Skinner secured a grant of the court here enabling the authorities of the town to levy a ten-mill tax for three years to meet the indebtedness.

North Jackson - Fifteen out of a flock of twenty-five sheep and lambs belonging to Mr. Will Killea were killed by dogs. Those appointed to appraise the loss fixed the sum at $61.00, which sum will be paid by the township from the dog fund. When will a law prevail abolishing the horde of wolfish and worthless curs that abound in almost every locality! Speed the time.

Flynn [Middletown Twp.] - S. J. Gillen and Owen McDonough attended the Barnum and Bailey circus at Binghamton. Some [more] of our people went down to Binghamton to see the big elephants August 7. AND Charles Hoag, our traveling grocery man, says fresh eggs are liable to come up.

Harford - They are catching nice strings of bass and pickerel at Tyler Lake now, while others catch large turtles.

Kingsley - A. H. Tiffany and mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Tiffany, extend sincere thanks to the Odd Fellows and neighbors who so kindly volunteered to finish their haying.

Franklin Forks - Harry Vance's little girl found a can with some kerosene in it and drank some of it on Saturday. It caused her to bloat and suffer great pain. Dr. Caterson was called and the child is still improving.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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