Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 20 1920/2020
Montrose – W.A. Welliver’s new Ideal Theater was opened to the public Tuesday evening and, although the weather was exceedingly unpleasant, an overflow attendance turned out to make the event auspicious and in a most concrete manner to express to Mr. Welliver its appreciation for giving Montrose such a handsome, wholesome and modern moving picture house. Wesley Gavitt’s six-piece orchestra dispensed appropriate music during the evening. ALSO Andrew W. Free died at his home, 17 Wyalusing street, Montrose, August 5th, 1920, after a brief illness, at the age of 95 years. The funeral services were held at the A.M.E. Zion church, Rev. E. Horace Brown officiating. Many were in attendance, evidencing the esteem in which this well-known colored man was held. The G.A.R. Post, of Montrose, was in attendance and contributed to the services of the comrade of the Civil War.
Forest Lake – Troup Two, of the Boy Scouts, of Montrose, are enjoying an outing at Pine Grove Camp, under command of Scout Master Norman Hinds.
Ararat – Harry Hall, with his group of 26 Boy Scouts are here from Carbondale for a two weeks’ outing and a happy time they are having. Just give them a call and be convinced and see their new dining hall and how pleasantly they are situated at Fiddle Lake.
New Milford – A drinking fountain is planned in front of the public park as a suitable memorial to the World War veterans. About $200 was left after the “home-coming” celebration and this will be applied toward the fountain fund. Entertainments will be held from time to time to increase the fund and voluntary contributions will be sought.
Rush – Rush was visited by one of the worst cloudbursts in its history on Wednesday. The Wyalusing creek, which runs through the town, overflowed its banks and carried several out-buildings down the creek, also logs and debris, and covered the roadways with a foot of gravel and sand. The course of the creek was diverted into the basement of S. B. McCain’s store and damaged a large stock of rubber goods. The water coming down the middle branch of the Wyalusing overflowed at a bridge crossing the creek, and the course of the stream flowed directly through the barn on the Uzal Kinney farm. Horses, which were in the building were removed through water four feet deep with difficulty. Trees were uprooted along the streets by the wind, while big hailstones pelted the growing crops, doing much damage. The greatest damage was in the vicinity of Rush and Lawton.
Lawsville and Franklin Forks – A similar deluge, accompanied by hail and lightning, visited these two towns. The Snake Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the flats from Lawsville through to Conklin, NY, damaging crops. The creek resembled a raging river. Autoists who came over the much-travelled road located high on the hillside most of the way said that they passed through water for rods at a stretch which was almost up to the engine.
Brooklyn – Luther Ely was appointed Poor Director of the Township of Brooklyn to fill out the unexpired term of Herman Otto, who resigned.
Harford – The Tingley reunion was held in the old log house on the Mason Tingley farm last week, 68 being present, of which eight were from Nebraska. AND The roads from this place to Hallstead are in very bad condition, owing to the recent rains. Mott Hill is almost impassable for any autos, only Fords. The lower part of the hill is a mass of stones and deep cuts on each side of the road.
Herrick Township – Giles H. Lyon, one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of this township, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Leon H. Reynolds, Aug. 6, 1920. Deceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lyon, pioneers of this vicinity. He was born on the Lyon homestead, on Lyon street, Feb. 20, 1836. He was married to Miss Mary J. Burns and settled on the Lyon homestead after his marriage.
Dimock – The meetings on the campgrounds opened auspiciously, on Thursday evening, Aug. 12th. The installing of electric lights gives a majestic effect to the canopy of trees, which “stand like Druids of eld.”
Lanesboro – Former Sheriff Harry E. Taylor is spending the week at his old home in Lanesboro. This is the first vacation the ex-sheriff has had in nine years and he went well equipped with fishing tackle to snare the denizens of the deep from the Susquehanna.
Gelatt – The Potter gathering will be held at Grange hall in this place on Thursday, and the Craft gathering will be held on Saturday at the same place.
Springville – Parents of school children should heed the warning sounded by Supt. F. H. Taylor in last week’s paper relative to the enforcement of the vaccination law. “Pupils who have not been vaccinated will be excluded from school, and then the parents will be arrested and fined because the children are not in school.
Forest City – Game Protectors Watrous and Young, assisted by Chief of Police Blacksmith and officer Cost, made extensive raids in Browndale and Richmondale yesterday. Twenty-five arrests were made for violations of the dog law and having guns unlawfully. Five were arraigned before Squire Stiles, of Browndale last evening, four of whom settled for $25
Clifford – It is rumored we are to have a wagon maker and blacksmith in the near future.
Uniondale – Our ball team suffered defeat last Saturday, the Elkdale team winning by a narrow margin. The score stood 7 to 2 in favor of our team at the close of the eighth inning. Bayless, who had pitched wonderful ball, was retired. He was succeeded by Conrad, who proved an easy mark for the Elkdaleites. They scored six runs and the game. Our team is young and has progressed under the guiding hand of “Chic” Coleman, a former well known player.
WOMEN WILL VOTE: The ratification of the suffrage amendment by the Tennessee legislature gives women throughout the United States the right to vote. Atty. Sue Strous was interviewed and expressed her elation. “I realize the mammoth task which confronts the organization in the county to prepare for the campaign at this late date,” she said, “but the women of the county have been active in suffrage clubs and the war work experience was also helpful, and I am sure they will be in position to vote intelligently on November 2.” She expressed her belief that the adoption of the suffrage amendment will strengthen Harding’s candidacy very materially.
Compiled By: Betty Smith