Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 20 1897/1997
Jessup Twp. – On Friday last, the Olmstead Brothers and Kinney thrashed for Edgar Bolles, of Jessup, the oats from almost three acres, filling 79 hags. The net weight of the oats was 6,083 lbs, 190 bushels, or a trifle over 65 bushels per acre. This is not intended as an advertisement for seed, or as a puff for the thrashers [though they do thrash everything before them], but to show what Jessup soil can do under favorable circumstances.
Susquehanna – While new locomotive No., 1115, just out of the shop, was standing in a switch at the Cascade on Monday morning, the switch was left open and eastbound train four ran into the siding and there was a collision. Both engines were considerably damaged.
Rush – In Winthrop, Iowa, on July 29, our former townsman, B.H. McKeeby, was united in marriage to Mess Belle Metcalf, daughter of Hon. O.J. Metcalf. The Winthrop paper has this to say in regard to the affair: "We are glad that the young couple are to make their home in Winthrop, for both are very popular and helpful in all of the good work of the community. Mrs. McKeeby is one of the most accomplished musicians in Iowa, the organist at the Congregational church and popular in society. Dr. McKeeby is our dentist, a graduate of the State University, a most excellent workman and an estimable Christian gentleman. The young people begin their wedded life under the most favoring circumstances and with the hearty good wishes of friends here and elsewhere." [Dr. McKeeby is well known as the lean, austere farmer, holding a pitchfork, in Grant Wood's 1930 painting, "American Gothic." Wood was a patient of Dr. McKeeby.]
Springville – C.A. Hungerford & Co. are occupying their new store—a great improvement over the old one. Kilts and Avery have bought the old one and moved their hardware to that place.
Oakland – A few days since, Richard Williams killed a rattlesnake on the Grives farm, measuring five feet four inches in length. It was eight inches around the largest part and had 14 rattles. It was the champion rattlesnake of the season.
Hop Bottom – Mrs. Saxa Wilmarth wishes a good book agent to sell "The Life of Uncle Tom's Cabin" in a new form, and we think it will sell, as its writer has just passed over in the great beyond a little while ago.
Bradley’s Corners [New Milford Twp] – Miss Lottie Foote is school instructor at Summersville district and her sister. Miss Minnie Foote, holds a like position in the Towner district.
St. Joseph – Miss Gussie Broderick, one of the pretty and most attractive young ladies of this city, left last night for a three weeks' visit at her home at St. Joseph. Bradford Herald
Forest City – "Guilty of murder in the second degree's—these were the fateful words which fell from the lips of Foreman Perrine of the jury, which had for four long days given careful hearing to the evidence in the case of the Commonwealth against John Waltz for the murder of Jabez Lemon, both of Forest City. There was an audible catching of breath and various expressions of surprise were heard on every hand, for "hang or acquit" was the rule, which had been laid down for the jury by the public.
Thompson – The Sunday School picnic at Riverside Park by the Thompson and Starrucca Sunday Schools was a decided success. About 400 took a steamboat ride up the Susquehanna River to the Forest House and hack. It was a delightful trip.
Lanesboro – The D&H RR Co. are surveying for a new railroad from Carbondale to Lanesboro, to connect with their Nineveh branch at that place.
Lynn – Hyram Fish is getting his steam cider mill ready to grind apples about September 1.
Crystal Lake – A. Harris, Lenoxville, advertised the following reunion of Civil War veterans, to be held Aug. 13. "The surviving comrades and their wives will meet at the camp of Comrade George Simpson. Let the remind you, dear old comrades, that there are but few more annual meetings for us before we muster out, and please don't fail, health permitting, to meet and greet your old comrades, with a fraternal affection that was born at travail of actual warfare and untold hardships and privation that should make us all kindred. Soon taps will beat lights out, our chairs will be vacant, our lives but a memory. Can you not devote the 365th part of each year to meet and greet and shake, and look those one time familiar eyes squarely in the face? 'Come comrades, come and tell your story. How you fought to defend our flag, Old Glory...'
Compiled By: Betty Smith